General Discussion

General DiscussionMMR HELP PLEASE

MMR HELP PLEASE in General Discussion
Roasted Alpaca

    I need some tips improving my MMR (stuck at 1.8k) . I would say I am a decent player? I know I have mistakes, so it would be great with the tips.


      Step 1. Admit you are not a decent player, you are a bad player.
      Step 2. Work on last hitting. If safe lane carry, try to have 40 last hits in the first 10 minutes.
      Step 3. Work on farming. Try to have roughly 8-10 last hits per minutes by the end of the game if you are the carry. In the 40 minute game, at least 300+ last hits. If not, you aren't farming enough.
      Step 4. Work on decision making, when to fight, when not to fight, when you are safe, and when you aren't.

      It's hard to say anything specific without watching you play, and I don't feel like watching a replay, sorry :(


        Watch some videos on youtube, like blitz is doing a series on mid match ups, while most of the info is specific, there is still a lot of base knowledge in the info that can be applied to the game.


          "Step 1. Admit you are not a decent player, you are a bad player."

          This is the first step for playing better.


            @Blaze regarding JDub Panda

            Replace 8-10 LH/M with 5-10. Replace 300+ with 200+.

            Games aren't soley won by farming, and a big difference between a bad carry and a good carry is being able to find farm even when you're losing.

            A good tactic is farming the enemy jungle. Ask your supports for a couple well placed wards to protect their jungle so you can farm it, or just watch how their team moves around the map and the patterns of their heroes.


              I know from personal experience how frustrating the normal skill bracket can be. Below are some tips on how to up your winrate in normal skill. Keep in mind that some of the heroes and strategies that work in higher skill brackets might not work in normal skill, and vice versa.

              TL;DR version:
              For carries, pick a carry or semi-carry that can gank lanes and roam relatively early

              For supports/cores: pick an aoe nuker

              For carries:
              In normal skill, players tend to be out of position, or by themselves, so getting pick-offs is easier. Slark, ta, and qop are all examples of heroes who can roam relatively early and get solo kills. Ideally, you should take mid so you can kill your opponent mid and get a gold/xp advantage. Your goal is not only to get gold from kills, but also to shut down the enemy team through aggressive roaming.
              DO NOT pick hard carries like antimage or medusa unless you are REALLY good at them. Hard carries usually depend on their team to make space, and you can't always rely on your team in normal skill.

              For supports/cores
              The goal with supports at 1.8k is to do high amounts of aoe nuke damage, so pick aoe nukers like zeus, lich, witch doctor, etc. Your teamates may not follow-up on single-target disables, or may overlap disables (e.g they won't wait for your disable to be almost over before using theirs). Heroes like lion, crystal maiden, shadow shaman, etc require team coordination to be at their most effective. Heroes like zeus and lich, however, can do high aoe nuke damage whether or not their team is coordinated.

              Roasted Alpaca

                I've said I know I do make mistakes. Sometimes the other lanes mess up and they start to snowball. That is out of my control, it is really frustrating


                  Heres a really good and PRACTICAL tip.

                  Just punish your opponents. People at that bracket don't get items like BKB, they overextend way too often and can't gauge whether or not you can kill them during the laning phase. Don't bother with advanced stuff like counterwarding as a support or multi jungling or whatever.


                    make mistakes? You don't even know what mistakes LOOK LIKE, just admit you fucking suck and are at the bottom of the dota ladder SKILLWISE!!!!

                    You're not gonna get better until you accept >90% of the stuff you do is WRONG!!

                    Akishino Himeka

                      Play my favourite hero and item build

                      on our way.

                        From personal experience, you just need to keep playing solo ranked. I heard you get an average of 25 points per game.

                        casual gamer

                          the attitude of winning or losing being out of control will keep you in shit tier forever if you dont fix it

                          Roasted Alpaca

                            @Benao I already said I make mistakes, and that's why I asked for tips here.

                            Howard Donald

                              In defense of everyone telling you to admit that you're bad, they are not here to troll you...

                              The attitude of how you perceive yourself make a big difference in whether or not you will learn to be a better player.

                              What you need is hard work on improving your fundamental play, which means being self critical, finding what you're bad at, and putting in hard work to fix it. There's enough tips given above for you to identify things to work on.


                                well , 1.8k is very bad tbh people there just move the mouse enemies or mates they are lost in the game and they know only basics

                                improve ursellf by watching streams or watching better players playing ur favorite hero and learn from your mistakes ( kinda hard cause u must 1st notice ur mistakes in order to improve ) then u will be fine climbing

                                THICC BABY SHUM

                                  do u get lost in jungle?


                                    I'm fairly sure that there are two ways of winning at Dota our level - be better than the enemy or have more farm than the enemy. The latter is a lot easier/reliable than the former and a lot less frustrating. Master farming, stomp and then learn how to win more even games.

                                    If you start from the premise that you are better than your team mates then logic dictates you should pick Meepo to control more of the team's EXP and gold. With a bit of practice you can clear the jungle and a couple of creep waves each minute - roughly 800GPM and probably double what the enemy carry is getting.


                                      Just improve on last hitting and look for small goals 100 mmr to where you are now then hold that for a few days and go for another 100 think small go for big.

                                      Lyralei (swe / 32 yrs) <3

                                        Blaze it >> Since the posters above only gave you bad advices I didnt read them all. But this is how you should do it. First learn how the MMR calibration system works. Then figure out which hero YOU can use to get high calibration. It is probably the hero that you have best win rate with and best KDA rating with. When you know which hero you have the most positive game impact with, start a new account and play only with that hero.
                                        This account im using right now is on normal skill. I did as I explained above: started a new account and played only one hero. In game number 19 I had reached VERY HIGH SKILL.


                                          I think TO is talking about improving his skill and therefore mmr, not just pure numbers.


                                            well in my opinion, I do agree with those who are saying you're a bad player. You have to accept that first becaus the average mmr is like 2.8-3k mmr. Do not feel bad about this cause you really can improve a lot. Be familiar with hero roles and watch better players play because you will really learn a lot from them. Try not to blame others, just carry on with the game. Improve your map awareness (knowing when to back or advance), decision making ( when to fight and not) and most importantly your laning, wheter you're a support or a carry.


                                              Positioning, Position, Positioning.....

                                              That's the only thing that matters low level, get your positioning right with your roles and don't feed. A lot of higher skill players never go out of position and especially in party matches you realise that rotations is quick and fast to any opportunities.

                                              Dota is a game about prediction, so if you can tell whether your enemy team is out of position or not is key in knowing when to initiate or get a solo kill...

                                              Well I played in 500MMR bracket before with my 400-500MMR friend who I tried repeatedly to coach but doesn't listen (he's now 900MMR now, I should be proud I guess, though he plays more Dota than I do). He does the same mistake each game, same item build (on each heroes as well or doesn't change when situation changes), over dives, doesn't last hit properly (auto attacks), wastes so much space (I made 50mins of space for him and he only had 2-3 core items on his hard carry), doesn't efficiently farm, doesn't know how to jungle farm efficiently, doesn't know when to farm or fight (thus he fights over farm, which is a big no no, only fight when you're able to change the impact of the fight) and so on.

                                              Of course I have to play with my friend on a smurf since on here he gets rekt by just playing with normal skill 2-3K bracket and gets destroyed beyond repair if he manages to play a high skill game.... lols

                                              What other users said about not being a decent player is true, I have the same mindset for myself. I never thought I was a good Dota player. If you do think you're a better player than others you get narrow minded and don't improve at all. My 900MMR friend is the proof of this, thinks he's a better player than me which is why he can never improve.

                                              Off topic:
                                              Anyhow I gave up Dota after the Year Beast Brawl event, made me lose so many games since all the games I played were Paid-To-Win with level 3 Year Beast... While my party is free to play (level 1 beast ftw!)...


                                                I'll join you in a few games in coach mode if you want.

                                                I've been as low as 2k, so I sort of know what the play style is like at your current MMR. My calibration was upper 3k's and I peaked at around 4.5k solo. I went on a quest to learn new roles/playstyles and dropped (to 2k) but have since spent the last 6 months or so climbing back up and currently at 3.5k.

                                                At the 2k level you need to:
                                                - pick heroes that are impactful (supporting can work, but it significantly slows down your mmr climb)
                                                - work on farming skills
                                                - develop map awareness so you don't get picked off

                                                At the 3k level you need to:
                                                - develop a play style that centers around a particular role and 2-4 heroes that fill that role.
                                                - continue developing your ability to farm (whether in a carry capacity or in a starved support capacity)
                                                - expand your map awareness beyond yourself so that you can alert your teammates of situations. (calling missed mia's, out of position enemies that can be picked off, core items being picked up by enemy cores (like blink on bat), enemy supports warding locations, etc)

                                                [edited to add a bit about supporting in the 2k's]

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