General Discussion

General Discussionmmr llll

mmr llll in General Discussion

      The answer is 42.


        How to calculation the mmr?

        bum farto

          Give me a solo queue match.


            42 for sure


              how can any1 guess ur future mmr seeing 18 matches?


                well anyways
                i guess between 1 and 5000

                King of Low Prio

                  below 2k


                    Sampson are u sure?

                    bum farto

                      Well it looks like you're stacking with anon people with no sharing, i need to see a match you played solo queue.


                        If wan get higher mmr .. what shoud i do?


                          play better


                            Like.improve k/d/a or.. getting more very high skill matches?


                              i meant improving your personal skills.
                              well, you can abuse callibration to get higher mmr than u deserve (play cores, achieve high KDA and HD, win), but it wont help you improve in any way. If you get mmr higher than your real one, you'll just have <50% winrate right after callibration, so it has no sense. Like, having number 3500 in your profile when u play as 2500 on average wont make you a 3.5k player - you'll still be 2.5k, and even worse - games gonna be boring for you, cause teams will be not well balanced; not to mention that your teammates not gonna like you at all. Its better to improve playing with ppl from exactly same skill bracket as you are.


                                MMR is abstract. There's no such thing as "mmr you don't deserve". You deserve everything you get and you deserve having it takeb away if it gets takeb away.

                                Have I gone to far?


                                  far enough to make it impossible for me to understand :)
                                  by "mmr that you deserve" i meant the mmr that you would get in infinite LR if you somehow manage to not improve at all; some precise number around which occurs certain deviation. F.e. u r 2500, but can ocasionalle get to 2300, or 2700.


                                    isn't it 42?