General Discussion

General DiscussionTo the staff of DOTABuff - Site changes log?

To the staff of DOTABuff - Site changes log? in General Discussion

    hey DOTAbuff staff,

    Is there anywhere were changes the DOTABUFF staff have made to the site are posted? For example, today I've noticed the trends graph on the dashboard has changed, as has pop-ups that appear on graphs (Last Hits per minute, for example).

    It seems many new features get added to the site (ward placements, death locations), without any official announcement or word they are coming/have been implemented. I've seen occasional mentions of new features coming in replies to posts.

    Sometimes I wonder if there a things I don't realise have been implemented until days/weeks later.

    If there isn't, how about a page dedicated to updates to the actual functionality of the site?

    If such a page/area exist, please ignore, and direct.



      Would be nice, I agree.




          just take some screenshots before and after and gg