General Discussion

General DiscussionDifference between RU and EUW servers

Difference between RU and EUW servers in General Discussion


    Medusa refuses to go trilane with Aba+Rhasta, and goes with Techies, Rhasta farming pretty good, but still.
    Chen rapes Techies all the game(especially with gem after 25 min.), and Medusa can't farm 1x1 vs. Luna.
    SF can't land a single ultimate correctly, and misses like 1-2 razes all the time.

    Phoenix pushed the lane hardly, so NP decides to pull the creeps. Phoenix dives in, 50 hp Void goes to the base.
    Back again - Phoenix 50% to the lvl6, Void lvl 5.
    WR is dying to Troll all the time.
    Pudge can't land a single hook on non-slowed/stunned targets.
    NP is russian 12-13 yrs. old kid, partying with PotM

    One fucking braindead move - and your game is "fucking lost"(c) ee.

    tl;dr - no difference between ru and euw, why anyone is fucking complaining about ppl on both of those.

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    bum farto

      RU is chaotic but people still want to win and will try hard even with bad heroes.

      EU is full of egotistical bat shit insane people who will throw the game if you...

      1. Take a creep as a support.
      2. Don't ward and they keep dying in the same spot in the jungle and refuse to move from it despite dying 3 times
      3. Miss a skill.
      4. "let them die" when they are out of position and miles away from the team


        havoc said everything above
        hats off


          qq threads my favourite

            이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.

              u lose cuz ur bad not cuz of matchmaking

              why people like waga or synderen ( streamers) win majority of their games ? u think ur the only one who get players like that in ur team ?

              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.

                  EU is practically RU :(


                    yeah i noticed "supports" in higher mmr leave lane since like min 2.
                    i get that it might look that its fine, but sometimes people rotate too often from lane.
                    i start off as safelane slark, and by min 2-3 i am solo slark vs some bullshit like bristle, wr, etc.
                    a good support will pull, or harass 24/7 and leave the lane only if we owned the offlaner already or just for a quick 1 min gank on mid.

                    but whatever im used to not being supported, because i don't like to do it myself, but when i do it, i try to do it right and not just sap xp forever, or roam some useles hero with 0 impact.

                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                      i have never seen much difference between EU and Russian servers except mb language, but since I speak both ru and engm i didnt care. players are same good or same bad, depending on your perception.


                        ^this actually


                          What synderen plays support like 80% of his games and he maintains above 6k mmr easily

                          bum farto

                            @qxz I think that in some respects Vaikiss may be right. Not that your bad, but that something is possibly wrong. I also support 100% of my solo ranked games and I have done decently and the occassional lose shouldn't effect the majority of wins. Take DD.C9 who climbed to the leaderboards in about a month playing Oracle, Troll, and Disruptor.

                            Here's my two cents which I (IMO) think is correct and if I helped you in anyway climb in the past then I am sure I can help you do it again.


                            You're playing heroes who you want to have "impact" with, without having to work for it. Like playing enigma and just being useless till like one black hole every 20 minutes or in your case you're playing techies and warlock where you can pretty much either waddle around warding or mining and just do some shit every couple of minutes.

                            But is that really impact? You're a good player and you need to remember what it was like to make an effort to win. Not getting stressed and frustrated but doing the hard work that a support is required to do. Putting it into perspective your "success" with your top heroes this month is about as the same as my lowest heroes of all time.

                            You need more commitment to a pick and you seem to either try random heroes that don't work or fit, or you pick the easy way out. So techies, junglers, and just general hang around the lanes throwing a stun every now and then (I have watched your games). Look at my profile, and other profiles of people who are climbing they all have very similar things in common. They have connected and committed to heroes and play those almost exclusively.

                            Part of the reason is that even if I was on tilt I would still play better as Axe on tilt then someone not on tilt who was playing similar to how you are now. Make sense?

                            I have picked Spirit Breaker (try him, I think he will be up and coming), Sniper (been playing him offlane for ages but now he's "meta), Lich (when is he never good?), and Oracle (cause in this age of right clickers a hero like him is important).

                            Seriously pick 1-2 heroes and commit to playing them well!


                              I noticed (on average) people on the RU server are more willing to communicate/cooperate and try to win despite a shit draft/bad start compared to EUW

                                plz do

                                  its individual. u cannot generalize this shit. shit teams are everywhere.


                                    theres 11 milion concurent players

                                    consider theres atleast 40% of them in eu/rus servers

                                    which is like 3mil chances that u get retards ruining ur games is incredibly high

                                    but ofc theres chances to have nice games i just had game with 3 russians in my team and ez win cuz everyone worked fine

                                    while enemy team 3 carries

                                    and atleast from my personal experience if some fucktard ruins my game il go emo apeshit and start ruining games too for rest of that day

                                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                      I'm having great time in EU west at this moment. Compared to east it's like heaven.

                                      plz do

                                        I actually wonder how this "rating other teammates after a round" works..? Can i get better teammates through rating them?


                                          There's a theory that it has to do with "hidden pool" thing.

                                          For example, if someone rate you as LOW, couple of times, you might end-up in hidden-pool with flamers, whiners, etc.

                                          Same goes for report-system. If you flame a lot, you might end up in hidden pool due to combination of both(low rating as a player and report system).

                                          At that point, it's best to change region in my opinion. As long as you stay calm and cool, I think you should get at least team-mates that wants to win..

                                          Ofc, you might get few exceptions here and there, but you don't have to go on tilt and be upset about that.

                                          Just accept it and move on.

                                          Since I did it, I'm again on my way to the 3.7k+ rating, since I climbed +200 MMR in like 2 days (from 3.3k to 3.5k).

                                          What I'm tryin' to say is, I wanted so hard to get out of 3.4k+ that I really flamed the shit out of my team, and it might be tha reason why I got matched with team-mates close to my attidude at that moment.

                                          MMR maybe try to separate "flame" boys to "flame category" and good boys to "good" category.

                                          There's a lot of talks and theory about this on PlayDota forums.

                                          It might be a truth, or it may not.

                                          However, since I changed my region from east to west, games are just much more better.

                                          Might be because I don't flame at all on west now, or because players are individualy more skilled, but, I find out that team-mates are also more willing to win and dont trow, with few exeptions, ofc..


                                            thers no fucking hidden pool, stop reading trash 4k wave "proven theories"


                                              I never said I'm 100% sure, I'm just sayin' something I heard about.