dont have many games in solo, but among last 10 lost 9 once. pretty similar situation - 1 guy in enemy team simply had 6k
I lost 31 yseterday thx to a swedish stackers, fuckign stupid players, laughed all game and didnt give a shit
Bogi starting to feel how 6k feels and looks like. If it's -8 i wouldnt bother too much, the problem is only you dont know it while you're playing.
Btw - what happened in that last PA game, followed by lpq? You did least dmg on map as a carry.
1234 Happend we get outdrafted, and I can`t do anything without or with items, because they have aghanim lina Necro ultimate and Anti mage with full farm as well as Dk and Silencer ultimate. Because I lost laning stage I went midas and farmed half game or even more because dunno what else to do vs their pick really.
Excuse me? What my spider has to do with your mmr? We didn`t played even 1 game together or against.
Oh, i just saw that shit rofl. Yeah, aghs Lina and Necro are gay as fuck for PA, especially if you had bad start. Hardass game if you're the only real core, since Doom went for utility build.
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That happens when you have Supports+Mider 4-35 !!! :DDD