General Discussion

General DiscussionHow much mmr will i have ?

How much mmr will i have ? in General Discussion
you use to call me on my ...

    Come on guys tell me please..and what should i do to improving..
    Im starting not throwing anymore..


      4.1 +/-0.5 k

      you use to call me on my ...

        im planning to raise up the kda heroes i played below 3.0
        or just winning everygame its ez in that range mmr
        what u suggest m8 ?


          look, i could give you better predictions if you were playing little bit worse :)
          now you are deep into VHS and looks like u deserver it. unfortunatly, i got no idea how to distinguish 4300 from 3800 just by data on matches played in NMM.

          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

            as far as i know, kda matters during calibration, but much, much less than the actual wins and hero damage. I would suggest focusing on winning more games and playing cores during calibration, if you aim to calibrate at a higher level.

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            the realm's delight

              can we stop[ with these autistic threads

              you use to call me on my ...

                okay so ill take winning path ahahhaha
                thank you triplesteal
                btw , i played with friend with 2.5k mmr . is it affect our mmr too ?

                u w0t m8 abc123
                why should we stop O.O

                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                  I'd say 4.5k, depends on the calibration tho. Can be higher, can be lower.

                  you use to call me on my ...

                    what about 5k ? u guys see the point ?
                    about them play in this statistical prediction ?
                    cz as i know 5k ++ having good skills in micro macro heroes
                    lke meepwned


                      nah we suck, no skiellz, only exaggerated self-esteem and flamerino.
                      also u cant calibrate at 5k any more. 4.9 is the top, afaik.


                        one does not simply calibrate super high... zeus/spec stuff was fixed. I think the max is around mid 4k's....


                          @flame/kid/noob = muted
                          well, im sure you CAN calibrate at 4.9k cz I know people who did it. The thing Im not sure about is whether you can get 4.9 max, or 5.0 as well.

                          you use to call me on my ...

                            what about if i do all win till lv 13 ? is it still 4.5 or increase ?
                            cz im affraid my win affect nothing . u know why i say this , cz volvo is suck


                              if u win calibration as well, I bet u gonna get 4.7+, but its kinda spherical cow in a vacuum, too hypothetical.



                                nice that you CAN but its way harder as some most of my skilled friends cant get ez 5k mmr smurfs anymore... even one in leaderboard calibrated 4.5 smurf XD

                                you use to call me on my ...


                                  who is she ? @_@


                                    i heard that some ee smurf was calibrated at 4.1k, lol

                                    you use to call me on my ...

                                      i figure he playin rush all the time , and losing at the end if its really him


                                        im not rly aware of the details, but conclusion is that the distribution of your mmr after calibration, if its close to 5k, does not accuretly reflect your actual skill.
                                        anyways, i think that even if u wont be satisfied with the results, it wont be a problem to catch up and gain mmr that u deserve after calibration matches.


                                          enough to purchase my body ;))) (offer applies to men only)


                                            ^hobo or grill?


                                              1) 4.3k -4.4k mmr

                                              2) change ur name

                                              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                              you use to call me on my ...

                                                okay triple i got this ,
                                                creamofcarrol i dont get you ?
                                                qingkong isee , u wot m8 ? why change my name ?


                                                  may help me also? whats the approximate mmr will i have? my old acc stuck at 3.1ks solommr and the teammates are really full of shits.supports autoattack creeps carries 'ganking' and have no farm mid 'ganking' wth and really cannot communicate with them. i spamming solommr and really cannot up so i make this new acc.


                                                    ^ yeah fucking teammates sucks i lose mmr just because of them being bad and not me because i am way higer than that brackjet.


                                                      4.1k-4.12k prediction charm lv2


                                                        ooh ooh do me do me! predict mine!

                                                        THICC BABY SHUM

                                                          i calibrated on 9999 mmr bois
                                                          stop with ur 4k bullshit


                                                            YNIT - how does it feel to play very high skill game?

                                                            THICC BABY SHUM

                                                              well high skill games are only around 400 mmr range below 4k very high skill games same shit infact sometimes get ppl who play like normal skill trash.


                                                                Why not, 72% winrate is pretty sick.

                                                                THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                  1234 could i see ur main, just interesting.

                                                                  you use to call me on my ...

                                                                    @miabosspro if still 3k go spam one hero carry that can 1v9 man mode like slark , void , spectre , meepo , etc u will ezwin
                                                                    @kwa see my last game with dazzle , my carry all blaming and want throw , so i have to neutral them with dazzle , but worst happen , cz i didnt realize axe picked
                                                                    @Crayon i got 2 games left ...2 lose 6 win calibrating mmr
                                                                    @ynit and 1234 what mmr r u btw