General Discussion

General DiscussionShould I finish my MMR calibration?

Should I finish my MMR calibration? in General Discussion
Thub Dju

    Hey dudes,

    I'm lvl 13 and I'm going calibrate my MMR. (my)
    I've been played 2 ranked matches, and I think that is going to 3.3K ~ 3.5K.
    I never get a HS ou VH in my games, but I'm really feel much better than my
    opponent's or my team mates even they got HS or VH in yours games.

    some oponents and team mates

    Did you guys think that is better I wait get HS or VH brackets and go for calibrate?
    Or finish the calibration and try up my MMR winning these games?


      it's more logical to calibrate now and improve your skill bracket once u have mmr, just keep playing ranked all the time. you'll also be able to see your progress.


        once you do the first calibration, your hidden mmr doesn't afect to your mmr


          you have normal skill so it's gonna be 2k, sorry dude


            3k is normal skill as well

            Thub Dju

              Yeh, my opponents in ranked mach had like 3.2K, but i'm feel like a 4K player. =D


                admit that everyone feels same way, and everyone mistakes, so probably you mistake, too. with this attitude, ur dota life gonna be much easier imo.

                Thub Dju

                  Yeh, even I feel better than some players I still agreed with MMR of Dota... If you play a good game this is increase you bracket a little bit, if you had a bad game your bracket skill decrease a lot, this is my perception of this. =)


                    Plz don't blame calibration for ur low mmr And stop wasting time to make new account to calibrate again. :(

                    Thub Dju

                      I just did a new account cause I move from Brazil to Spain and the jogability was a bit distinct in these servers =)


                        2987 mmr for u

                        Thub Dju

                          What a precision... ahhaha


                            :D ^_^


                              At this rate fyyq might actually be right lol

                              Giff me Wingman


                                U wot m8?

                                  lol how is it that i had much worst start then you did and i got in to HS after just few games.... i got 3,3k mmr after calibration