out of like the 300+ teams there were only a few good, goomba, xgame, m5, myi and maybe one or two more... what are the chances.....
How the hell didnt you ban out troll, jugg and lina? :D Ofc you get rekt, especially if oposite really good team gets imba hero under their hands.
^ well our friend/captain wanted to ban their most played heroes mainly brew. Obviously the bans could have been better but in all honesty I think we were fucked regardless.
Mid got fucked and i was having a hard time vs bat... eventually had a couple minutes free CS while they take rosh and then got bullied into the base for like 10 minutes.
Atleast i can see the skill gap now.... lol.
Yea axe would be great vs dazzle and good in this meta. Bunch of try hards if you ask me goomba is.
it doesn't matter what they banned, they were going to get stomped.
so just stay strong. Lot of people make teams and lose and never try again.
I'll be trying again definitely concede,Maybe scrims or something i dunno.
Me and my friends definitely all need to hit around the 5k mark though and obviously improve if we want to stand any chance of beating a decent team though IE tier 2/3.
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AND i got put against GOOMBA Gaming. GG WP REKT with a capital REK.
We literally joined just to play against some 3-4K scrub teams and have fun and i saw GOOMBA was playing and jokingly said to my friend "It'd be funny if we got matched with them" Well fuck..... Pretty much mid got destroyed by an ES camping and then basically it fell apart from there.
Brb gonna practice get 5k and then ask for rematch.