hard to say honestly. Seems like he is strong early game with shield build, and then falls off until very late game until his slight is destroying everything.
I feel like his mid game is weak and a team needs to build around it.
he gets rekt by most popular mids except storm but storm fucks him so hard later on that its better not playing ember at all :(
i think he is good vs pudga and sf
he gets rekt by sf if hes not complete shit
hes good against pudge but u will never see pudge mid these days
ember beats sf mid. loses to storm. so you are wrong on both ends.
hero is not supposed to rice creeps. you rice heroes. his mid game is strong if you had a good start, which again depends on how you play the hero and where you play him.
has one of most versatile skill sets, but you are bound to be a glass cannon late game no matter what.
edit: and his flameguard got reworked many times. you can't have a lower cd on such a good spell.
I liked ember a lot last patch
This patch i go 9-0 and still lose cause a troll/sniper/jugger got one single kill on me and now they have 3 extra items
What a fun patch :)
well he gets shat on by most of the common mids now
sf vs ember is strongly in sf's favour until 6
ive 2 6k friends who played the mu multiple times and sf destroyed the ember every time pre 6
ofc ember is stronger in a 5v5 environment but it is hardly an ember advantage
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He seems to be unable to flash recover from losing mid like an sf can, or even trade farm like any ranged mid can
He snowballs real good though