General Discussion

General DiscussionMy new website, - in beta

My new website, - in beta in General Discussion
Lisbon Acid!

    Hey guys, is in beta and is dedicated to giving constant high level (5k+) insight on patches, heroes in their current state and how to play with and against them, and general discussion on how to approach the game. I hope it'll become a great resource for players to up their game. The site is mobile responsive.

    Please let me know what you think. Support and constructive criticism is really appreciated.


    이 주제는 수정되었습니다
    Giff me Wingman

      Asside from very wrong content, i don't like the design at all. It also suffers from random fontsizes. Not to mention that the navigation is bugged.

      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

        too bright bro

        fuck my eyesss

        Lisbon Acid!

          Thanks for the comments.

          I will test the navigation. I found one bug but fixed it earlier, but I'll check again.

          I am considering changing the colour scheme, the current one was a quick throw-together.

          Thanks again!


            looks like twitter -> I HATE twitter

            Giff me Wingman

              little advice, before posting shit like 'how to deal with troll' etc. how about you discuss ur shit with other players? When i see that u are actually suggesting that slark is the best pick against troll even tho troll counters slark pretty hard it really makes me want to vomit.

              The purpose of your site was to enlighten people and not to make them do even more stupid things.

              Lisbon Acid!

                It is my opinion and that of other high level players in NEL that Slark is a very good pick against Troll Warlord.
                It is all a matter of opinion.

                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                Giff me Wingman

                  Well then bad news for you, noone cares about your opinion since you are only a random 5k player. If you can't help people in an objective way then it's better for you to not help at all.


                    slark is good against troll, as much as a hero can be good against troll.

                    Giff me Wingman

                      Lets see.

                      Right. because troll totally doesn't counter slark with his whirling axes. The only way slark has even remotely a slight chance of winning against a troll is when he ults while purging himself and praying to god that after his ultimate he doesn't get bashed to death.

                      In every stage of the game slark gets completely rekt.


                        Are you drunk?
                        Slark has pact every 5 seconds (6-1), you should always get rid of miss 24/7. Bash, he has to get lucky to get, and you can still remove it with pact if you get lucky.
                        Only way slark gets rekt if you do some dumb shit like overstaying in a fight when you should back off.
                        Would you fight troll to the death with meepo when you can disengage with the low one? Or would you save your hero?
                        Why wouldnt you do the same with slark. You need to know when to back off. Its endurance fight, not the one you need to finish in 5 seconds.
                        You initiate with sb, you jump on troll, you remove miss with pact, use ulti after you tank a bit not right off the bat. Once ulti is over, disengage with sb/pounce heal up in matter of seconds and go again.
                        Once slark gets abyssal and refresh (and you will get it at some point as safe lane slark, just as troll with get his 5 items no matter what), the fight becomes so hard for troll to take. His disable is completely unreliable and slark is the worst hero to take on without reliable disables.
                        Not to mention even in 5v5 scenarios troll is way easier to keep in check than slark is.
                        You do need some items first, but its nothing you cant get, assuming you dont waste your gold on stupid shit.

                        While eel was still active, i drafted slark like 7-8 times vs troll and troll came ahead only once. Assuming both teams preform equally, otherwise any comparison is pointless.

                        Mortimer Smith

                          i DONT LIKE THE DESIGN DUDE


                            Oh apologies, went off topic.
                            Your site reminds me of those adds sites that redirect you to their shit, like eat magic corn slim fast and increase iq. Shit like that. Looks way too "sterile" if that makes any sense..


                              Too bright

                                이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.

                                  @hello friends


                                    RIP @hello friends


                                      I actually quite like this, but maybe if theres a comment section where other people can debate and comment/criticize? Would be even more helpful to see from a different side point of view.

                                      For example, Hello Friends commented that Troll wrecks slark but it was nice of Xan to discuss how Slark's actually pretty good against Troll :)

                                      Edit: NVM FOUND THE COMMENT SECTION

                                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                        gotta take blunts side here troll >> slark idk what US players smoke or how shit they play to consider slark>troll


                                          Troll counters slark hahah what a joke.


                                            "Well then bad news for you, noone cares about your opinion since you are only a random 5k player. If you can't help people in an objective way then it's better for you to not help at all."

                                            If you dont care about his opinion.. He probably doesn't care about your opinion either.. Since you are only a random 1k or less mmr trash


                                              decent content that can be useful. Just get more into the details of the counters such as the numbers, instead of stating them as taken, this will help with changes later on. Also, Use some colors from the "Dota2" palette. browns, coppers, reds, etc. Blues and whites seem too bright and elementary.


                                              plz do

                                                It looks promising.
                                                Just adding my cents: 0s cast point hex is a good way to counterini blink dependent heros like axe (e.g. tide, slardar).. at least to a certain extend. I think Lion/Shaman should be in the list of axe counters. Doom (w agha disabling passives) is also quite annoying (ofc there might be other heros to be doomed) but legit because u mention SF as counter imo (situational depending on axe calling him or not).

                                                Lisbon Acid!

                                                  Hello everyone it's great to see so much activity!

                                                  If you want to comment on the site, sign up to Disqus (quick, easy and 100% free) through the comments section at the bottom and you will have your own account ready to comment on all articles!

                                                  Xan explained very well why Slark is one of the best against Troll, but we are all entitled our opinions.

                                                  While Shadow Fiend is somewhat squishy in the early game, he can generally have a Eul's Scepter way before Axe has a blink. Consider also that Shadow Fiend is a very hard hitter early game (probably the hardest hitting in the game) and has 3 very high damage nukes, and as such punishes rambo playstyles in the early game.

                                                  I do agree that Lion could potentially be in the Axe article, maybe I'll add him. Doom, however, essentially counters every hero so he doesn't serve much purpose being included except in a few cases (Agh's Doom counters passives which are crucial to some heroes e.g. Huskar)

                                                  I am considering changing the colour scheme to a darker one, with light text on dark background. Be sure to check back later today to see any new changes or articles!

                                                  Thanks again.

                                                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                  plz do

                                                    I think axe's helix is a crucial passive as crucial as his ultimate, too - I was just thinking in theory.
                                                    And in theory everything works - if axe can call sf and get a spin or two, axe will dunk euls sf pretty fast. Also axe calling troll will turn into a permabash if, if, if.. so axe being a counter to troll situational. I think, on your end and on mine all of this is vague and will be discussed, which is ultimately a good thing for everyone.

                                                    GL and lots of ggwp to you, dotalic!

                                                    Lisbon Acid!

                                                      Good points, however I do think after weighing up everything SF counters Axe more than he counters SF.

                                                      Thanks again for all the support fellers.