General Discussion

General DiscussionSuspect of ilegal Macro/cheat to insta-cast hex without "click"

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Suspect of ilegal Macro/cheat to insta-cast hex without "click" in General Discussion
Banho dos Campeões

    I noticed something strange in this game, when Windrunner bought Sheepstick every time i tried to use icarus dive on her, she used a kind of Macro to instant-cast vyse on me without targeting me ( click on my hero). The first on 31:00 and the second 33:55.

    If this is allowed is ridiculous and should be abolished. I don't know in camps how it works, probably is not allowed too.

    이 주제는 수정되었습니다


      Banho dos Campeões
        이 댓글은 삭제되었습니다.

          its known and i guess valve is on it

          casual gamer

            a logical extension of those fuckers with insta poof scripts and instant 5x phase boot use


              ^that stuff is actually allowed since u can script it within dotas autoexec file
              unless they remove the script possibility in that its totally legit to use

              Banho dos Campeões

                I tried to post on reddit but i don't know how the threads working there, seems to me that my post is wrong based on their rules.

                Banho dos Campeões
                  이 댓글은 삭제되었습니다.

                    there's actually some really cool (albeit unethical) functionality in it. The insta-spike carapace is pretty funny.

                    Banho dos Campeões

                      In Brazil is the first time i saw this kind of cheat, but seems to be relatively popular in Europe.


                        yes because europeans got russians and they would trade their families for a win

                        Mortimer Smith

                          Can u delete this post, or at least the links....

                          Mortimer Smith

                            and report youtube video plz


                              old script and annoying gg report pls


                                @X6 to be honest, unless it is a big problem and highlighted, it will never be a priority to Valve. Personally I'd like it to become a plague that they have to address as a priority rather than security through obscurity...

                                casual gamer

                                  ^^^ the dumbest thing ive ever heard in my life

                                  "its not a big problem, i want to make it a big problem so that valve can fix it"

                                  if its not a big problem why would you make it "a plague"



                                    You must have had a pretty sheltered life then.

                                    There's loads of examples of problems which affect users/clients/consumers etc. which the service provider can't be bothered to fix because it isn't widely known. Once it is public knowledge they are forced to use resources to fix it.

                                    Why on earth would you think that was a dumb thing to say? it is the approach of 90% of protest movements/pressure groups.

                                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                    casual gamer

                                      it will literally never affect you if you don't make it a problem

                                      you must be pretty sheltered to spend all this effort on an entirely imagined problem

                                      Banho dos Campeões

                                        Valve usually work quiet, they already know about it and will solve, i hope soon as possible.

                                        Banho dos Campeões

                                          Seeing other games that he played i saw various suspected moves, but one in special. He was watching the rune top and cast orchid on storm while almost in the air kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk.

                                          Time: 47:35


                                            put it on reddit if you want valve to see it, they wont look here. every time someone posts a game breaking glitch there its patched with in a day or two, this might take a little longer since its not built into the game.

                                            IDK if its actually a good idea to publicize this though, right now its just some grimy likely diseased Russian software buried in the interweb, but if it gets out it could be a full on pandemic. also valve could make it so you cant have any Macro programs running while you play DOTA as a fix for this, which will ruin the game for people who just want to remap their keys in odd ways.

                                            Banho dos Campeões

                                              I reported to steam support and dev... Seems that reddit don't want players publishing threads of suspected software.


                                                Is it the same cript that allow some player to drag the creep wave without cliking the ennemy heroes ?