General Discussion

General DiscussionEnigma Tips

Enigma Tips in General Discussion
playinginursockdrawer mm soc

    Recently I've been on tilt when playing Dota 2 because I feel like I haven't been contributing to fights recently or die a lot because I'm not able to farm as well as I'm used to. So I've decided to practice a caster with a large team fight contribution and can farm well: Enigma

    Are there any tips that you have before I start practicing?

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        I don't like eating mid-creep because it slows jungling by over a minute. On paper you lose like 10 seconds but spawn timers don't care about that.

        You look at your team/enemy lineup before deciding meka/blink. Sometimes blink is pointless until after BKB. Sometimes you want blink early because your teammates won't push early anyway.

        Landing 1 man blackholes can be worth it, don't always save for wombo combos.


          Yeah, it depends but sometimes it's good to eat mid creep to help your mid in the lane or at least use the eidolons to harass enemy mid if used correctly.


            At upper levels of play, denying that mid creep will provide your mid laner a window where they can punish the enemy mid since they'll be a level higher for one wave.

            OP is prob around 3k. Such a window is utterly wasted on the midlaners there. OP jungling a minute faster and thus ganking a minute faster would be a lot more productive.

            What is right at 4k/5k might not necessarily be right at 3k or 2k or 1k. When you ask a 5k to play in a 2k game, what does he do? He picks snowball mid and gets stuff like shadowblade/dagon regardless of his hero. Does he play like that in his own bracket? No. Why? Because you're supposed to play in a way that gives you the most edge.


              How does it slow jungling by a minute?

              Eat mid lane creep > Send eidolons to hard camp (place them at edge of spawn box) - at this point you have 30 seconds to get to the camp from the mid lane after going back to base - > When creeps spawn, let the eidolons tank the first spell > You'll be able to get there before they time out > Take creep then go have an easier time farming because big creep doesn't have nuke anymore

              Dark Mango

                1 advice from me. You don't play enigma to catch 5 man BH. Try to use it on core heroes to secure their kill. Watch some puppey games to see what i mean. Denying creep in the begening its important. Learning to stack and using ur 3th spell in the begening too. And one more thing try to not rush blink dager. And try to push ur safelane in the begening. If you go beyond 4k games buy sentrey in the begening

                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                  After 10 years of dota, the safest way to play enigma whatever the game/pick:

                  1. See previous post from Pilot, nothing to add except your eidelon must tank the first spell and focus the big creep.
                  2. Built Meka/tranquil
                  3. Built BkB
                  4. Built Dagguer
                  5. Built Aga

                  Most of people play this hero wrong, because they rush daguer and think they will abble to do 5 man BH.
                  The best way to play him, its to put pressure with your meka/bkb by pushing tower safely.
                  You stay behind your team, ready to counter the initiation of the opponent team, if they dare to jump.

                  An Enigma daguer first is pure shit because you are weak as fuck during the BH CD and, if you dont 5 man BH, you are still paper.

                  The only counter I found to an early game meka/bkb on enigma, are beastmaster & Vs.

                  Check my last 2 games in CM (4k5 mmr average)


                  Dire Wolf

                    I don't really play enigma but on any big ult hero, don't be scared to use it. Killing their hard carry is absolutely worth a 3 min cd. Other team isn't going to look to team fight if their hc is down. I mean I wouldn't waste it on like a crystal maiden, use your judgement, but way too many warlocks, enigmas, liches, tides, sand kings, earthshakers will hold their ults until a 5v5 team fight breaks out when you could've gotten a lot more kills earlier.

                      이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.

                        only go for 5 man blackholes
                        when team complains you don't blackhole enough, blackhole them



                          this is a really slow reply but if you decide to go back to base you won't be able to kill the hard camp on time before the 1:00 min mark. if you play enigma, you would know that missing his optimal route basically prevents you from stacking the lower medium camp and having the large camp respawned. that is a lot of early gold/exp swing for a jungler so yes its a minute

                          if you opt to run directly to the camp, your eidolons will expire

                          simply as that its not a good technique unless your mid is good :/

                          playinginursockdrawer mm soc

                            Thanks for all the help guys, here are the result for the past 3 games:

                            I wanted to try rod of atos because I thought it'd be cool, but it didn't work as I was dying and not snowballing off of it. CK pretty much carried us.

                            I was scared of the sheer amount of disable the other team had, so I rushed ghost scepter and bkb into dagger to ensure that I could use my BH, but both of them weren't very useful. I don't know how I got the most last hits in the game.

                            This game I rushed dagger and was able to have a greater effect through better black holes. Silencer was a minor inconvenience. I again got the most last hits.

                            Is it just me, or are games getting to be around 30-40 min?

                            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                              The only reason to go for mecka rush, is if enemy have silencer/venge, or w/e that will go through your bkb. the meta of enigma tanking for his team is revolved since at least 4 years, and that's that long the mecka should not be build on enigma

                              you can get bkb dagger before 15 min mark with ease if your woods aren't blocked, and that's definitly the way to go (eventually linken instead of bkb against some line up, or both against some other)


                                @Pengu, I can go test it again, but as far as I can remember, I am usually able to kill the camp before the 1 min mark and get my midnight pulse to stack medium camp because I was able to allow my dying eidolons to tank the nuke from the hard camp. (I'll go search the video for it, I may be wrong)

                                Found it: He didn't stack it, but it was possible for him to

                                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                  I wonder what build Puppey was using, heard he got 7k by spamming enigma ..