General Discussion

General DiscussionHow much time is ok to farm with slark?

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How much time is ok to farm with slark? in General Discussion

    Lately I have been mostly trying to work on farming and split pushing since most people at 3k mmr don't do these two things well. But wanna play more slark since he's fun as shit. I know slark is mostly supposed to snowball but he can clear jungle fast with his dark pact how much time spent farming / just going for east kills but not really trying to gank a lot good? i used to start ganking a lot earlier Cuz I know he is a ganker hero. But I tried out farming up a skadi power treads then ganking and I raped face. Is it viable to spend 10 minutes possibly morefarming up a big item before ganking . What do you think is the maxium farm time limit if no one on your team is farming jungle.

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      theorically you should gank any time you can after you get your first item for initiation (blink/sb), and if due to some reasons you cant gank at certain point of the game, spend time farming. easy as that.

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        3k mmr farm until min 30 kill the whole team who hasnt been farming congratulations u win

        i've been to 1 mmr  :\

          how many cs should you aim to have by 30 minutes?.


            Dont farm on slark bro... You have like 500 nuke dmg + good right click + stat steal + godlike ult. Why would you want to farm.

            Aquila>tread>shadowblade/blink them gank. Only farm if they scarred and stay as 4-5 or in down time (ex: your whole team dyed).


              Well I was wondering if it was ok to farm and watch mini map for heroes that push to far in lane then tp close by or go gank them if pushed to far In my safe lane. I used to play slark constantly roaming looking for ganksit seems like if you miss a some ganks then when the big fights start happening you are not strong enough to make a huge difference in the fight.


                When retards ask me "how much farm time is slark need?" I tell them farm until level 6, then start killing heroes asap. Retards that farm all day with gank heros usually lose the game.


                  Ah don't know why I never build Aquila on him sounds very legit tho. I like solaire and triple steals answers the most


                    Aquila is legit, i build it on pretty much any agi carry this patch unless i got a cm or i go mid(bottle).

                    casual gamer

                      slark farms so fast, you can outfarm most people. plus he's a p hard carry

                      no reason not to go for free kills though, just carry tps and farm during downtime

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                        5k, 6k are SUBHUMAN

                          After you get SB, carry a TP scroll and ask your supports to ward common farming areas (enemy jungle). If you don't see a kill opportunity then don't run around like a retard.

                          It is a bad idea to teamfight without BKB - of course you can get around this by waiting for them to throw all their shit down first but by then ur team will likely have died, so you need to find a balance between running in and getting killed immediately after pact wears off or waiting for all the axe calls/chronospheres/static fields fighting 3v5.

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