is a 4.25s 900 range no projectile low cast time stun on a 10s cd with a very tanky blink hero easy MMR?
I always wanted to build morph hybrid with a more core strength build for the stun. Now im seeing more and more of that in pro play.
Actually if you think about it hes a support that can morph into a carry whenever you can and vice versa. If you put him as a 3 or 4 he can stun the fuck out of ennemies so your 1 racks up kills and you survive to get lvls and slowly farm up. Then when the time comes to dps you simply morph to agi and almost gain enough dmg to be a carry.
I never liked the all agi morph shotgun build, its too squishy and since it takes alot of farm you put morph as a 1 or 2 and i think this meta theres better 1 and 2s out there.
Morph like his name says should adapt to the situation ;)
you can't morph into a carry... you have tranquils soul ring dagger euls, how's that a carry
he deals decent magical damage with waveform but that's it, his whole point is the insane stun duration with good range and low cd
I just tested it in a lobby.
At 25 (with only blink and travels)
Agi: 800-900hp 300~ dmg
Str: 3k hp 100~ dmg
If you build him with lots of stat items (if the game goes well) stacking ulti orbs items like linken/skadi/manta seems the best way to go. But indeed as offlaner you wont be able to get those unless fed hard because as Str you cant farm for shit.
I guess you should play around his massive hp and stun. Basicaly youre almost an unkillable support who can evade ganks and stuns with waveform or Ulti + you got a 10 sec Roar. It seems legit on paper.
And unlike most true support if you fully team wipe them you morph all agi and hit towers for respectable dmg which heroes like witch doctor cant with his miserable right click.
Soul ring tranq euls blademail hex are all options on support/off morph, ive never lost a game with max stun morph on my team
Shits overpowered
He should be played off or cliff jungle imo since he literally does jack shit in lane and just wants lvl 5 asap
hahaha ehug are coming back from 40k gold deficit right now with offlane morph and sniper
You need to built soul ring /eul
You have the stun/the escape/the waveform to farm easily
1 hit caster / 2 hit to creep mele doesnt focus by your creep / waveform back to your twr => ez farm / soul ring/tranquil/eul 15-16min.
A good combo is morf + pudge, very funny & easy to do.
But is not free mmr at all (4k5 mmr), you need a solid team who folow you.
I just tried it, we lost because team sucked and had no coordination, but it seems strong to 1 shot supports or disable carries.
Pre soulring you are mana starved though.
I dont see it happening in solo queue as you are a walking 4.25sec stun and cant do any damage solo. You cant even farm for shit.
I think that there are a heroes who realy can make more impact then str morph. Especialy on offlane position.
You farm with wave, and its need to be lvl 2 at least.
You dont need to put full str when you are offlane, so, an another way to farm, its to put enough agi to keep a 60-65 dmg atttack.
Do you morph to fully strength all the time or try to keep a little agility (since you need 50% above your agility for max stun, not all strength)?
yeah u can help a lot ur team if u disable enemy carry for 4.25 sec its ez kill u can smoke gank ez and rape everyone
good new meta morph needs nerf on cooldown... its so OP
Its a gimmick hero. Its super strong if your team isnt complete ass. But youll never be able to monster impact with offlane morph if your team does suck like you would with some more traditional offlaners.
If your safe and mid are doing fine, you are in sweet sweet spot.
well my team sucked and was getting raped, as soon as I got tranquils SR I rotated mid and my 0/4 storm got 2 kills, then we went top and killed sniper, and so on. after that we didn't stop killing people for 1 second until they realized they needed to 5 man, but we were already far ahead and raped them anyway
Fvkin bullshit hero.. Some tryharders picked this shit when i played solo n party today.. Fvkin hard to reach high ground when he kept spamming his stun to our core.. Without aegis dont fvkin hope you can reach high ground and take the fight.. So fvkin sync with sky lina lion necro.. Ez burst ez kill ez win ez katka dude
it must say something about the 3-4 position morph when eul's has a higher win rate on him then E-blade or Manta.
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Is it easy MMR? I mean I knew it was fucking strong but people don't seem to pick it very often, I just crushed a game where my team was getting destroyed early game just because this hero is ridiculous