General Discussion

General Discussionwhat could i have done better this match?

what could i have done better this match? in General Discussion

    just from looking at it = pretty small amount of creeps on tinker, small hero damage for tinker.
    but i see you kinda got countered by storm and clock, but if you picked tinker afterwards thats your problem :P

    your supports got picked off by storm (invoker support or wtf is that), your cores didnt have enough impact (you included), and storm snowballed.


      the problem is i picked tinker after clock pick and i didn't really felt like i have issues with them (at least not clock who did nothing to me whole game)

      invoker was solo offlane for some reason and lycan pushed like crazy whole game


        whats wrong with an invoker offlane


          i was just anwering to s5 on that support invoker


            Your team didn't pick the Chaos knight gg.

            THICC BABY SHUM

              aghs baby aghs


                you dont instantly go for the lane wash build (1 laser 2 motm) immediately, you can add a huge amount of pressure on the storm with level 2 laser spam + save points

                bs bm build was also v common in high 5k sea to fight tinker catchers

                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                Last picking is 4 pussies

                  You had a safelane kunka?