General Discussion

General DiscussionHow is this even possible?

How is this even possible? in General Discussion
Sup m8
    I don't understand how this is even possible. 62 win streak! Can someone be so good as to carry 80% of your games?

    Giff me Wingman

      he likes himself some unranked.


        south korea = all megapeniz


          is like V-god but cheep Korean knock off.


            I figure people like this must be abusing something. If you had 80% win rate in 3k games you would be essentially 7-8k rating, and if you can maintain 80% wr at 7-8k you could solo sumail with ur eyes closed.

            So yeah, I figure abuse, or some sort of exploit. Not necessarily something illegal, but maybe just stacking with smurfs who are lower rating than they should be, for example.

            EG: 5 man stack. 1 guy is "5k" with 4 guys who are "3k" but are actually 6k players.


              Everyone with that high wr burry games , by turning match history while ingame before they lose, yes it does work and any one can do it , and they turn it on when they win

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