General Discussion

General DiscussionMid lane - Blocking creeps vs taking bounty rune

Mid lane - Blocking creeps vs taking bounty rune in General Discussion
on our way.

    This thought came to me after my last game.

    Ever since the change to bounty rune giving a 100 gold and xp advantage at level 1, seucring at least 1 rune at the 0 min mark seems to be a mandatory option for all games. Usually, the rune is given to the mid laner to create a direct imbalance in level and gold (fast bottle, quick level 2) and subsequently help the mid laner achieve dominance over the enemy mid laner.

    Yet, taking the rune would mean sacrificing the block. In most situations, the mid laner who chooses to block would get creeps on his side of the hill. I would like to ask the community this. Against which heroes do you feel that the block is more important than the bounty, and vice versa?

      이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.

        why u nvr ask marcus


          depends if the other guy goes for bounty and u block wave to uphill you usually win the trades = win mid


            You let your support block your creeps if the enemy gave up the other bounty.

            on our way.

              ^ I believe this is the best case scenario. There is no need for all 5 heroes to contest both runes at level 1. Thanks for the input.

              Considering it is hard to guess how the enemy team splits to take rune (4-1, 3-2, maybe 5-0), the best way to split your heroes to take runes would probably be 2-2, leaving 1 hero to block the mid lane. Obviously, some heroes are better at holding runes than others (Clock, Magnus, PotM), while some are downright terrible (Invoker, Spectre), but there are too many variables to consider with this.

              A 2-2 split probably yields the highest chance of securing at least 1 rune and a block for mid lane, as the most popular split appears to be 4-1, at least in the games I play.



                PHU VOC TRAI MINH NOI

                on our way.



                    I mean, if you send 4-5 heroes around the back (possibly have support buy smoke), you can sometimes get first blood. It all depends on how coordinated your team wants to be.

                    Dire Wolf

                      I think creep block is kind of overrated unless you're a super high mmr where people are good at mid. Most mids my level just trade hits, try to cs and deny, but rarely get ganked so doesn't matter if you're exposed there, and rarely are good enough to kill other mid 1v1 unless someone makes a huge mistake, regardless of where creeps are.

                      MOA KIKUCHI ASTRALIS

                        your opp get miss chance and it allows you many opportunities to manipulate aggro
                        you get first hit advantage
                        on radiant once u have secured enough advantage you can just stand on the dire hill(which is super large) and zone out of xp
                        pretty sure everything except the aggro can be done easily at all levels

                        THICC BABY SHUM

                          u do know that there are 4 other heroes that can take it?


                            I find Spectre is great for stealing runes - you can wait in the neutral camp before spectral daggering in and out around the time of the rune spawn.


                              you block the creeps ofc.
                              that 100 gold is the cs you miss and your enemy gets


                                only noobs give a fuck about bounty runes


                                  I have to agree with Timber. In low mmr games it's usually much more valuable to get the bounty rune, since the other mid will almost everytime go for a rune. Problem is your team will not always help, and you might be forced to:

                                  A) Give up the rune, as the other team 5-man force you out. You may have not time to go back and full block, but you'll be able to block better than your opponent. Not a great advantage, because as Timber said, getting ganked mid at this level is veeeeery rare.
                                  B) Secure the rune, which at my skill bracket (the lowest one) is well worth.
                                  C) Secure the rune spot, but having to fight with your own teammates for the rune (that's how sad this mmr is)

                                  *Idk if it's worth it in very high skill games, since I've never been there. Btw, when playing competitive, I prefer to secure just one rune with 4, letting the off block, or just 5 man smoke and look for a fight/fb. Low mmr plays so chill.


                                    I always go for the rune and it have never been a problem for me.


                                      just tell ur support if he could block mid for you.
                                      rest u head for secure rune



                                        just block mid ignore bounty rune unless ur playing meepo where u need the fast bottle