General Discussion

General DiscussionI was wrong, Troll is OP

I was wrong, Troll is OP in General Discussion
Natsuki Subaru
    3160 hp b4 satanic (requesting str gain nerf)


      ^u did it faster than me m8

      Natsuki Subaru

        This forum has a really nice attitude.

        Last picking is 4 pussies

          I'll be honest looks like overall lineup made this one hard to win not even factoring how bad the Lc did. I can only imagine how much work it took to get pickoffs as them game went later and later.

          Bat, warlock, and Lc. With troll and sniper ugh gross.



            troll is op in good hands

            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

              I like that you make it sound like OP is something that you decide.


                Troll is OP if you let him free farm and dont try to counter pick him nor buy the right items for killing him.

                For example, instead of buying 3 shadow blade you could buy items that is good vs Troll.

                In this game we owned Troll and this was the first lost game for that Troll on that account after 9 won games.
                SB, jugg, Bane, pirce BKB with ultimates. Riki scout him, SB charge. etc.

                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                Last picking is 4 pussies

                  Probably helped he had no true support...

                  Mortimer Smith



                      I would prolly have to search awile to see the last time a troll beat me if I got sniper , just pick sniper every time u see troll. And your melee carries need abyssal blades like that jugg built. Before I started spamming sniper vs troll he was driving me nuts tho. More and more people are prioritizing to kill him tho as everyone has seen how strong he is by now.


                        If he was OP, why did he lose here?


                        Now you may say Normal Skill, but you can't. OP is all-encompassing! There's a glitch in the matrix! This world's not real! Stop telling me lies!


                          My most proud win over troll ever since he was paired with sniper and jugg. we basically 5 manned majority of game not letting him farm since we were constantly pushing mid cut him off from jungle.