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My Personal Dota2 Blog in General Discussion

    with the right build dudes crazy good to stomp pubs, srs better than slark at times


      ^ Blood pretty strong than that even in 4.5k so far.. but in 3k tier definitely... just dont build him like a hard carry, he's still a semi carry at best


        well yeah talkin bout if bloods picked already, which i suppose in vhs is quite often, oov boots ns at min 4 is frickin scary


          ^ ok now I get it. you're trolling me lol


            wth, i really wasnt


              ok ok.. I play NS mid quite ok before.. but usually it's to play against Int heroes like Storm Spirit, maybe against Lina will also be applicable..

              would have to feel it out in some Normal Matches or Party Ranked matches.

              Agree that OOV is really goood for Melee carries with skills that buffs MS. I actually started using it on my Spectre.



                I love getting OoV with omni.

                1 point in degen aura and zone the offlaner. Beat him with the hammer as he tries to slowly get away.

                Makes me feel like a nun beating an unruly child with a bible.


                  Did I just play with you last night?

                  After reading your post, I played support Venge against a support Omni with Boots + Oov.

                  He went aggressive on our Jungle BS and me.
                  We killed him 1st blood and I also bought Oov to exchange hits with him.
                  Imo, he should start being aggressive only after level 2 so he can heal bomb.
                  Better stay in lane and get exp from start.


                    Nah, wasn't me. He must have read my post tho. ;-)

                    It only really works to bully solo heroes and zone them out.
                    It's a lot harder to bully a dual lane or just 2 heroes at once. And will probably lead to your death like he showed. :-)

                    For max results, lane with a pudge and get your 2nd point in repel.
                    A repelled pudge with rot while omni beats you with a bible is just mean.
                    I have to wash after I do it cos i feel so dirty

                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                      Losing focus in this MMR climb as I decided to just play even when not in good condition unlike the first 3 games.


                      Bad Intentions

                        yo black, oh boy.. looks like youre tilting man.. maybe try to relax first or something..



                          - Will experience better attitude
                          - Will experience better teamwork and synergy
                          - Will experience Superb individual skills

                          Post-game lessons learned:
                          - Attitude is generally the same in all tiers, 3K - 4K - 5K
                          - Teamwork and Synergy is nothing really special, what players must really focus on is INDIVIDUAL GAME PLAY. Meaning don't sacrifice your self just for the sake of being OBJECTIVE.
                          i.e. I was playing Viper, and was trying to HOLD Bottom as long as I can in-spite of the imminent danger of enemy heroes.
                          1st adjustment: Don't go beyond tower radius
                          2nd adjustment: Don't show up in-lane until I see all enemy heroes
                          This led to BOTTOM Tier 1 & 2 towers getting destroyed without any rotations from the 5k allies.
                          Necrophos doing Ancient Jungle the whole time and flaming @ me every time I die.
                          Magnus & Techies were trying the Blink & Skewer combo from start.
                          3rd adjustment: Go with allies WHEREVER THE FUCK THEY ARE

                          Strictly speaking, I should have went for the 3rd adjustment from the very start if I think I can really die from enemy ganks.
                          Should not even have thought about holding the BOTTOM lane to protect Tier 1 and Tier 2 towers, OR just to keep the enemy off-laners in-check, etc.

                          Couple of games last night actually gave me a new perspective in playing even in 4.5K tier range. I mean, you can't really impose proper team-play and synergy and everyone in the team being objective. Maybe at the least I can try at first but I should not get overly mad and frustrated and let it affect my game play if it doesn't happen. Adjust, adjust, adjust, adjust.

                          Match Id: 1585822193
                          RADIANT: ME: [Viper (Safe lane - Offlane)]+ Necrophos (Ancients) + Shadow Fiend (Mid) + Magnus/Techies (Top)
                          DIRE: Zeus/Tusk (BOTTOM) + Lesh (Mid) + Bloodseeker (Jungle) + Phoenix (Top)
                          K-D-A: 0-8-8
                          GPM: 234
                          XPM: 321

                          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                            .congratulations! your improvement give us hopes :) ım at 3.6 k mmr now maybe ı can reach 4-5 k in 2 months :) Thank you man :)

                            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                              Gotta do it the same way now...

                              WIN. MMR up to 4488
                              Match Id: 119544965
                              Bloodseeker (Jungle)
                              K-D-A: 16-7-15
                              GPM: 527
                              XPM: 615
                              Could have ended around 30 minutes but stupid Leshrac threw multiple times by pushing solo and being aggressive in-spite out-numbered. He was feeling confident because he had a lot of Bloodstone charges anyways. I told him ITS NOT FUCKING ABOUT THE CHARGES BUT THE $$$$$ YOU ARE GIVING TO THE ENEMY.

                              We got wiped multiple times when trying to push uphill against an RP + Golem Stun + PA empowered.

                              Told my team to take control of map and starve them inside base. We needed a couple of Roshan kills before eventually finishing them off.


                                Thanks @No'Sg - CyN Sensei! Go go go!


                                  LOSE. MMR down to 4463
                                  Match Id: 1593587070
                                  Nyx (Dual lane)
                                  K-D-A: 7-5-5
                                  GPM: 275
                                  XPM: 312

                                  Played well early and mid game, successfully counter-initiated Spiritbreaker's ganks.
                                  Couple of fights though happened without me, and they were able to catch-up which showed their superior team fight skills.

                                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                    WIN. MMR down to 4487
                                    Match Id: 1593708233
                                    Spectre (Dual lane)
                                    K-D-A: 5-4-27
                                    GPM: 462
                                    XPM: 570

                                    hard early and mid game. but they weren't able to transition it into necessary pushes. gg wp.


                                      WIN. MMR up to 4512
                                      Match Id: 1596195286
                                      Spectre (Dual lane)
                                      K-D-A: 5-4-27
                                      GPM: 588
                                      XPM: 674

                                      easy MMR

                                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                        WIN. MMR up to 4512
                                        Match Id: 1600835747
                                        Sven (Carry - Dual Lane)
                                        K-D-A: 3-1-8
                                        GPM: 505
                                        XPM: 489

                                        easy game with my ally bloodseeker

                                        LOSE. MMR down to 4487
                                        Match Id: 1598289861
                                        Morphling (Solo Safe Lane)
                                        K-D-A: 2-4-15
                                        GPM: 359
                                        XPM: 466

                                        rusty morphling play, havent used him for a looong time


                                          I think best counter to BS is Medusa, don't try to use Morphling vs BS.


                                            Interesting. I either pick Lifestealer or Naga support to counter an enemy BS. But never thought of Medusa, how so? Press ult when he ruptures you? Just that?


                                              I am playing Medusa recently. Her ult is quite powerful and underrated.

                                              She is also a good counter to Slark.


                                                WIN. MMR up to 4512 4487
                                                Match Id: 1600835747
                                                Sven (Carry - Dual Lane)
                                                K-D-A: 3-1-8
                                                GPM: 505
                                                XPM: 489

                                                Easy game with bloodseeker, from start we know we have to avoid large 5v5 clashes during mid game because of Tidehunter and Earthshaker. We also noted we should not overextend. GG WP. Easy MMR.

                                                LOSE. MMR down to 4488
                                                Match Id: 1601032223
                                                Clinkz (Carry - Dual Lane)
                                                K-D-A: 4-6-4
                                                GPM: 316
                                                XPM: 353

                                                One of those games where I am starting to realize that picking a hero who can lane strongly is more important than picking a carry that can counter enemy's hard carry. Had I picked Viper, I would have had a more evenly matched laning phase.

                                                LOSE. MMR down to 4464
                                                Match Id: 1601142676
                                                Faceless Void (Carry - Dual Lane)
                                                K-D-A: 7-11-7
                                                GPM: 373
                                                XPM: 414

                                                bad game for me, again tough laning stage. it seems more and more that I should start picking heroes who can lane very strongly.

                                                LOSE. MMR down to 4439
                                                Match Id: 1601266440
                                                Huskar (Carry - Dual Lane)
                                                K-D-A: 7-5-3
                                                GPM: 353
                                                XPM: 344
                                                Counter-picked enemy Qop, Sky, and Storm but they got last pick and I got countered with PL.
                                                We owned early and mid game but our Shadow Fiend doesn't want to push and kept farming side lanes.
                                                He died 3 times solo farming it. Enemy split push a little bit and gained momentum.
                                                Huskar cant do anything on PL = GG.
                                                SF dont want to fucking push

                                                LOSE. MMR down to 4414
                                                Match Id: 1602961512
                                                Batrider (Carry - Dual Lane)
                                                K-D-A: 3-7-6
                                                GPM: 270
                                                XPM: 291

                                                Not even a fair match. Last picking 2x randomed Warlock who went brown boots + Midas and didnt buy any wards, upgrade courier, etc.

                                                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                the realm's delight

                                                  idk why but reading this wannabe blog is actually so funny


                                                    META has just eaten me to take over this MMR :)

                                                    incoming.. Blood + Undying + Tuskar + QOP + Lesh


                                                      BUMP! NO UPDATES DAMN!!! have been lazzyy..

                                                      Just reached 4.5K again last night after dropping back to 4.3KMMR 2 weeks ago, and TI5 group stages is this weekend already.


                                                      lm ao



                                                          got rekt by Bloodseeker 2x now! ok now i know what's up in this 4.5k tier.. i remember very clearly that my Spectre last February struggled really hard against the meta heroes: Juggernaut and Storm... and I'm the type of guy who doesn't like picking Meta heroes.

                                                          But for the sake of climbing 5K MMR, I'm going to make it official, this will be my hero pool until 5K or until a patch happens:

                                                          (these are my win rates when playhing against them)
                                                          1. Bloodseeker - 34.38%
                                                          2. Silencer - 33.3%
                                                          3. Pugna - 12.5%
                                                          4. Tuskar - 35.71%
                                                          5. Bounty Hunter - 47%
                                                          6. Leshrac - 48%
                                                          7. Witch Doctor - 22.2%


                                                            My highest drop was 4.6 -> 4.3 how the hell do u drop 1k


                                                              @S-GOD it's possible to drop even more if you don't take games seriously. Better yet, you pick up poor habits as you slide down. At my peak I hit just over 5k, and now I'm down to 3.8k. These days I make so many mistakes I laugh at my own replays.


                                                                senpai do you want to forgive me?


                                                                  one day i dream that i will get to play with 6k people.. lets get this thing started again!

                                                                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                    WIN. MMR up to 4497
                                                                    Spectre (Carry - Tri Lane)
                                                                    K-D-A: 24-1-19
                                                                    GPM: 640
                                                                    XPM: 769

                                                                    - 8-0 @ minute 10.
                                                                    - Relic @ minute 16
                                                                    - Radiance @ minute 23
                                                                    - Dazzle and Abaddon did a good job of keeping me alive in team fights which baited the enemies to overextend
                                                                    - Storm was most of the time farming and only joined the big clashes - he was not a big factor

                                                                    lm ao


                                                                      lm ao


                                                                        lm ao


                                                                          lm ao



                                                                              LOSE. MMR down to 4472
                                                                              Viper (Semi Carry - Dual Lane)
                                                                              K-D-A: 2-4-4
                                                                              GPM: 331
                                                                              XPM: 409

                                                                              - Weaver asked to play carry but I refused
                                                                              - Weaver was playing lag, disconnected 4x
                                                                              - Skywrath was stealing my last hits during the laning phase
                                                                              - gg too easy


                                                                                you're still at this lol


                                                                                  LOSE. MMR up to 4496
                                                                                  Spectre (Hard Carry - Dual Lane)
                                                                                  K-D-A: 13-2-13
                                                                                  GPM: 621
                                                                                  XPM: 722

                                                                                  - picked Spec for the AA combo
                                                                                  - enemy last picked Broodmother, made me doubt big time on our laning phase
                                                                                  - AA messed up the sentry warding since Brood also bought sentries
                                                                                  - Eventually I had to buy my own set of sentries to take control of the laning phase
                                                                                  - The mid game was easy since I was able to get important kills on their carries
                                                                                  - Bounty Hunter's consistent pressure gave space for Cent to farm dagger and for myself to have precise map knowledge on where they might come from.
                                                                                  - Gyro had a BKB early on top of drums and dominator but the blink-dagg initiation by Centaur always baited their BKBs
                                                                                  - We go 2nd round of initiate every time their BKBs were on CD - either with my Haunt or another Blink + Stun
                                                                                  - gg too easy

                                                                                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                                    i am new to this thread keep it up. i saw your early post when you drop to 3.3k and climb again to 4.4k


                                                                                      so far, I've had 3 losses since playing Reborn. not a good start

                                                                                      LOSE. MMR down to 4460
                                                                                      Spectre (Hard Carry - Dual Lane)
                                                                                      K-D-A: 13-7-17
                                                                                      GPM: 537
                                                                                      XPM: 714

                                                                                      - Was pretty high on our team initially coz our average MMR was 5.3k and opponent's was 5.1k
                                                                                      - BeastMaster @ 5.2K MMR fed Leshrac though who almost went godlike
                                                                                      - I advised the team on how to clash since enemy was always 5-man ganking people.
                                                                                      - I told them I will split push and if someone reacted (which was Gyrocopter in most cases), then they must be ready to jump on the remaining and I will haunt to join them.
                                                                                      - Sometimes it was me haunting first and diffusal blade enemies so that my team can catch up, other times it was Tuskar being able to jump on them
                                                                                      - Critical mistake by the 5.2K MMR player beastmaster was when we were in our jungle and he had invisibility rune. he used roar on enemy crystal maiden even when Gyrocopter BKB, Lesh and Mirana were just around the corner. There was no need for the Roar coz I can pretty much kill Crystal Maiden in less than 5 seconds. ROAR must be used on Gyrocopter BKB or probably Lesh. He argued that it wasn't a mistake because Crystal Maiden, a position 5 hero who is going to be killed by Spectre was also important. #SMH, lost respect for 5.2K players from this point onwards..
                                                                                      - He just made mistake after mistake, he casts necrobook like an idiot always after ROAR. Whilst it worked during mid game, it's a waste in late game situations against a farmed Gyro. I told him to let the Flak Cannon finish first before he casts those level 3 necros, but alas, he was so full of himself
                                                                                      - I also asked him why he didn't help me tank against 3 enemy heroes left alive who were pushing our tower. I died to 100HP lesh and he argued would it even matter if I helped him tank the damage. Well, SIMPLY PUT, if he was there, I could have lived 2-3 more seconds, and Lesh would have died before me. I could have then refreshed my HP and stop the push by the remaining Gyro and Mirana. If he died or not, it doesn't matter.
                                                                                      - But these kind of decisions and thought process, is so crucial to the detail that ordinary players like me and him won't be able to understand in real-time. I have given him a pass on the last argument, but not on the first 2 especially the ROAR ON A FUCKING SUPPORT DURING LATE FUCKING GAME

                                                                                      LOSE. MMR down to 4435
                                                                                      Clockwerk (Offlane - Solo)
                                                                                      K-D-A: 2-5-4
                                                                                      GPM: 290
                                                                                      XPM: 301

                                                                                      - Whilst our Storm (1-9) played very bad and was completely owned by Leshrac (13-1), I thought I played very bad on my Clockwerk as well. Very rusty game play so to speak.
                                                                                      - I also struggled with voice chat - since I use it and is part of my game. Every time I hit voice chat and tried to talk, the game client hangs for 3-5 seconds. Since it's a very good habit for me to talk especially during skirmishes and clashes, i tried it quite a few times and lagged.
                                                                                      - Until now im not able to use voice chat so I might have to restart my game client

                                                                                      LOSE. MMR down to 4410
                                                                                      Lone Druid (Carry - Dual Lane)
                                                                                      K-D-A: 6-1-7
                                                                                      GPM: 430
                                                                                      XPM: 395

                                                                                      - Owned early and mid game but people still don't know how to defend a not that farmed split-pushing AM 30 minutes into the game.
                                                                                      - My teammates consistently TPd back whenever Anti-Mage reaches our T3 tower. STUPID.

                                                                                      For all of you reading this, from a generic perspective, these are the stuff you should do against an Anti-Mage for cases when:
                                                                                      1. Your team was able to CAPITALIZE and TAKE CONTROL of EARLY and MID GAME
                                                                                      2. OVERALL, your team is STRONGER AND MORE FARMED than the enemy
                                                                                      3. If 5 of you can TAKE ON the remaining 4 enemy heroes (w/o Anti-Mage) while going high ground

                                                                                      This is what you do:
                                                                                      1) Ensure to take out all T2 towers before going for a T3 push. Why? To capitalize your Gold and Exp lead over enemy team. Although there might be times when just going straight T3 in-spite of the presence of T2 towers in other lanes can be done. It's a little bit more costly and you guys will really come out wounded after the push. It will be very susceptible to buy-backs from enemy team and then can team wipe your entire team.
                                                                                      2) After taking all T2 towers. Secure Roshan. Again, the reason is to capitalize Gold and Exp lead. You can also look for opportunities to gank them since the lanes will open up and the tendencies of some average players is to farm way beyond their towers. Of course, the extra life will also help.
                                                                                      3) Neutralize all lanes - at least just mid-way and then direct all efforts to a rax push in 1-lane. Commit everything into this.
                                                                                      Problem? Anti-Mage will split push one lane and might eventually reach T3 tower.
                                                                                      Solution? Let him be. At max, he can get 1 rax (provided you guys defended at least 2 of your T2 towers.
                                                                                      But what can you get out of it? You can take 2 raxes as long as you play it the right way.
                                                                                      What is the right way? To fucking focus on eliminating the towers and not overextending for the kills deep into their base.
                                                                                      There will be times when you can kill people trying to defend T3 tower, then yes do it. But if it comes to overextending until T4 tower, then STOP IT.
                                                                                      You can easily transition to the 2nd set of raxes because of your team's GOLD + EXP and AEGIS advantage.
                                                                                      What to do next? RESET. Some of your teammates might have died in the process, that's okay. At least they died taking raxes, instead of other things.
                                                                                      Once everyone has regenerated, simply push the remaining lane which Anti-Mage was split pushing. Doesn't matter if it's BIG CREEPS already. Your team should have gotten a lot of $$$$ from the lanes you guys just demolished.

                                                                                      END GG WP!


                                                                                        dude just chill out wtf xD


                                                                                          WIN. MMR up to 4435
                                                                                          Spectre (Carry - Tri Lane)
                                                                                          K-D-A: 11-5-10
                                                                                          GPM: 552
                                                                                          XPM: 566

                                                                                          - we wanted to execute the silencer-zeus-spectre combo and then they last picked huskar
                                                                                          - we got scared of huskar but we advised Silencer to go right click build
                                                                                          - I went for MoM so I can man-up on huskar
                                                                                          - everyone on my team played well, nyx rotations during mid game created a lot of space
                                                                                          - too easy, gg wp

                                                                                          Welt aus Eis

                                                                                            the heroes you pick aren't really the best for climbing
                                                                                            if you're looking to just improve no probs, but if you want the numbers you should go for meta heroes


                                                                                              looks like 5 months ago you were in the same spot :/
                                                                                              master pl if you want to climb using carry.
                                                                                              am works too sometimes.


                                                                                                climbed with am weaver spec necro ez


                                                                                                  Posting the full script here in my blog :)

                                                                                                  typical weekday (*except Wednesday nights because of basketball & Friday nights if I'm partying/drinking with buddies)
                                                                                                  - 05:00 : wake up/coffee
                                                                                                  - 05:30 : basketball/shooting drills/light breakfast
                                                                                                  - 07:00 : workout/gym near the office
                                                                                                  - 08:30 : shower/go to office/
                                                                                                  - 09:00 : Work stuff! client meetings, strategizing, planning, solution designing finish around
                                                                                                  - 18:00 : Go home
                                                                                                  - 20:00 : Dinner / can be earlier depending on traffic
                                                                                                  - 21:00 : on-wards: DoTo

                                                                                                  typical saturday
                                                                                                  - 09:00 : *depends if I get drunk or had a date on a Friday night, I could be sleeping or having a few DoTo Games
                                                                                                  - 12:00 : This is where I officially start my weekend, Car Wash, Read stuff
                                                                                                  - 13:00 : Play in a basketball league
                                                                                                  - 16:00 : Play in another basketball league
                                                                                                  - 20:00 : Dinner / beer with basketball friends / date with someone
                                                                                                  - 23:00 - onwards - either i'll be home playing dota OR sleeping with a girl OR having a good massage

                                                                                                  typical sunday
                                                                                                  - 09:00 : *depends on how my Saturday night ended up. But i like slow and relaxed Sundays
                                                                                                  - 15:00 : Go to gym workout
                                                                                                  - 18:00 : out with family (parents, bros, sis) OR dating someone OR chilling in a coffee shop planning for the upcoming week
                                                                                                  - 21:00 - onwards : play DotA

                                                                                                  - I'm turning 30 on November. For the past 2-3 years, the only time I stopped playing DotA was when I fell in love with my ex-girlfriend, probably stopped playing for a good 6 months until the TI fever came in and I went back playing :D
                                                                                                  - I reached 4.5K MMR 1st time last year when we were still together - I think her being around me when I'm playing forced me to BE CALM and NOT TO FLAME/GET MAD/TRASH TALK anyone coz I'd look like a kiddo if I did :p
                                                                                                  - The relationship started became troubling after my business trip in Spain/Paris last January. I think when you see new places and meet new people, your perspective on how your life is going will dramatically change. My Dota MMR hit rock bottom during those struggling months, I went all the way down to 3.2K MMR.
                                                                                                  - I broke up with her to relieve stress and shit and to focus on being GREAT in my job and eventually start my MMR climb back to 4.5K MMR documented in my personal dotabuff blog :p

                                                                                                  im a solutions architect in a high-tech IT industry helping top local companies improve their businesses by implementing successful solutions and make money out of their data. i have about 10 certifications in my field of job
                                                                                                  based on steam stats, i have already spent 6 months of my life in playing DotA. Imagine if we can pull this off in other areas we want to be good at, we could easily be at least the 4K MMR (Top 80%) of whatever we want to pursue.
                                                                                                  I want to do the same for my health/fitness, finances and of course my job.
                                                                                                  I'd probably stay single til 33ish, because of these personal goals, but yeah, that's how my life is going so far :)


                                                                                                    dont spam spec for godsake.. spectre only need 1 certifications..

                                                                                                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!