General Discussion

General DiscussionDoes spectre do more with less than other carries?

Does spectre do more with less than other carries? in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    My ranked win rate on spectre is decent, 57%, but my average gpm is pretty bad compared to my other carries at 429 gpm. A lot of other carries with lower win rates have much higher gpm like PA 53%, 514 gpm, Luna 43%, 474 gpm, Sven 41%, 465 gpm, lifstealer an abysmal 32% but with 471 gpm.

    I know why my gpm is lower, it's cus spectre is a shitty farmer and needs to score a lot of hero kills and assists to keep up, which I don't do as well as I should. Sven and luna I just go clear out jungles, push waves etc. But I also feel like late game spec only really needs diffusal and heart or skadi and she can be pretty beastly, dish a ton of dmg and survive a long time. On sven I feel like I need so many items to really start fighting, blink, mom/dominator, bkb are almost all required and even then your dmg isn't that high when ult's down. Luna has to have at least dominator and bkb or she gets gibbed. Even troll I find needs more items that spec and is harder to play from behind, but he's almost never behind cus he farms so fast.

    But spec I feel like I can have shit farm, make it to ~40 mins and as long as I finish one dps item and one tanky item I'm good to go and contribute a lot to team fights. Maybe it's just cus of how disperson and desolate work. I know I'm defintiely fearful of an enemy spectre with diffusal and a vanguard mid game where a luna or sven without bkb, not so scary if you have the stuns.

    Of course this could just be too small of a sample size to matter. My spectre ranked is 16-12. My PA is 8-7. That's not really that significantly different, I mean it wouldn't be a shocker to go 8-5 on PA then lose the next 3 in a row. Or lose the next 4 in a row on Spectre to drop to 50%. Maybe it doesn't mean anything.


      mom and radi are pretty good

        이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.

          Mom + urn + max desolate makes for fun game even if suboptimal.

          But back to the op, spectre gets her late game damage from dispersion and desolate so only needs to build tankiness rather than damage items - hence needs less farm than troll/pa etc. hence the balance with her farm ability being shitty.


            Spec is really strong in team fights but he gets rekt by troll so you will need someone to kill troll for you and you take care of everyone else lol.


              Btw how effective is blade mail on spectre I have never tried it.

              THICC BABY SHUM

                nice grammar m8 on topic.
                And yes specter does more hero dmg then any other carry.

                Dire Wolf

                  Blade mail spec is situational but can be very good. I haven't done it myself but have seen others do it. The upside is with blade mail and dispersion if you get a troll or sniper attacking you they will die a quick death. The downside is it might make them switch targets which is not really what you want. As spec you want the enemy team to hit you over your more fragile dps heroes, you want to tank especially since you dish a lot of dmg that way. Also bkb counters it, just more motivation for them to bkb which is bad cus it stops dispersion and desolate too.

                  If you go boots, blade mail and then rush radiance after that you can be pretty nasty cus no one wants to attack you and your radiance will deal dmg. But if you're going vanguard or heart/skadi then it's probably not as good since you're building a tanky spec.

                  I really don't like manta in general as an item, but I love yasha for spec. If you go agi treads, diffusal, yasha you're giving your illusions 44 agi and 15 ias (yasha ias affects illusions) which makes them do a lot of dmg. The attack speed increases off agi more important than the dmg since they only do 30% dmg, but with feedback and desolate and that amount of attack speed they will wreck supports who stray from the group. Just not sure if I should build it into s&y or manta or leave it plain old yasha til I need a slot.


                    I'm a bit confused. A major focus of a Spectre build is to increase the damage her illusions make - if you already have a yasha it seems a pretty logical step to finish the item that will allow you to create more illusions.


                      not really, if you get manta to do more damage then you got the wrong item, manta can be a decent dps item for spectre but you get it often to get rid of silences and other disables, scout the map or confuse your enemies. Ilussions have desolate too but that doesn't mean you will get value from the item in every fight.

                      Dire Wolf

                        Manta illusions don't gib supports like ult does but point take


                          you probably win more with spectre because your awareness sucks. Try playing some supports instead


                            to fix the problem

                            Pom Pom 🍕

                              If you already have radiance, manta also helps a lot for split-farming. It gives a lot of single-target damage though. 65 pure damage from each of the illusions is not bad.

                              casual gamer

                                the nice synergy is that dispersion and radiance kill all the creeps so you do desolate damage with manta


                                  I wasn't saying to build manta, I was questioning why you'd build s&y in preference to it if you already have a yasha you want to improve

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