General Discussion

General DiscussionSEA New Player

SEA New Player in General Discussion

    How i get high mmr I'm learn it
    I'm 14 Years Old and I Like Support Role
    I'm ask What I Pick in Pub match Every game ?
    Teach me please :( #sorrybadenglish


      2800 mmr why get high mmr when ur new player?

      u still have a lot to learn



        pick what you want, at this point getting more experience is the best way to learn


          when i was 2700 mmr i thought i am almost pro


            but now i am almost pro


              ^ 2700 corazones por favor
              mi pro


                In my first account i got 2900 mmr :( i wan't get 4k mmr


                  1st account 2900
                  2nd account 2900

                  u must 1st get better then ur mmr will increase


                    ? really ? Why get same mmr ? because IP ?


                      your goal should be to improve as a player & get higher mmr while doing that. If you just pick meta heroes all the time u will maybe get a higher mmr but in the longrun : good plays > meta picks


                        When i play Party with my Friend 2k mmr I get 2k mmr in party ?

                        Natsuki Subaru

                          Play consistently patient when playing carry,
                          Have controlled aggression as a midlaner
                          Do not feed and always help your team as an offlaner,
                          Stick to your team like hell as a support.
                          GOLDEN RULE : Don't die, farm when safe, be objective-minded (scare the enemy team instead of trying to kill them while taking rax).
                          Pick the current meta heroes, they are pretty strong if you want to gain mmr.

                          So many posts offending instead of answering the question , sigh..


                            It's not about the same IP it's more of your game skills

                            I am muted

                              this is clearly a troll am i right?


                                Thanks Troll :) I will play well ty


                                  vroksnak's picture lol

                                  just put the black with the questionmark fits u better