General Discussion

General DiscussionIf you could take 5 heroes out of the game for a day?

If you could take 5 heroes out of the game for a day? in General Discussion
⚽️Thank You Granddad🏎

    I'm just curious if you could, what heroes would they be and why? i'm doing it because i see the same heroes get picked every game, its becoming boring, repetitive and predictable. Just some lighthearted discussion where everyone can join in, nothing too serious, i'm not trying to start something here haha

    1. Troll Borelord (Yawn.. in every single game)
    2. Techies (regardless, this hero should be removed from DOTA, its bordering on ridiculous)
    3. Riki (Almost every game i play they either leave after having a paddy or do whatever they want whenever they want and just trash talk because nobody can see them... Just a bit sad to be honest)
    4. Sniper (I wish sniper was in all my games! Oh wait.. he is)
    5. Axe (Just become one of those heroes that people pick for the sake of picking, then admit half way through the game they've never played with him before and some what we should all feel sorry for them because they tried... i don't, stop wasting everyone's time and play with a hero you can play with in ranked games)

    Last picking is 4 pussies

      Well since ive had 5 games in a row of retards on Axe/Jugg combo Ill say those because win or lose I am sick of it.


        Earth Spirit
        Troll Warlord
        Witch Doctor
        Faceless Void

        ⚽️Thank You Granddad🏎

          @LastPickingIsForP it annoys me, i don't claim to be good because i'm not, but from my stats you can clearly see the heroes i can play with and the heroes i can't, theres no shame in admitting you aren't good, but don't admit it half way through a ranked game once the damage is already done, but i agree JUGG is another good example

          @SoulEater I won't lie Faceless Void would have been in there but i feel he doesnt get picked that much anymore, iv'e found heroes like Bloodseeker, Pudge and Drow have kinda disappeared since the rise of Jugg, AXE and Troll. But i like WD, Meepo never gets picked in my games, but i wouldnt have gone for Earth Spirit



            It is easy to win vs techies with the right picks and right items and mine awareness.

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            Pom Pom 🍕

              Ancient Apparition, sTinker, Doom, Slark, Faceless Void.

              I don't care if they're not op anymore, I still hate playing against them.

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                Arc Warden ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


                  Naga Siren

                  i hate farm-push dota

                  ⚽️Thank You Granddad🏎

                    @MutedFrCallinTrshPlyr... I actually have no issue with invoker and shadow fiend is one of those heroes that i'm starting to see less and less of, pudge is just boring, techies i kinda dont get, he shouldn't really be on the game

                    @Pomii never see DOOM or Tinker get picked and no i love AA haha, but yeah i hate Slark and Faceless Void, i don't care what anybody says there is no skill to playing with Slark, i got like 18 kills in my first game with him.. and im a noob


                      well in a low skill pub it takes no skill to get 18 kills with anyone, just sayin m8

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                      ⚽️Thank You Granddad🏎

                        @TripleSteal- I actually like terrorblade im gutted i cant play with him that well, medusa was the hero that taught me the importance of last hitting so i can't hate her haha Naga Siren however is an odd one she never gets picked

                        ⚽️Thank You Granddad🏎

                          @UltraCarry i clearly said i was a noob, just sayin PAL

                          Greygrey the Sailor

                            crystal maiden, earth shaker, shadow shaman, dazzle, omniknight


                            Last picking is 4 pussies
                              이 댓글은 삭제되었습니다.

                                i just meant to say it takes no skill to get kills with slark, but you can make some really awesome plays/high level plays with a hero like slark, and all this IM NOOB IM NOOB, is not cool, you should always say you are the best, and mb you wont be as noob as you are, kappa


                                  M*I*C*H*A*E*L & M*E

                                  Well, I have a big issues with people that go mid with Invoker when they are in my team. It is like 90% lose risk.

                                  SF is just boring, regardless which team he is in. Ez to handle with Riki.

                                  Pudge can win a game solo vs trash

                                  ⚽️Thank You Granddad🏎

                                    @LastPickingIs4P i was agreeing with you.... read my comment properly..

                                    @TB.Greygrey7 I love CM haha shadow shaman never gets picked, i just think his ultimate lasts too long. I love Dazzle and Omni too you can't throw them ones out haha


                                      riki slark sniper troll RIKI

                                      Last picking is 4 pussies

                                        People that speak Spanish shouldn't be allowed to pick hard carry.

                                        Side note why doesn't slark ever get a single nerf???? People whine about ES and slark has way more mobility and killing power.


                                          I only seen Ember being good in one or two games.


                                            Bounty Hunter or just Shadow Blade. I want to see what happens to the people who think Shadow Blade = escape.

                                            Bloodseeker. 98% of the time the players are South American, overextend, chase too far and feed. Now I know this is stereotyping, but is the tribal dressup that's the appeal with him?

                                            Puck. Not that anyone would notice. Still, worst voice work in the game.

                                            Mirana. I've been hit with one too many Moonlight Shadow ganks.

                                            Venomancer. As much as I hate to say it because he's one of my favorite heroes, people thinking he's a carry grind my gears. He's squishy, he's slow as fuck, and there's always better selection for the carry position, even in draft. He's position 3 at most. Are people mistaking him for Viper or something?

                                            Infinite Ominous Guarantees


                                              Pom Pom 🍕

                                                ^^Veno is normally played as mid in competitive games actually. Not as a "carry" though, just to get fast levels (maxed wards for pushing is pretty normal), a mobility item and aghanim/veil for increased damage output (or necro3 for more push). He's not as common anymore though since pushing strats got nerfed, but his ultimate with the right positioning can be pretty insane if you have levels and aghs/veil.


                                                  troll (cuz OP)
                                                  sniper (cuz OP)
                                                  storm spirit (cuz I don't know how to play against him)
                                                  techies (y would any1 pick techies just go play COD and spam claymores if this is what you want to do with your life)
                                                  alchemist (cuz useless)

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                                                        @ skor you are so right Peruvians love blood seeker on my climb out of 2k I saw so many Peruvian blood seekers gradually they have seemed to thin out luckily don't know why we have to play with them id glady wait longer not to. I read a Peruvian writing on reddit that Peruvians try to avoid playing with other Peruvians since even they cant stand each other. There are some good ones but I have seen a lot of games ruined by Peruvians flaming team in Spanish/ a couple english cuss words they know.


                                                          Night Stalker (hate him, with night he just run with boots and urn and kill everyone on the map, but when i play him i feed all time xD)
                                                          Omniknight (so annoying to lane against him)
                                                          Undying (i have no idea how to deal with this hero when he is on my lane)
                                                          Lina (W + Q + R, nice gameplay)
                                                          Axe (really need to say something ?)

                                                            이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.

                                                              Void, Doom, oracle, winter wivern, magnus

                                                              Edit: actually bloodseeker is more annoying than magnus, so:
                                                              Void, Doom, oracle, winter wivern, bloodseeker

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                                                              George The Zookeeper

                                                                only doom cuz he's stupid press R one hero out ...

                                                                Das Claw

                                                                  Techies (Good ones are just never on my team)
                                                                  Doom (Doom: Doom is just absurd as a spell)
                                                                  Undying (Early game monster, tombstone slow is utterly absurd)

                                                                  ⚽️Thank You Granddad🏎

                                                                    @Matrice i loved Oracle when i first played him, i thought he was a creative and different hero but i think now he's kinda boring, most people iv'e found who play Oracle just give up and start feeding because they get bored, But i actually liked Winter Wyvern

                                                                    @DasClaw even though he's not that popular i think Undying is one of the top 5 most underrated heroes in DOTA, he falls off in the late game in my skill bracket because they never have the correct build for him meaning he becomes useless

                                                                    @JohnWick iv'e been seeing a lot of hate for DOOM which i think is strange (not because i like him as a hero) but because i never see him get picked


                                                                      "storm spirit (cuz I don't know how to play against him)"

                                                                      Force staff is all you need.

                                                                      He jumps on you and silence - you force staff away. Before he gets a funny amount of charges on BS that is.

                                                                      "only doom cuz he's stupid press R one hero out ..."

                                                                      Let him doom you carry. Be ready with healing etc. and he can stay in the battle and win the fight even with doom.

                                                                      "Doom (Doom: Doom is just absurd as a spell)" I would say Duel is ten times more absurd (it did technically doom both players in Dota1).


                                                                        - Storm
                                                                        - Sniper
                                                                        - Troll
                                                                        - Bristle
                                                                        - Timber

                                                                        Natsuki Subaru


                                                                          ⚽️Thank You Granddad🏎

                                                                            @Cabble i F****N hate Storm Spirit.. what an annoying hero, everything down to his design, animation and abilities, just irritating, but why Timbersaw i think he's an awesome hero


                                                                              I want the old panda storm back from Dota1. This storm in Dota2 is so uggly.

                                                                              KGBlue Lives Matter

                                                                                Void: Fuck that bullshit. Once your Chronoed you cant do jackshit and it basically comes down to void just deciding on what heroes he wants to die
                                                                                Jugg: Same thing as Void in taht when he ults you cant do jackshit unlss your a support with Ghost or a Euls. Also the fact that he can get a fucking double kill at ten health with that stupid thing and come out alright makes me wanna scream.
                                                                                Sniper: Wish he was just nerfed into oblivion as the old sniper was so fun to play against. Just pick Nyx and collect wins although when old Sniper was on your team expect feed central. Now he is just OP BS
                                                                                Pudge: Makes playing any hero other than some tanky shit or nyx fucking miserable. Even when you buy BKB he just hooks you into his team and then stuns you while his team whales on you.
                                                                                Techies: Fuck techies.

                                                                                ⚽️Thank You Granddad🏎

                                                                                  @Stalinator Void is a tricky one because he needs to be like that to compete with the other noob heroes that are picked to counter him, if they picked Troll and PA you'd be grateful that you had a Void on your team, but i do understand your point. Techies on the other hand needs to go, its ridiculous, Pudge is boring and if it wasn't or the hook nobody would pick him. So i do agree with you