General Discussion

General Discussionwhat could I have done different this storm game

what could I have done different this storm game in General Discussion
ф fml fuck jugg, I was initally going something 20-1 with 27 bloodstone charges, ended the game with 10k gold in the bag after buyback ://, if I jumped jugg, their es murdered our team and if I jumped es, I got bashlorded ://////////////////////////////////////


      You should've ganked jug more earlier in the game. Seems like he got big pretty fast.


        Refresher is decent 5th or 6h slot, you'd have double bkb, double shiva, double hex and you the only way you die is wk abyssal and he didn't have a blink :))


          ^huh, never thought of a refresher, honestly at that point I was too much on tilt because of that stupid spectre being 17 55 mins into the game

          casual gamer

            You needed to keep the enemy from farming or end the game early, you prob also should've checked ur spec around 15-20 minutes and realized that she was not going to carry you if the game stalled


              Keep your powertread, don't buy shiva.

              Travel has no purpose on storm, unless you have a chicken waiting with your power tread where you are going to tp

              Shiva has no purpose on a storm with both bkb and linken. You have everything to prevent enemy from preventing you to cast ult, why do you need shiva ?
              Personnaly, as i find storm to be a bit lacking of dps, when i build both bkb and linken, i tend to go to divine as last item. there's obviously safter choice, such as daedalus/mkb or mjolnir.

              Just a better item build would have won you the game.

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                is desolator storm viable? I've been seeing it lately more often somehow