General Discussion

General Discussionbug? wtf

bug? wtf in General Discussion
Ded Kazarepku

    why does spirit breaker can bush me on juggernaut (bitch) with charge of darkness while i omnislash him???? is the something wrong in my understanding of *invulnerable*. Ok, pudge can hook me, its strange but ok, but bush?????

    bum farto

      At one point a entire nation got bushed.

      Ded Kazarepku

        lol)))) this explain everything. but i get bashed))


          In all seriousness, Charge of Darkness is probably the most bugged skill of all heroes. You can only learn to deal with it's shenaningans.

          Ded Kazarepku

            this is something that volvo should to take note


              Yes indeed was does can!?


                On a serious note tho, Greater Bash = goes through BKB.

                waku waku

                  omnislash is not much better, with that fat bastard getting in your way if you actually try to do anything