General Discussion

General DiscussionAt what mmr is trilanes more prevalent than dual lanes.

At what mmr is trilanes more prevalent than dual lanes. in General Discussion

    I am 3.1k mmr and have been around 3k mmr for around 5 months and have been as low as 2.1k when I first started Dota 2, 9 months ago . I expected to see a slight increase in trilanes maybe like 15% but this has not been the case id say it's more like 5% unless you count a jungler occasionally ganking the safe lane as a trilane.


      At least 4.2k-4.3k mmr.

      You need to get people that's aware how double pulling is important, you need to get people that know how harrasing the enemy offlaner is important, etc.

      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
      Last picking is 4 pussies

        Honestly seems most teams have a jungle. Now if you go up against a stack I'd say chance for tri doubles at least.


          Nah I'd say trilanes become more popular around 3.9k-4k


            I have to say no. Since I know how they play in 3.9, 100% sure trilanes in 3.9k are bad.


              there are trilanes in 90% of my games and jungler is nearly always a disadvantage, although thats the issue of current meta i guess. dual lanes (2-1-2) is pretty unpopular, but can work sometimes.


                @ Shred you to bits
                I just got out of 3.9k bracket less than a month ago. Trilanes are fine in that bracket.


                  i am pretty positive that at 3.4-3.5 you already see trilanes ocasionally


                    There's a difference between seeing an trilane and doing it.

                    People at 3.5k have no clue what they should do when they lane that way.

                    People at 3.9k might have an idea, but they are still bad.

                    It's not even funny, don't try it out.

                    Most of the time people will end up double waved, supports will randomly die by some Wind Runner, etc.

                    It can work but most of the time it's disaster. :D

                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                      people at 4k dont know how to trilane, lel.
                      in 3k there just stand 3 heroes in one lane, maybe do a retarded pool that will double wave the enemy offlaner and give him lvl 4 while your trilane is lvl 2.
                      i remember those times, cuz i have been there and mostly played a carry.
                      but it is still technically a trilane


                        Yeah, it's still technically trilane.

                        OP, go for it bro! Ez road to 2k mmr. D:


                          Btw, nice red winning streak cyka.


                            lol what does that have to do with anything, and also what does "cyka" have to do with anything.

                            i just stated my experience and this is how you react.

                            y u hef 2 be mad

                            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                              You got it all wrong. It does-not have anything to do with OP question, I was just kinda upset when I saw your losing streak, bro.

                              ALl fine, I'm not mad and I'm not trying to take a fight here. :]

                              Last picking is 4 pussies

                                You all reason its highly hit or miss yes?

                                Seems like every other game between 3k and 4k is either a lopsided snowball win or your on the other end of it.

                                If they have a stack highly likely you get a tri lane if not its more likely you have a jungle which depending what it is isn't so bad.

                                I will also say around 3500 the last time I went carry my retarded support left to suck at lane pulling while leaving me 1v1 vs viper as void. This is the reason I don't even bother on carries partially plus the good ones are too retard friendly and I don't enjoy that.

                                casual gamer

                                  3.9k is about right

                                  i remember when i tanked down to 3900 mmr a month ago it blew my mind that people weren't trilaning

                                  Dire Wolf

                                    I rarely see trilanes, it's probably 10% trilane, 60% jungler with solo offlane, 30% duo lanes. And maybe .00001% duo mid lane.

                                    The thing is there's not a lot of point to trilanes in a pub because so often the offlaner is solo. So think about it, if offlaner is solo, you can almost always handle him with two guys. If you trilane usually your supports are just leeching carry's xp. They may zone out, but one support should be able to do that. If you aren't going to score kills or double pull jungle you may as well do a duo lane. Typically what will happen is one guy will single pull jungle and the other guy will just sit in lane doing nothing so there's no point. And heaven forbid if you ward the pull camp, then they freak out and have nothing to do!

                                    Offensive trilanes work really well though but good luck getting your team to do one, almost never happens. Cus their safe lane will never expect it and their junglers never rotate. You can shut down hard carries who start weak in lane like void and spectre very hard with aggro tri.


                                      ^i mean when i am against a dual lane, i am so happy, like very very happy.
                                      most dual lanes won't apply as much pressure as a trilane, but i guess it also depends on the support.
                                      if its a solo melee support, then i won.
                                      and also that means theres one less guy to worry about, if there is no 2nd support that means most likely he won't gank mid or i have a free lane as an offlaner, or he will gank and i will farm and get ez xp.

                                      it depends on the lane ofc, but 80% of the time in a pub, if i am offlane i am happy to see a dual lane.


                                        he got red streak cz he stacked with me last weekend


                                          @ Triple, I'm not suprised. D:


                                            in mid 3k people started to tri lane a lot , but in higher 3k and low 4k there are lot more 2-1-1 with a roamer or jungle then tri lanes or 2-1-2. It's likely just cuz of the patch or copying meta or what ever and has nothing to do with rank. Honestly I don't feel like tri lanes pay off at my rank, its too often that the supports manage to both leech XP and don't zone the offlane, or pull even when the wave is super close to their tower. or just spend all there time in the jungle while the carry plays a solo lane. other times both supps will do their job, but the carry will manage to get no farm some how.


                                              Im at 3.7k-3.9k right now and atm it seems that trilane is played most of the games. I dont like it at all..


                                                Thanks for all the replys , btw at my mmr trilanees are almost always a disadvantage and make game very one sided however the games I have experienced where it worked, the team it worked for wrecked and it was one sided but this is rarely the case I guess people at my mmr can't trilane included since i never had to learn, I played some games with 4.5 k buddies but I went solo offlane so still didn't have to learn lol.

                                                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                  이 댓글은 삭제되었습니다.

                                                    Get 2 aggressive supports, have em stand in the trees and harass w/o drawing creep aggro. Have the carry maintain creep equilibrium through denies and only last hitting. Get a support to stack the pull camp. Pull the camp if it pushes out. Once you get some free farm for your carry, smoke up with the other support and gank mid.

                                                    I'm at 1.6k and I've only seen a tri lane once. It completely wrecked their 2-1-2 line up and seemed pretty successful. That seems to be about what happened. We had rubick, lion(me), and I think a juggernaut.

                                                      이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.
                                                      plz do

                                                        trilanes will be prevalent in captains mode or party mmr (5 stack). never in all pick. 70% of games in 3k-4,3k solo mmr people will be greedy and pick a jungler or mess up entire team balance w an immature last-pick. Also, execution of trilane is horrible between 3 and 4k - its an offlaners dream.
                                                        edit: also constant fight about who is pos 5 in trilane. few take responsibility

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