General Discussion

General DiscussionSkywrath - bloody annoying support as a zoner

Skywrath - bloody annoying support as a zoner in General Discussion
I am muted

    So what do you do against skywrath when solo offlane? Any general tips regarding this? and also any specific offlane heroes that deals nicely against her?


      buy extra tangos and trade them for experience.
      you can always predict the amount of damage that sky gonna deal, so he cant kill you unless you do some stupid mistakes, sky cock is good only in zoning.
      if you manage to get lasthits somehow (pkay against retards who fail to stop pushing their lane), you can get sticks that are pretty good for most offlane heroes,

      I am muted

        so against carries who can control their lane then I've lost? If creep equlibrium is say near secret shop, I have no way of walking up to soak exp :( he will just PEW PEW PEW me lol


          if you are solo offlane against normal dual or any trilane, and you win your lane - something is terribly wrong with the whole game. usually when you pick solo hard, you should not expect to get anything except levels in the laning stage, unless enemies go for some rly weird laneup that includes some1 staying safelane solo.

          Rih (Bot)

            Try blocking your own creeps to destroy the creep equilibrium..


              Call him a fgt in all chat, run to get last hits while he's replying


                it wont help

                10/10 would work

                I am muted

                  how does blocking your own creep destroy creep equilibrium? It might bring the equlibrium slightly closer but even then it wont help as much I dont think. Only way I can see it work is if you can somehow push the wave and hopefully force him to choose between tanking creeps or last hitting under tower to reset. Then theres other factors like support pulling during when u do all that but anyway yeah.

                  ahahahah nice pro tip.

                  I am muted


                    I mean lets rephrase that this is a pub game. There usually isnt any ideal duallane trilane. I seldom see a offlaner in pubs geting zone out completely at level 1. My point is that there are a lot of supports such as earthshaker, lion, venge etc that has to commit to a kill for it to be effective. BUT SKYWRATH is like offlaner aids. He doesnt commit but still gives you a shit ton of stress and sadness. What can you do :(


                      its pretty simple, its all about the pick, if u pick shit that get rekt vs sky u'll get zoned ez, if u pick bb u'll be fine
                      if u can handle the lane, u stay on it. if u cant, u move and try to have any impact at all.

                      and if u cant stay on lane and neither can move cuz thats how shit ur pick is, u solo lost the game.

                      and if u know u wont be able to stay on lane but want to anyway, just rush a spot in the trees where he wont find u and get xp/mess around if he finds u ( try to make him lose time as much as he makes you lose time )

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                      Rih (Bot)

                        Block your creep wave in a way that your range creep goes first, you'll notice that creep wave will slowly push a bit. So if you do this for 3 waves, you might have a chance last hitting or getting creeps near or under your tower by luring creeps to you which is done by clicking the hero of the other team.. ( This is preferable for an offlane on Radiant side compared to a Dire offlaner). Dire Offlaner has a longer distance to walk from its tower to the place where creeps meet.

                        Range creep deals more damage than the melee ones so if it dies first, It will affect the creep wave.

                        I am muted

                          Ok so in my original post I also asked what heroes would be good against sky. You reckon BB? why? What would you get lvl 1? I find that even BB gets dealt lots of dmg against a sky at level 1. And not sure how you can handle lane against sky and how to create any other impact as BB at level 1. Can you explain more?

                          Rih (Bot)

                            I think clockwerk could be a good option. :D


                              u pick passif and turn ur back when he throw his shit on you, get 8tango stout, basic stuff
                              bb just dont take enough dmg from sky, so either he try to zone u and fail cuz he's getting oom very fast for very little dmg and u reg and then fall behind super fast cuz he doesnt pull so he doesnt get xp while you do, at some point (lvl3) u have the adventage on him and can go on him and actually zone him out.
                              as a support he wont bring tangos or salve cuz he has other things to do in life, so after he's out of his starter reg he wont be a problem for you anymore ( while you as an offlaner bring reg whenever you need it ) and he'll just either move on with his life ( roam ) or pull.
                              either way the more time passes the more u'll be fine

                              and no cw is not rly good vs sky, sky is way too fast and too ranged for clock to get in contact with him.

                              basically u just have to remember when ur disadvantaged and when u have the adventage.
                              its all about control, u tank and deal more to him than he does, u win more xp than him, u have more reg, so at some point u'll flip the switch and at that moment u have to be more agressive, u become the predator, he becomes the prey.
                              else you wont see the end of being a victim.

                              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                              I am muted

                                Aite Ill try it out Ampoule.

                                Oh I find clock semi okay if you get boots first, use cogs to trap creeps, get level 2 and then stay in trees and try kill sky when u full hp. Only problem is if they have lane ward then well gg haha


                                  tide is also good, basically everything that can tank or sustain or trade the nukes are ok vs sky

                                  also u have to listen to this kind of music if u wanna win offlane, almost everything that deorro does is good for offlaning.


                                  and bout clock cogs, if sky doesnt pull yeah its ok, but usually when u have clock oppos you pull the lane so he doesnt get any more xp/lane ctrl than first wave

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                                    Block camp and go offlane lich. No exp and gold for them Unless they deward

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                                    I am muted

                                      I just went to lobby and test it out. Surprisingly from full mana, sky only deals half hp to bristleback (if he faces back) which is around 200-250 dmg. And after that shes done. Need to clarity which is easily dispelled by spray.


                                        and meanwhile u reg with tango and get xp so yea as i said when ur about lvl 3 hes done and its ur time to get agressiv and then he cant trade with you anymore and leaves ( or stay and dies)

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                                            centaur max return + stick + cloak?


                                              magic stick is usually good against skywrath spam

                                              Dire Wolf

                                                Viper pwns him too with corresive skin. Sky will take too much dmg from nuking you to keep it up and he'll die to your poison spit if he isn't careful.

                                                Sky usually isn't the issue though, it's whatever carry he's teamed with. If he's with like jugger or troll, holy shit and good luck. If he's babysitting say a spectre, not so much an issue.

                                                casual gamer

                                                  rocket that is the opposite of a good idea

                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                    if you're playing cent just wait til he's out of position and blow him up with a stomp edge combo

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                                                      I am muted

                                                        haha rocket do you have 1k gold at level 1 as a centaur? :D