General Discussion

General DiscussionIt's your fault.

It's your fault. in General Discussion

    Often people complain on Dotabuff that they are trapped in whatever level of MMR far too low, and they can't advance because their stupid, nub team is holding them back. But it's your fault. Furthermore, you can't improve unless you admit that it is your fault.

    Rapidly gaining MMR is only easy when you are vastly underrated. This is because you are only 1/10 of the players in a game. If you are close to a stable MMR you will win/lose very nearly 50% of games. If you are "worth" merely 500 MMR more than your current score then your team is only up 100 points on average... a mere 4 wins. You are only marginally more likely to win the game.

    For example I recently have been gaining MMR since I replaced my ISP and PC, both of which were dysfunctional so that I often had no idea what was happening for several seconds as if the screen froze. But now it's all working normally except an occasional spike which I blame on Valve since it tends to coincide with other players also complaining of lag.

    Anyway, starting at a low of 2350 MMR I began to win games easily. Nevertheless even at this point feeders sometimes caused me to lose...and I was also out of practice. But I start 49 wins, 14 losses (78% winrate) up to about 3k MMR. At this point the play has changed significantly and after I notice I am not progressing I have to adjust. For instance at 3k MMR there are occasionally ganks not visible on the map, at 2.4k that never happens because despite wards being few the gankers always walk past the rune spot and never use smoke.

    Start 2350 MMR
    Won 6, lost 1 = 2475
    Won 2, lost 1 = 2500
    Won 2, lost 1 = 2525
    Won 4, lost 1 = 2600
    Won 2, lost 2 = 2600
    Won 1, lost 3 = 2550
    Won 4, lost 1 = 2625
    Won 6, lost 1 = 2750
    Won 7, lost 2 = 2875
    Won 7, lost 1 = 3025
    Won 8, lost 10 = 2975 (tip - don't keep playing on no sleep and lose 10 games in a row?? lol)
    Won 4, lost 1 = 3050
    Won 3, lost 3 = 3050
    Won 1, lost 3 = 3000
    Won 5, lost 1 = 3100
    Won 1, lost 2 = 3075
    Won 5, lost 7 = 3025
    Won 3, lost 1 = 3075
    Won 2, lost 1 = 3100
    Won 1, lost 2 = 3075
    Won 4, lost 2 = 3125
    Won 1, lost 2 = 3100
    Won 1, lost 1 = 3100
    Won 1, lost 1 = 3100
    Won 3, lost 1 = 3150
    Won 2, lost 2 = 3150
    Won 2, lost 1 = 3175
    Won 1, lost 1 = 3175
    Won 2, lost 1 = 3200
    Won 2, lost 1 = 3225
    Won 3, lost 1 = 3275
    Won 1, lost 1 = 3275
    Won 1 = 3300

    After the foolish attempt to play 18 games of dota in a row with no sleep... I get 50 wins 36 losses (58% win) moving from 3k to 3.3k. This was much harder than moving from 2.4k to 3k at 78% winrate. As I get closer to a stable MMR my winrate will get closer to 50%. It's important to understand that while you cannot ensure that every game is a win unless you are vastly underrated - if you deserve to move up then you have to consider losses to be your fault. Look for something you can change about how you play. Maybe you need to focus on last hitting through mid-game, not just early so that you get a core item 1 teamfight sooner. Maybe you need to hold smoke in inventory so its ready to use instead of standing around waiting for it to be delivered and miss the opportunity by 20 seconds. Maybe you need to get a mech, because no one else will do it and then you can't break the base because your creep wave dies too soon. Whatever the case, it must be your fault - even when its obviously some idiot feeder. You failed to tp in and turn his feed into a double kill - that's why you lost.

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    the realm's delight

      wow illuminati confirmed no one knew that until now ty


        gogogogoo relentless




            well, but isnt all of that kinda... obvious? i mean, REALLY obvious, so that basically everyone understands it.




                I'm glad its obvious to you triplesteal, but for many people these things are not obvious. You all see their posts and hear them complain in game all the time. Indeed they go on game after game with the same frustrations. I hope this will give some people the opportunity to turn from raging at teammates and look at themselves to actually improve their play.


                  idk, imo vast majority of dotka players get it, and those ones who keep blaming teammates won't change their opinion (that I'd rather called "belief" instead).


                    The majority of people here get it, to the point where it sounds like saying the sky is blue. the majority of dota players though? not so much.

                      이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.


                        Im the Bully of my School

                          Lmao !


                            Always nice to see a player that is realistic and keeps the blame of the situation on himself (in this case mmr). It's great mindset and every Dota player (and every human being too) should do the same.

                            Wish you best of luck grinding that mmr dude :)

                            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                            Hatsune Miku

                              spam is good


                                Everybody knows this, but people still like to complain about bad teamates


                                  I'm well aware of this, but I need to vent sometimes.

                                  Last picking is 4 pussies

                                    And yet many many people smurf or create new accounts to calibrate to higher ranges.

                                    waku waku

                                      Weren't you complaining about being unable to gain MMR before?

                                      yung griphook

                                        If i were OP i would be pissed that I made a lengthy post and everyone responds by saying "no shit"


                                          he said what we all know


                                            I'm thankful that everyone is free to respond. You can't worry about the fact that everything you write and say no matter the actual quality - someone will not get it, someone will be offended, someone will be mad, someone will think its dumb. Online a few of those people are likely to actually express how they feel.

                                            You just have to remember that, if you said it well, you know it, and the many you did reach know it as well. This is how you get past the trolls and remain able to communicate with the community on dotabuff, and many forums online, and in real life.

                                            Here are a couple more examples.
                                            I gave this tinker two tangoes to help him get bottle quicker. I warded. I also got the courier. I also body blocked to save tinker from giving up FB at the rune because he trapped himself and nearly died at the 10 second mark. The tinker on my team fed mid so badly by 10 min he was 0-5-0 ...somehow against and OM? But never giving up we recovered with countless feeds saved and eventually won despite being down 16.5k gold at 30 min and being massively behind nearly the entire game.

                                            In this game we were literally losing the entire game since 4 min despite me killing axe for FB, then drow twice to start the team off 3-0. Invoker fed mid very badly and could not cast a combo correctly once the whole game. He has a 37% winrate on invoker.
                                            Never giving up...we still won. I had to kill lina and drow twice at the end with bmail - yes they both bought back and fell for it again. I can only guess they were under a lot of stress and panicked. I think maybe 6k of my 12k hero dmg this game was bmail.
                                            We won the game down 16k gold.

                                            In this game again my team, except for ursa, fed like it was their mission in life to feed. I was not able to save them because they were not smart enough to run toward omniknight when dieing. They consistently ran away, just staying out of range to heal or repel. This is my fault. I should have rushed fstaff instead of mech recognizing early that my teams sense of positioning and timing was horrible.

                                            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                              이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.
                                              5k, 6k are SUBHUMAN

                                                will the titanic might of 6.84 be able to overcome the malicious evil of hidden pool

                                                that's what i wanna know

                                                5k, 6k are SUBHUMAN

                                                  dear lord just when i said "MM is working fine on my smurf" i get a trilane that fails against a dual lane am + abaddon and i'm supposed to solo qop as slark and my team doesn't let me use courier for bottle

                                                  the next game i just abandoned cuz wr got level 6 somehow and my "support drow" dies in the lane

                                                  useless shitters everywhere

                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                    60% win rate is quite good, cus like you said, unless you're drastically underrated by mmr, you shouldn't expect big mmr swings. People get pissed cus they can see one guy's actions losing a game for them but then they forget the previous game when they were that guy who lost the game.

                                                    I don't agree at all that every game is winnable and your own mistakes costs games. There are many games where you play just fine and some moron fucks it all up. But over time, you are that moron just as often. That's what you gotta realize.