General Discussion

General DiscussionKaolin

Kaolin in General Discussion

    Ok so why the fuck ES got way more nerfed than Sniper which ES is not even enabled in CM? I mean sure I would of got the nerf on ES if he would of been introduced in CM but he is not so what the fuck was that? Some babies cry that he is op and boom he gets nerfed like Morph TI2. I will still rape scrubs with him but wtf was that, really no needed.
    Ok my rage ended now go flame me.

    Last picking is 4 pussies

      People will always hate a hero that is so flexible and more then anything because he had the power offlane at 6 to kill their carry and babysitter solo.

      Just keep kicking them up to cliffs in the beginning of game that always keeps me happy.

      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

        If for a second you put aside his and look at the bigger picture (more early-mid game action) you can say that it favours him because he is arguably the best early game fighting hero.

        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

          ^ Still doesn't justify nerfing him more than Sniper, the hero has ridiculous skill cap compared to Sniper or other op heroes.


            Just look my kda with es , I had only one game with him didn't really know how to play but I got 12 kda. Free force staff, huge ulti ... The hero super strong.


              High skill cap does not justify incorrect numbers. Though personally I think that Sniper is far more annoying... it might just be his voice and playstyle.


                ^^ You're playing in High skill, please refrain from saying anything regarding heroes. In 3k range anything can be op no offense.
                ^ What incorrect numbers? The hero was already fine, a shorter silence or not being able to pull allies nerf would of been enough.


                  lol boys

                  Last picking is 4 pussies


                    For every person like you with a one game and good KDA there are probably 10-15 players with high kdas or high win rates on heroes like slark etc. who suck at earth spirit and have under 2 kdas and then give up cause they don't want to practice a hero and want early easy results.

                    Hell one guy on here I forgot who has awesome stats with every hero on his most played but had ES like 4th most played with 27% win rate.

                    Last picking is 4 pussies


                      Here is one for you I remember zai playing ES on twitch it was not pretty. No doubt zai ability and talent.

                      King of Low Prio

                        ES should be nerfed

                        Sniper should be nerfed

                        next thread


                          "Anything can be op in 3k" ? Most likely the opposite a lot of heroes that need good strategy and team coordination may be op in higher brackets, take wisp in 1kmmr you won't win game, wisp in higher bracket is way better.

                          To be fair I played before his previous nerf I didn't like what they did with the rock I think they could nerf him differently and still make him fun and easy to play with.


                            Kumbo is right. Everything works in 3k. As long as you can do it above the average.

                            Even Dagon Shadow Fiend will wreck in 3k.

                            ES got nerfed withouy any reason.

                            I'm 3.900 at moment, tried ES with Kumbo yesterday, I think he wanted to kill me.

                            Hero is high skill cap and he's not even CM introduced. Why nerf him if he's not in CM.

                            Maybe he'll get CM in 6.84b.



                              es high skill cap pls

                              King of Low Prio

                                ES is not some kind of insanely skillful hero to play. His abilities are unique so first time players have trouble with it.


                                  Rofl Sampson, you played 1 game of ES with kda of 1 and you dare to talk how is he not hard to play? :D Pls, ES is not BH and for higher skill games you have to really master it in order to bring your impact. It may not look amazingly hard, but it trully is hard.



                                    King of Low Prio

                                      I love watching these band of brothers circle jerk each other. ES is not in CM because he has never been balanced. I played one game with him to troll my brother. I have a 25% winrate with CM guess it is because she is super hard and skillfull hero -_-


                                        You clearly dont have a fuckin clue what you're talking about, so i wont bother with you anymore cause you're not worth of my time.

                                        King of Low Prio

                                          You are right, ES was not put in CM because he is just too hard for people to play -_-

                                          Last picking is 4 pussies

                                            No one said that's not why he is in CM. If so easy he is why don't you play a few more games with him ranked so you can boost up your current Down syndrome worthy ES stats.

                                            bum farto

                                              ES is one of those heroes that takes practice but with proficiency is extremely broken. However, I don't really see this being worth the nerf but I dunno guess I have to try him out after he's been patched to see.


                                                If you just compare at what can do es and venomancer more than their ultimate, in the sense that if you take one of their ulti you better have bkb or tp fountain, I feel es way better once you get how he works. Does the nerf is a bit too much ? Probably, I would have reduce the silence/stun duration instead of the dammage.

                                                Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                  I don't mind the nerfs I mind he isn't in CM since it apparently has great influence on patches and it's not like they have large data from ES players.

                                                  ES picked 6% of games sniper picked almost 50% and in pro scene.

                                                  I would also be mad if they nerfed ES to a point he loses versatility stuff like not yanking allies.

                                                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                    ES is the hero who can do the most without items. Decent damage output, stun, slow, silence, put people out of position, give a boost in positioning for allies, save allies, decent mobility, even psychological impact by just laying out those remnants.

                                                    Being able to do all of that in a game of course involves a serious amount of skill, which maybe not every pro has, but there are certainly players who can take advantage of it and gain and absurd amount of advantage should that player get his hands on him.
                                                    Other than that, Icefrog is probably still a bit hesitant to add him to CM, considering the outrage he caused in the higher skill pools when he was introduced.
                                                    Just my 2 cents.


                                                      ^ I fucking disagree, ES is worth jack shit without items. Guys please don't fucking talk on a subject you are not aware of. You can do much in early to let's say 20 minutes without items but you wanna get farm on him as on every other hero. You might think he needs blink/eul's and that's it but you're wrong, hero is way better with items as any other hero in the game.
                                                      If ES is not high skill cap I dare you 1v1 mid me with him or play him in my bracket on my account, please.
                                                      Any wishers?


                                                        i am wishers to play es on your account, probably will boost you to 6k tho

                                                        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                          ^ But you're dango, you too op for meh.


                                                            well, you have a point there :P


                                                              "Any wishers?"

                                                              I think high skill scrub Sampson wants to get ass raped.


                                                                ^ Lel Sampson wouldn't handle even 4.5k on EU :D

                                                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                  I don't mind the heroes I don't play getting nerfed :horse:


                                                                    ^ Sen size domuz.


                                                                      inb4 ebola spirit


                                                                        oh samspson the stuped n*gg*r, again talking shit


                                                                          es pickers are the worst people in the dota community, so just fuck off.

                                                                          Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                                            I thought zano put it quite well tbh.

                                                                            I also think people who play ES are much better against ES then those that just whine OP and haven't logged even 5-10 games.


                                                                              I love how 95% of the posters in this thread are playing in normal skill and trying to say something that makes sense.
                                                                              The hero got way nerfed, even more than Sniper and Sniper is 150 times more OP than ES and 1500 times more easier to play at full potential, everyone saying otherwise it's either under 5k or either braindamaged.
                                                                              My rant is over.

                                                                              Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                                                Highly doubt your rant is over zano had a valid point period as do a lot of other players who posted regardless of mmr.

                                                                                The only problem with the nerfs was it didn't put him in CM.

                                                                                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                                  hey kumbo at least he didnt get the TB treatment

                                                                                  in the hands of a good player at least ES will still be relevant

                                                                                  wish i could say the same about TB...



                                                                                    pretty relevent in my high skill stack kappa

                                                                                    the realm's delight

                                                                                      fuk that ghero

                                                                                      King of Low Prio

                                                                                        Ask for more sniper nerfs then, stop bitching that ES didnt get baby nerfs like sniper


                                                                                          ^ I don't ask for anything, it's pointless anyway cuz he never gives a shit about what community has to say, I just want to see how far stupidity can go.


                                                                                            Sniper didn't get nerfed enough, i also agree on that, but es nerf, wasn't to harsh considering the hero.

                                                                                            Btw, will we see a reflection buff on tb each patch till it reach something like 200% damage output ? (before they understand that tb will still suck no matter how much they buff it :p)


                                                                                              ^ Imo ES nerf is somewhat comparable to troll which is extremely nerf if we look at where troll is now but troll deserved that shit, every 3k trash could just spam that hero, do Roshan solo, push towers and etc. The problem with ES was that he was able to solo kill anyone at 6 and I agree that he was a strong hero but there was no need to fucking nerf all his 4 skills. Maybe reduce the damage in his ult or make the teammate pull not doable anymore and shorter the silence duration would of been enough.

                                                                                              Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                                                                "I love how 95% of the posters in this thread are playing in normal skill and trying to say something that makes sense."

                                                                                                Stats for you. In regards to your above quote.

                                                                                                16 players posted on this post.

                                                                                                Only 2 of those players were normal skill.

                                                                                                Average win rate of earth spirit of everyone who commented 54%
                                                                                                Average win rate of comments from ES players over 50 games = 58%
                                                                                                Average KDA of all users who posted on ES = 3.47
                                                                                                Average KDA of users with more then 50 games = 3.53

                                                                                                Disclaimer: posted before counting matrice

                                                                                                And god no do not take away ES ability to yank teammates.

                                                                                                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                                                                King of Low Prio

                                                                                                  % of people crying about ES nerfs that need him to help keep them from falling into the abyss of MMR 9000%


                                                                                                    ^ If you were reffering to me then I could prolly win more without ES than with ES atm in this meta so dunno what you're talking about boy.

                                                                                                    Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                                                                      Bah @sampson-says a guy who can't play ES.

                                                                                                      -2nd most played hero is viper
                                                                                                      -last 15 ranked games have mass axe, sniper, jugg in them.

                                                                                                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                                                                      King of Low Prio

                                                                                                        No i can't play invoker because I suck with him, ES is just boring to me