General Discussion

General DiscussionMorphling and Aghanim's interaction

Morphling and Aghanim's interaction in General Discussion
HungrY WolF

    Morphling got an Aghs upgrade and though I don't know how good it is, I have some doubts about the interaction with certain non-ultimate spells.

    1) Silencer's hero-coded intelligence steal. Does Morphling gain permanent intelligence if he morphs into a silencer using his aghs?
    2) Pudge's flesh heap. Same situation. Does Morphling gain permanent strength.
    3) Rubik's stolen spells. Are they considered ultimate spells or just the spells that are actually ulimates?
    4) Void. Can he walk through chrono if chrono has not been skilled? So instead of one void in chrono, there are two voids.
    5) Spells gained through Aghs purchase like Eyes in the forest.


      6) Outworld devourer autocast +his passive dies work?
      7) what happens when he gets ability from neutrale creep with devour?(doom q)


        morph can multi cast if he hybrids Ogre...

        and if he hybrids IO and they tether each other, get get exponential regen and instantly go up to 100% health.

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