General Discussion

General DiscussionNEW FUCKING PATCH 6.84

NEW FUCKING PATCH 6.84 in General Discussion

    Rip mud golems :(

    Totentanz to The King: M ...

      Lack of Troll nerfs? He is absolutely worthless now and you think it's not enough? Oh well, you are the guy thinking Octarine Core is good on Bristleback anyway.

      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

        ^ troll is fucking dead. sniper maybe kinda viable but rip troll fucking cancer cero


          It's going to be fun to play rubick now, getting killed even faster


            Storm Spirit

            Storm Spirit movement speed reduced from 290 to 285
            Ball Lightning flying vision from 1000 to 400

            But why..


              Meh, all in all boring patch, really, when it comes to heroes. Alot of aghs upgrades that people get super exicited about and look super cool, but when it comes ingame, it really doesnt matter.

              Expected nerfs to troll and sniper, mb even overnerfs idk...

              But what you really should put focus on is new items. Its not 1 item, its fucking 10 new items; that didnt happen in dota2 for 3 years.

              bum farto

                Some odd changes and the a lot of new aghanim's upgrades which might make some heroes change the way they're played. Interesting.


                  did u guys see the nyx changes with that barrowing?
                  kinda overpowered :)


                    Techies can make mines immune to true sight lawl

                    plz do

                      eat obs w tangos. best ting ever.

                      plz do

                        @yoshi: rubick can now steal new op agha spells and destroy magical dmg w new pipe aura. full davai style. good patch for him.

                          이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.

                            hush i didnt get properly what u meant mate :)

                            In order to be useful i think i should watch out for

                            1. lotus item (that sucks honestly..)
                            2. have an alchemist to grant me an aghanim
                            3. hope not to be countered by nyx (or almost anyone) since i have one of the lowest health pools in the game :(

                            going to check pipe aura now

                            the new pipe gives 10% magic res to everyone but not me it seems, and it can be dispelled with the new mechanic, im not sure ill be of a great use, i was really hoping for some buffs on rubick especially after the hidden nerf to ulty cooldowns if restolen


                            i think the best support and most banned one is going to be alchemist

                            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                              I like how in this patch, it's mostly new items + minor buffs changing the meta rather than retarded buffs which happened in 6.83

                              The aghs upgrades are really weird, same for the new items but all the changes to existing items (lots of ward changes, sellable bkb, tp no longer removing ghost sceptre etc.) are all solid, except for that 17% AoE miss from Radiance burn, whats the idea behind that lol?


                                No fucking AM changes? Are you fucking kidding me frog?

                                Pom Pom 🍕

                                  I'm glad they made obs and sentries a single slot. Supports really needed that extra slot with how much utility items and wards you carry.

                                  Also I'm not sure what the battlefury change means:

                                  "Battle Fury
                                  Battle Fury now requires and provides the bonuses of Quelling Blade
                                  Quell bonus is now 60% for melee heroes and 25% for ranged heroes
                                  Attack damage reduced from 65 to 55
                                  Cleave radius from 250 to 280"

                                  it says both it requires and provides bonuses of quelling blade. What happens if you don't have a quelling blade and buy a battlefury, is it like a muted item or only gives the damage? And it says "25% for ranged heroes" on quelling bonus, so ranged heroes can somehow cleave now or is the quell bonus for the attack damage and doesn't do anything for cleave?

                                  edit: oh, forgot quelling blade was changed. So it is the attack damage bonus then, since quelling blade only gives base damage. Still kinda weird they'd make difference for ranged heroes, would any ranged hero even have use of it

                                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                    i assumed the build up to bf has changed and now one of the items is a qb? don't have the test client but i'm sure someone can explain.


                                      Patch of supports and int heroes, I guess. Also WK aghs is fun too.


                                        testing it right now, not very fond of it, seems like something out of the blue that doesnt connect with the game..
                                        even the items seem odd

                                        plz do

                                          its not a very good patch for rubick but overall its a good meta for ur favorite hero and magic resistance will be appreciated. 10% magic res aura to others ofc + 20% rubick aura - u get the extra 30% spell resistance from hood. So u will have about 75% magic resistance urself and give +30% to others (=+25% regular magic resistance of most heros). HIGHLY appreciated vs new Octarine Core (since magic dmg now can give lifesteal!!!!). Fuck Nyx. His 1000 magic dmg combo wont deal any shit on u. (and i dont really understand how he is such a big counter to rubick anyways)

                                          Also, laning is better for supports now. it is now ezer to harrass for u, since stout shield has been nerfed, magic wand been somewhat buffed, clarity buffed, arcanes costs 100g less and builds into aoe monster guardian greaves. Guardian greaves is mb not first choice item on rubick but now useful for lategame since %heal. (now its not too late for meka anymore). ghost scepter cheaper. force staff buff. warding easier, mangos, dewarding will be a pleasure w tangos... and more. im too lazy to list all of it.

                                          u gotta pay attention to the little things. also rubick stays a situational pick but a very good one vs upcoming teamfight and new(and old) int monsters including zeus, invoker, nyx, leshrac,....


                                            and Im just sitting here and jerking off imagining timbersaw with octarine. 25% lifesteal from hero damage dealt by spells. is it even legit?


                                              I can't stress enough how much I like new Invis items.


                                                has anyone tested whether lotus orb active is global? i for one miss the days of playing viper and randomly getting a corrosive skin kill on zeus.


                                                  It's time for Silencer to shine.

                                                  1. Octarine Core will proc on Glaives, so every attack has (90% * 25%) 22.5% of his INT as lifesteal.
                                                  2. Last Word is now a slow instead of a disarm, so it's easier to gank and steal INT early game.
                                                  3. The major uptick of spell-focused heroes will make Silencer all the more useful. Also, with an Octarine, Global Silence now has a 98 second cooldown only, making him even better.



                                                    thanks for the imput mate, a really appreciated one, in fact seeing everything from your perspective makes it much better, gonna experiment some more later on the test client :)

                                                    plz do

                                                      ^^really? (concerning silencer)
                                                      1. its average but better than nothing i guess
                                                      2. disarming enemy's saved lifes. also his base ms was decreased by more than 10% - so the 14%ms slow lvl1 is not that big.
                                                      3. agreed.

                                                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                        Pudge teammate: "alch giff me aghs or I feed cyka "


                                                          Also Chakra Magic now adds a buff that that reduces the cooldown of the next spell its target casts by 1/2/3/4 seconds. Buff lasts 12 seconds. hidden gem in this patch?


                                                            His base MS was moved from 300 to 295. That's a 1.67% nerf - nowhere close to 10%.
                                                            Disarming enemies saves lives, sure. But the new Silencer is more aggressive, IMO. You can even play a position 2 Silencer, maybe.

                                                            I just thought of this, too: Luna with Aghanim's -> cast Eclipse on Riki who runs around enemies.

                                                            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                              I don't think losing 15 damage in BR is going to be a huge deal for troll, depending on who he lanes against. Seems big for laning stage.

                                                              Octarine core provides BB with massive amount of regen, health and mana, reduces his quill/snot by 25% and gives his quill spray 25% life steal (it is for spells, not for magic damage in the wording). Seems pretty solid to me. Lotus Orb might be good on him too if opponents are casting hard on him, but getting both would be overkill.


                                                              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                Leshrac and Timber with Octarine Core and Bloodstone got to be pretty badass.

                                                                Dire Wolf

                                                                  The troll nerf doesn't seem like a huge deal, makes it harder to last hit in lane, so maybe you buy a qb for laning at level 1. Idk, his base dmg is comparable to spectre and PA, heroes I usually go qb on. Troll I never had to worry about it. So maybe it delays phase boots/aquila a little bit. I usually bought a qb after those anyway.

                                                                  But the 15 dmg nerf plus some huge nerfs to quelling blade and stout shield kill his jungle capabilities and roshan potential. Previoulsy I could jungle troll to level 7, with a 2/0/4/1 build and go rosh with just qb and dominator. Really easy if you dominate a creep and make it tank half way, but doable even without a creep.

                                                                  Previously level 7 troll dmg vs rosh, 63 base average at lvl 7, +20 from dominator, +15 from rage, x1.32 qb bonus = 129 dmg. After patch he'll only do 83, just his base plus dominator and no qb bonus. I'm pretty sure he won't be able to solo rosh with a close to 40% dmg nerf. I'm not even sure he'll be able to do it with phase boots, aqulia and dominator cus rosh gets stronger as game goes on. You might have to rush like an early crystalis or some dmg item to do it now.


                                                                    this patch looks like autism

                                                                    Pom Pom 🍕

                                                                      So apparently if Rubick uses spell steal on someone with lotus orb buff on they will steal spell steal from rubick. It even becomes useable so you can copy someone's skill for the spell steal duration.

                                                                      Nice breaking the game.


                                                                        is that for real?..


                                                                          I was thinking in some bullshit with techies sign like placing a stone remnant on top of it, if something like that is allowed it would be plain retarded.


                                                                            Yeah, I tried this yesterday.

                                                                            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                              Ppl are saying that troll is dead.

                                                                              How come? Jungle Troll is probably gone now, but laning troll is fine. Lanes usually have aggressive harassment from enemies, so i use ranged form mostly in laning anyway (switching to melee b4 ranged enemy attacks land on me). Ofcourse, ganking at lvl 6 with troll is nerfed. But late game troll is fine as ever? The ulti nerf is not that big a deal is it?


                                                                                I suppose its some sorf of bug that will be fixed