General Discussion

General DiscussionNooo D: Deso is nerfed so therefore TA is nerfed ):

Nooo D: Deso is nerfed so therefore TA is nerfed ): in General Discussion

    Well its kinda compensated for being 600 gold cheaper.

      이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.

        It's a buff for early-mid game, but nerf for late game (slot restricted). It actually makes TA stronger imo.

        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

          its an overall buff, i'm fine with it since i prefer shadowblade and it got buffed anyway, meaning end game slot wise i dont lose out in overall efficiency, plus the new attack speed perma buff


            I'm looking at the solar crest for this one.... more minus armour for cheaper and a blind that can possibly leverage your refraction better. I'm gonna be experimenting with this before and after deso, but it looks pretty stronk to me.

            Pom Pom 🍕

              Think about this, blades of attack (for later daedalus) only costs 450 for 9 damage. So it's really not that bad.

              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
              Dire Wolf

                It's a pretty big buff, quicker deso = better farming. Plus you can get that 7th slot double hyperstone item now. I might start going deso on sniper again since MoM nerfed and it will cost only 700 more than maelstrom. Of course sniper just nerfed heavily so I might not play him at all lol.