General Discussion

General DiscussionPro team who benefits the most from 6.84

Pro team who benefits the most from 6.84 in General Discussion
Last picking is 4 pussies

    I'll throw this out there what pro team do you feel based on their players and past strengths benefits the most from this patch?

    My answer is C9 who once again as much as I'm not a fan of EE. This patch looks like money in the bank for Misery and Notail. Obviously Chinese teams will be strong since they looked the most versatile at starladder. IG and VG.


      Na vi please i want them back , and the game looks like its out of farming mids and back to play making mids , dendi is the best at that imo

      Last picking is 4 pussies

        Dendi is also one of the mids who seems to die a lot by rotations and ganks. Interested to see how things change with artstyle back.