General Discussion

General DiscussionIs this a sin?

Is this a sin? in General Discussion

    I had a few people flaming in game.

    waku waku

      nop look at what i'm doing


        cy in hell

        edit: cy both in hell

        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

          It's only a sin if you feel guilty!


            Yeah but I'm getting people say "troll spammer", "broken troll", 'ez hero no skill". It's just funny but I must admit this hero is a little op if you can do a bit of micro.


              You shouldnt feel guilty of spamming a particular hero tbh, its still a game and if you enjoy playing 1 hero do what you please. I dont consider troll to be OP anyway, you should enjoy him now because later this weak hes gonna be demolished by the patch xD.

              waku waku

                i hate it how nobody notices that i'm not dendi even though i'm on the winning team most of the time


                  Well I've only spammed this nasty scrub recently, I'm not like the guy that has 6k slark games!.

                  -15 damage melee, kinda demolished. But there are plenty of other heroes who icefrog will not notice.

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                      Nothing wrong at all.


                        ^ High five