General Discussion

General Discussion[LF strong EU stack]

[LF strong EU stack] in General Discussion

    Since not a lot of my friends play lately, i need new people to play with. Here is what i expect from people:

    -Playing to win
    -At least 4k solo or descent enough to understand what we're trying to do (the higher the better)
    -Descent english
    Optional: TS or Skype, but in game mic will do just fine too

    This is what you can expect from me:

    -all the things listed above
    -some funny shit here and there, i like to joke a lot
    -agressive and active play (no p*ssy play or afk farming for 60min)
    -always trying to get better and fix my mistakes (you have to club me with a hammer sometimes tho to achieve it :D)
    -i have most fun when we play good as a team

    I dont mind if we argue or even rage here and there about important things, where things went wrong and how to fix that. It's part of learning process and i like that so it doesn't happen next time. I like my mmr so i'm serious about it, but ofc it's important that we still have fun, and we sure will. I mostly play offlane/carry and i'm 4.6-4.7k atm.

    That would be all folkz. If you actually took your time and read whole fuckin novel, i first congratulate you and then wish you a nice day =) Feel free to add me if you're serious about it.

    이 주제는 수정되었습니다

      Little addition to thread description.
      Once you add 1234, add me, too. Im more retarded probably, but Im looking for more people from my skill bracket as well.

      p.s. @1234, ill play a lot this weekend i think since i got long holidays, so if u want, u can join me.


        Davai comrad, we play.


          6-5 to 6-15, ez.

          Giff me Wingman

            He is a decent player, only thing he really sucks at is keeping his lags under control.


              My internet is fine most of the time (around 50ms ping), except few rare cases when my cousin starts downloading porn like a brainless monkey just when i start the game xD Cant do much in those situations, no matter how hard i try. Good thing is they are rare and Blunt was just "lucky" cause it happened once, still we won the game easily.


                we played 1 game, but i dont think ill be playin many party games in the near future.
                got exams and im trying to win solo games :P

                mb ill find some time for stronk stak Kappa


                  hey blunt, sick support


                  plz do

                    1234 is fun to play with. right until he says "im fkn done w this party". then i cry inside but forgive him, cuz i know that he forgives as well. <3 luv

                    if u r in need of a sucker, send me inv.


                      Yeah, thats the time when i need a bit of that hammer, but it's all fine after <3


                        ^ I will give you enough hammers bruh np.

                        Giff me Wingman

                          thx! I am stronkest SD playa on teh planet. Fakking carry sucked dick, stewpid 4k trash wouldn't want to jump when pro SD uses disruption.

