Is there a changelog somewhere?
Found it I don't believe there are no extra shadow updates.
I don't like this change I think they should have add a recipe instead now the item is only usable by intel heroes.
130 mana cost for pudge his like half his mana.
I thought it was weird it cost no mana at first, but when shadow blade and silver edge cost 75 mana it doesn't seem right that glimmer should cost 130...
you have just to use it more intelligently, but it still work on slark, it's just that you will almost never use it again on a feloow friend :(
It was kinda op , u can say shadow blade is only 75 , but shadow blade costs way more , doesnt give 66% magic resistance on use , cant be used on teammates , and if u hit its removed
^ too strong 100 at least imo, or 50 and remove the magic resistance if enemy have sight of you( gem dust ect
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130 mana cost???? whaaat????