General Discussion

General Discussion[SEA] 4k bracket elo heaven!!

[SEA] 4k bracket elo heaven!! in General Discussion


      omg we care so much


        Luck streak.

          이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.
          anything shorter

            So you have a win streak of 4 games. Good stuff. Get up to 4.5 MMR. Then 'mysteriously' you drop to 4.2 the very next game. I stopped reading here. Does it matter so much to you that you'd spend the time and effort photoshopping a picture of your game records to prove that you gained some imaginary numbers to a group of people on a forum?


              dude one was party and one was solo... attempt to disprove fail LOL

              idc about whether it's real or fake but try harder...

              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
              anything shorter

                Fair point actually, didn't spot that.