General Discussion

General DiscussionGame seems a lot harder now

Game seems a lot harder now in General Discussion

    Anyone find the game a lot harder since the patch. I don't know why but I ve been getting really unbalanced teams.

    Been getting matches where my team is full of 50% win rate players with less than 1k games vs a team full of 70% win rate players with 5k games and of course they owned us.

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      Low Expectations

        I would say the games are waaaaay more fun then they were in a really long time. Deathball is possible and easiest way to win but its possible to make a comeback if you play your cards right.


          Im having a blast. So many heroes viable now. Havent seen a single hero spam yet. You can actually rat and deathball this time ( i love it ).

          No more pick this hero X and win. No more unending highground defence.


          King of Low Prio

            Gyro undying and BH are decent in this patch so I am happy


              I personally started experimenting with a lot of carries. They seem ok. Also i managed to play np again so i am happy with this patch. It was bad before.

              Luxalpa, Tail of Devastation

                @Solaire, wtf?
                I have a Lina and an Undying pretty much every single game.


                  Deathball is fun glad it's back and the strong heroes are the ganking carries like ck and gyrocopter. Much better then last patch. Oh and solar crest is a monster support item when cast on a bkb carry, it's gonna be scary when people actually realise this


                    Yes, but Lina and Undying are a lot easier to counter than Troll and Sniper with comeback mechanics.

                    Luxalpa, Tail of Devastation

                      ^I agree.


                        Same happened to me, as the new patch came out i lost 400 mmr aready... NO , DID NOT SPAM TROLL JUG SNIPER


                          Undying easier to counter ? I disagree. Only Gyro counters him. Current Undying is nearly as broken as Ebola when released. There is also not a single counter to Lina mid. She is just the best laner in the game.


                            @smaug - i dont see as lina as much as 6.83. I see less storm too. More qop and invoker. Undying hes great early but falls off late unlike 6.83 troll and snipe.


                              I had a rough start at the beginning of the patch but found my rhythm once I tried picking different heroes. Though I will miss the days when you can actually win with a PA pick.


                                Right click carries are surprisingly bad this meta. Its not a bad thing. I like to finish early.


                                  More ez since people dont win by farmin OP heroes.

                                  What is Deathball?


                                    Also, I am good at build strong heroes with a small amount of gold and also use them. Therefor it is ez also since everyone get less gold and we fight early


                                      ^ isnt it just gathering as 5 with meaty pushing heroes and keep on pushing t1-t2-racks? Like dragonknight-undying-lesh-death prophet etc.

                                      I might be wrong.


                                        I would call that fast push

                                        Deathball sounds like death match. Just fighting and ganking randomly untill one team gets to string and win

                                        Quick maffs

                                          70 % winrate in this patch boys


                                            I really really enjoy playing DOTA now
                                            There is no dominating hero, even the ones topping the win rate (undying, omni, ursa) are very counterable
                                            In that respect, you can also dominate with almost any hero

                                            I think the roles (sup/carry) are more important now then ever

                                            Comebacks are a lot harder but still always possible, and comebacks feel awesome now. (Previous patch it was every 2nd game)
                                            Walkovers feel even better.

                                            I love it! This is why I first got into DOTA.


                                              storm qop lina are still all gr8 mids and will be continually spammed every game

                                              Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                games seem more even now. No more rubber band effect. Your early lead translate into something mid-late game instead of last patch.


                                                  i love this patch, was sick of trol sniper jug. more action now more fights, not only farm. in last patch i droped from 4,4 to 3,6.
                                                  now im back at 4k. necro, one of my favorite heroes is so strong.


                                                    "I think the roles (sup/carry) are more important now then ever"

                                                    Not directly IMO. It is more important that not die now then ever before. The sup/carry strat might help with this ofc.


                                                      Black Dragon

                                                      Why is Necro strong now?


                                                        "No more rubber band effect."

                                                        What does this mean?


                                                          go google, this forum isn't for asking dumb questions which can be googled


                                                            necro was strong always, just wanted to put it out that its a strong hero, octarine core so good on him. 3,75 s CD on his heal :)



                                                              Go to a garbage can. This forum is not for mean trash like you.