General Discussion

General DiscussionTop 5 things things lower level players do wrong?

Top 5 things things lower level players do wrong? in General Discussion

    ^Uguu - I disagree with some points :

    2) Harassing is bad if u push the lane by doing it. That's also of the biggest mistakes support do in nearly all brackets. Proper zoning is without taking creeps aggro, coz if u take creep aggro as support lane will push, resulting in free xp, farm for offlaner. Also u SHOUDN'T PULL IF LANE IS NOT PUSHED, if ur carry maintains good equilibrium there is no reason to pull.

    4) Mid isn't obligated to rotate at all, there is no specfic timings. If he has free lane to farm why would he rotate in most cases?

    5) It depends on ur offlane's farm & lvl. Lvl 5 Tide won't be able to do shit if he tps, so it's better for him to use space created in ur safe lane to get xp & farm. If 4 heroes are in ur safe lane than it means offlane & mid lane have more space to farm & get xp. It sometimes is better to not rotate at all for the team. If enemy got 1-2 kills, but sacrificed free farm in mid & offlane than it's probably much better for ur team than them.

    6) That's also the mistake in thinking - in most cases u just need to secure farm for ur own team. PA, Huskar's late game is overrated. There is nothing wrong in free farming PL, if ur team is also freefarming & have good late game.

    8) You rarely need more dust than 2.


      use smoke to ward because no one in the shit bracket uses smokes for ganking. also the enemy are likely to have wards in the obvious/common spots so don't do the obvious and run uphill on the enemy's side of the map unless you've got a team to help you unless you have a rough idea where the enemy has warded (by constantly checking their inventories).

      putting it down to bad luck is just another excuse like blaming teammates for losses and you should be in the mindset every death is a mistake on your part if you want to improve. if you watch your replays you can see how you could have avoided each of your deaths. having a rough idea of where the enemy were helps you avoid potential deaths although it's not something you know until you watch your replays because then you'll have full vision.

      river vision is good for the laning stage. it spots out ganks while watching the rune. while later in the game it's not as important. if you want to spot out ganks just place wards as deep as you can into the enemy side of the map. watching their jungle does two things - allows you to steal their jungle camps, and indirectly spots out ganks / roshan attempts because if no ones farming the jungle and the enemy are missing, then they're most likely looking for kills or attempting roshan unless they're so far behind that they're forced to stay in the base.

      if possible ask for a teammate to help you while you ward/deward. if not, just refuse to ward until someone does and that might get someone to accompany you. if that doesn't work, just buy smoke of deceit and use a quelling blade if dewarding, the change to obs and sentries being in one item slot cancels out the QB taking another item slot, and you can put it back in your stash until you need it again if you're still lacking slots. if there's no smoke in stock, place more defensive wards. if you die to place a ward it's probably not a good ward to begin with because it means the enemy most likely saw you warding, and they can deward it or smoke past it to give you a false sense of security.

      also work on skill + item build. that stuff is easy to rectify and it makes a noticable difference in your play with no mechanical skill required on your part.

      for example in this viper game

      your viper skill builds are all the same, 4-1-1-1 by 7, but in this specific game you're better off maxing nethertoxin or corrosive skin instead. why?
      all but one of the enemy team are melee. you don't need more than 1 point in poison attack to force a melee hero out of lane, while nethertoxin would also increase your harass damage against them at the same time increasing your last hit + deny damage, where more points into poison attack would not. the extra slow is unnecessary as you should dominate your lane and go for boots of speed early on to further increase your ability to zone the enemy out.

      maxing corrosive helps against earth spirit's kill attempts as he is entirely reliant on magic damage, and is at his strongest in the early game, so preventing his early kills can prevent him snowballing. granted he didn't snowball this game but that's probably because he was bad. if you're against a better ES player who knows how to combo you, you want extra points into corrosive, you don't want to rely on the enemy being shit in order to win games, and it also helps against ursa if he jumps on you, you simply run away because he's slowed by a larger amount, whereas with max poison touch you have to attack him first in order to slow him, and that could give the ursa enough time to kill you with overpower.

      mek + shadow blade is a somewhat counter-intuitive item build, as shadow blade is more of a semi carry, ganking build for viper, while mek is good for early/midgame teamfights. also with mek *and* shadow blade, plus the lack of mana from going treads, you're going to be really tight on mana, where aghanims solves the mana cost of mek plus lets you kite multiple heroes in a fight, especially if they're almost entirely melee.

      if you wanted a dps buld you could go treads with SB and get drum or yasha for extra speed, and drum gives you a bit of extra HP early on that you lack from not getting mek. yasha can go into manta, or SNY and then you disassemble the SNY to build silver edge.

      on supports stop blindly rushing aghs when you can't find farm efficiently and gettng picked off constantly. get items that help you early and are easy to build up like urn of shadows, force staff, veil or euls. have a backup item that is easier to buy and put that on quickbuy if you don't have enough gold to buy a blink dagger or whatever expensive item that you're trying to get.

      uguu just sounds like the type of person to blame his team for everything.


        3.3-3.9k: rage and/or give up for no reason
        always queue with friends and we land in this range and these dudes ALWAYS give up, rage, flame each other, AFK-jungle, etc
        if ur in this range quit doing this sh*t

        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

          Good points there....... As for that game specifically I shouldn't have gone silver edge at all I started going that cause abadons passive ult wouldn't activate passivlely but as I found out in the leaning stage he wasn't great..... ES wasn't either so I didn't feel like I was to worried about magic damage early on...... I recall the problem was ursa and faceless void who were on the other side of the map and came online at roughly the same time....... Maybe if my item build (which I'm experimenting with ATM) was different I would have done better

          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
          Big Daddy C

            here are some things i see at my bracket between 2.8-3k

            1) Attitude. Most of the people I play with believe they are 7k players that are only in 3k because of having poor teammates in every game. They believe when they are feeding that it's because others aren't doing their job etc. They constantly find a scapegoat/s in every game call them bad or a scrub or w/e and blame them for the entire game.

            2) Believing mid is solely responsible for ganks in the laning phase, regardless of the hero. Supports not rotating etc.

            3) Not taking the advantage after a won teamfight, the reverse is also true where they blame the hard carry for not 5 manning 15 minutes into the game.

            4) Poor picks. 5 Carrys etc or picking an easily countered hero first. I find it even more ridiculous when the last pick makes a 5 carry team then says its ok ill buy the courier/wards, begging me to ask why the hell didn't you just pick a support then.

            5) Not being competent on the hero they picked or weird/bad item builds. Invokers that only use 3 spells (it's 3k i don't expect aghs refresher 6 spell teamfight combos but atleast know all the spells). Shadow blade on bounty hunter etc

            6) No wards or detection. It's a supports job, but don't lose the game if they don't do it, go hit a creep once or twice and buy them yourself

            There's tons more, that's just off the top of my head. Out of all these I believe attitude is the most important, the difference between 'gg no wards shitty supports' and 'hey can I get some vision', the former will get you muted the latter will get you wards.

            Totentanz to The King: M ...

              Most people, even higher leveled ones can't do simple maths and always calculate their damage wrong, resulting in a lot of failed ultis.