General Discussion

General Discussionsolar crest slark?

solar crest slark? in General Discussion

    it has a 70% win rate on him. dark pact purges the debuff you get from activating it. good item, situational or just silly?

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      casual gamer

        well in terms of manfighting 1 guy it gives you what, 50% evasion and 20 armor swing? however you get less agi stacks instead of more + gives nothing vs aoe and burst magic damage


          Perhaps it's a cool situational item?

          "TheKid belowMeIs an ass"...

            Its an amazing item. -10 armor and evasion/miss chance. Perfect item for supports to get later in the game that already built the medallion

            Livin' Real Good

              KiTrak's right, i think it's just a troll item, one of those items you get for style, just cause you're winning by that much.


                im not a good slark player but it's probably not worth it.

                i've seen medallion sometimes picked up on slark because the damage increase from -6 armour for 1k gold / -7 armour for 1.2k is pretty good from a theorycraft perspective, but another 1.8k gold for an extra -3 armour isn't as cost effective for the damage and the miss chance isn't very useful if you're picking off weaker heroes like supports rather than heroes that would actually be able to manfight you without the 30% miss chance.


                  you shouldn't hold too much stock in item winrates on dotabuff without first considering context. uncommon items are either bought by people who don't know what they're doing, or by people who are already winning and buy random items before they die for end of game stats. im sure im not the only person guilty of doing this.

                  commonly bought items with high winrates (e.g. eye of skadi with 72%) aren't meaningful with context either. for example rushing an eye of skadi with no other items every game will not give you a 72% winrate with slark, nor does dotabuff take into account an item that could have helped cause to a win but was sold later in the game. e.g. an early orb of venom is great on slark but if you still have one at the end of the game then you've probably lost hence it's 27% winrate.


                    For 3k gold u can become better version of PA. This item is super OP esp. on Slark. If they don't have huge burst dmg I would get it after SB. It's not even bad as 5th/6th item, it gives u more evasion vs specific target than Butterfly & a lot of armor. Can't believe people here say it's nothing special to get 50% evasion & 20 armor difference xd


                      Its one of the best items in the game. I dont play Slark so I dont know for him but its so fucking good in general




                          the evasion is useless if people just run away from you i.e. supports, and the armour swing is irrelevant if people aren't hitting you, only the armour reduction matters. almost any item has its uses though


                            ^Did u really read what u've written before posting ? By this logic EVERYTHING is useless. Daedalus is useless, coz people will run away from u, all items that makes u durable are useless coz they won't hit u etc.

                            Low Expectations

                              I think it might be good for offlane slark but not for safelane farming slark.

                              Mac_Lilypad [NL]

                                Battleflury on storm has 81% winrate, does it make a good item for storm?


                                  you're not necessarily becoming a better version of PA if the enemies don't fight back. you're only getting 30% evasion is what im getting at. what im getting at is even if you debuff the solar crest that doesn't mean you're getting value from debuffing it from yourself, it doesn't make it better on slark than if you had used it from another hero if you don't make use of the evasion + armour

                                  i.e. if you were another hero using solar crest, you'd lose the evasion and armour bonus. but if the enemies can't fight back anyway, what difference does it make. a better analogy, because "daedelus is useeless because people run away" is completely missing the point, would be the reason behind getting more -armour on slardar because people perceive slardar to benefit more from getting armour reducing items than other heroes, in the same way that people perceive slark to benefit more from solar crest / medallion than other heroes.


                                    guys, i know slark very well. solar crest cost only 3000 Gold! enemy have no chance to get a MkB in same time. for 3k gold solar is op. it gives you more live than an butterfly. pls check dota damage calculator. solar is a early - mid game item.

                                    Dire Wolf

                                      Seems pretty legit if you rush it. Go treads, solar, basher maybe? then s&y?


                                        Imo you need shadowblade on him so he can snowball, so medalion/solar will delay your killing potencial and like you said its a early mid item so i dont know. With a simple solar crest you wont catch ppl off guard.

                                        Pom Pom 🍕

                                          The miss chance is kinda wasted since slark already has his ultimate to become immune to right-clicks for 4 seconds. Medallion is good though, since it's really cheap for the armour reduction you get and also gives him some nice mana regen.

                                          Mortimer Smith

                                            Dont worry guys i will check it!

                                            Mortimer Smith

                                              Fuking op i almost comeback on a 30-5 game ty to this shit am was papper to us.

                                              Mortimer Smith

                                                But i felt it can be better to be rushed on another hero on your team.

                                                I think its good if you have to win early, but its a waste have it on slark late game.

                                                Octarine core 80% winrate on slark is it op??????? nah, ppl buy it when they stomping.

                                                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                Dire Wolf

                                                  It's not just a mid game item, armor's actually more valuable the more hp you have in converting that to ehp. It's fine as a late game item too as long as you have slots and on slark you probably will since he goes such big ticket items.

                                                  Mortimer Smith

                                                    My itembuild was: Shield(+6agi), RoA, Power Threads, SB, Solar crest.

                                                    I finished the game with Upgraded shadowblade, skadi, Upgraded BoT, solar crest, MkB and MegaBasher.

                                                    I think if i sold that godamn item for BkB i could won the game.


                                                      ^ I don't think you need RoA if you are making a MoC =>Solar Crest. I am not talking about slark in particular, this applies to any hero who you would normally go RoA if they opt to make a solar crest.

                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                        Yeah you regen more mana from crest at about 22 int which is nothing. You regen more just from medallion than aquila at 33 int. Slark has that much at level 9.


                                                          octarine core probably has a similar winrate lol, all high cost items have high winrates because in pubs most people can only afford them when they are winning because they don't know what last hitting is