General Discussion

General DiscussionMoonshards consumed, Aghs given/recieved..?

Moonshards consumed, Aghs given/recieved..? in General Discussion

    Track these stats maybe?


      You mean you would like to see them on the eng game stat panel and on dotabuff? I would like too, its like watching a lone druid game were you would like to see his item build but all you can see is the druid with brown boots and a vlad. Wish i could see the bears items aswell.

      I think you can now but im not sure.


        I just tried it out. I don't see my moonshards consumed.

        Polkadot Piranha

          @Solaire You have been able to see the bear's items for a long time now.


            ^ops maybe because the hero was dead for so long i did not recognize.


              Well I highly doubt this would would be a straight forward job to implement it as there is no endgame stat saying X used Y on Z

              Might just be a truesight thing where you can see who bought which item and you can pretty much guess from there what happened. Eventually it is possible


                The combat log shows received buffs.

                I don't see why it wouldn't show aghanims sharing.


                  Normal Dota 2 API shows endgame stats, for you to be able to see who got what buff and everything you would have to parse through the whole replay. And I am certain the parsing part already makes it a Truesight feature, but if you have truesight you can see items purchased already and therefor you can pretty much guess it already