General Discussion

General DiscussionNecro and octarine core

Necro and octarine core in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    is octarine core a core item on necro now? I ask because I usually don't have enough farm to get more than two big items before game ends. I used to go mek, aghs, shivas, scythe and usually finish before scythe is done. Last couple games I went octarine then didn't know what to get. Since a big part of octarine is the cd help for ult it seems logical to go aghs next, but aghs also provides a lot of raw stats which you already get from octarine. I feel my armor is sorely lacking at this point and shivas might be better before aghs. How are you guys doing it?

    Also are the new guardian greaves better than treads now? I always went treads before, just to have some right click and more stats, and cus the mana on arcanes isn't that needed but that guardian buff looks juicy.

    Quick maffs

      Either i am unlucky or this hero sucks in this patch


        Seriously yall need to calm your tits about octarine its an overpriced item that doesnt do much on most heroes. As necro i always go for tread>soulring>aghs>shiva>bloodstone.

        Sometimes blink and mek but octarine doesnt do much, i rather get armor or the shorter respawn on bloodstone.


          i think its decent if you go the tank build like mek shivas aghs whatever
          if u go shotgun style like dagon eb veil the spell vamp feels pretty wasted since you normally cut the backline cores with your combo when you are full hp, and neither do you have the armor/resistance to utilise the hp gains from vamp and raw components, and an aghs or rfo would probably do more work.

          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

            im gonna have to build octarine core on slark in solo ranked, kreygasm

            THICC BABY SHUM

              lol, you cant just suck at hero its ether unlucky or its hero fault AWWW LMAOOO

              Dire Wolf

                I always go tanky necro, not Dagon necro. Idk, the spell life steal might not be huge but the stats plus cd reduction seems as good or better than what bloodstone gives


                  well, if hearthstop is working with octarine, then it's decent.

                  Dire Wolf

                    I don't really understand why someone would argue for bloodstone over octarine on necro. Bloodstone is only 50 more hp, less mana cus of the int on octarine. Bloodstone has a ton more mana regen but on necro who cares? You won't go oom with either item. Only other benefit is the reduced res and sucide but is that really better than cd reduction and life steal? And yeah octarine costs more but has int on it so you can become a dangerous right clicker with that and a shivas and scythe or something

                    ΙγrιΙΙνεmροs crιsτεναηιsh...

                      ^dota 2 fangay stop pretending to be cool


                        Bloodstone suck on necro, and suck on allmost all hero you buy it anyway.

                        ΙγrιΙΙνεmροs crιsτεναηιsh...

                          bloodstone is for wimpy nerds like sumail


                            >Seriously yall need to calm your tits about octarine its an overpriced item that doesnt do much on most heroes


                            ΙγrιΙΙνεmροs crιsτεναηιsh...

                              octarine is for noobs who don't time their cd

                              Dire Wolf

                                Why would anyone give a shit what you have to say? Over 3500 games 47% win rate, still normal skill. 60 necro games 40% win rate. You're shit at dota and your life sucks so badly you can't stop monopolizing the forums with your cries for attention. No one gives a shit about you or your dota comments.


                                  ON MEDUSA FOR EXAMPLE...


                                  Pom Pom 🍕

                                    He does good aoe damage and benefits great both from tankiness and cooldown reduction, so it should be a decent item. For each hero with a normal magic resistance you hit with death pulse, you will heal for 50 hp. Getting 5 in range every time is not very likely, but +100 hp every 3.75s on top of the death pulse heal and heal from hearthstopper can give a great amount of heal in the end.

                                    He does need armour though and octarine can be hard to finish early on because of the mystic staff, so maybe go mekansm first and finish greaves after octarine? (iunno how people think of greaves, but the recipe is very expensive and gives you +1 inventory slot and the armour buff aura at 20% hp. The aura is often not relveant until you and your team has a higher hp or you're against a nearly pure physical damage lineup).

                                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                    Quick maffs

                                      I just tried it, i think its a decent 3rd item or so, you cant really rush it

                                      ΙγrιΙΙνεmροs crιsτεναηιsh...

                                        timberwolf needs attention, noted.

                                        ΙγrιΙΙνεmροs crιsτεναηιsh...

                                          "the forums" sounds like your the one who cares about this shit not me lmfao

                                          you mean the relentless fangay club elitists forum?

                                          ΙγrιΙΙνεmροs crιsτεναηιsh...

                                            dumb fuck think I don't have 10 alts with 100+ games each lmfao

                                            ΙγrιΙΙνεmροs crιsτεναηιsh...

                                              how old are you timberwolf, I was playing doto back before your playind sand in kindergarden

                                              ΙγrιΙΙνεmροs crιsτεναηιsh...

                                                you think I give 2 rats ass what insecure little crybabies like you have to say?

                                                ΙγrιΙΙνεmροs crιsτεναηιsh...

                                                  fucking nutcase can't stand me posting my thread then get the fuck out yourself instead of telling me to do it lmfao

                                                  ΙγrιΙΙνεmροs crιsτεναηιsh...

                                                    i have 20%wiwnrate on ta and st where's your insight on dat professor?

                                                    ΙγrιΙΙνεmροs crιsτεναηιsh...

                                                      omg this guy seriously think I check who the thread opener is and does some kind of personal reply out of the blue like he does himself lmfao

                                                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다


                                                          octarine is core for a necro built around team sustain - it isn't good value if you are building around his ulti imo. if you are looking for scythe pickoffs then aghs/veil/dagon/eb etc are all better value for money.

                                                          an octarine necro can stand in the middle of a fight for substantially longer than a bloodstone necro. deathpulse on steroids.

                                                          have you thought of building mana boots+mek first then mystic staff? at that point your options are pretty open - greaves/shivas/octarine depending on what fits best?


                                                            any thought abt octarine core on OD guys?


                                                              good on him, but don't get it first item. im not sure if you should ever get octarine as a first item. maybe on leshrac instead of going bloodstone first. i'd think most of the carriers of octarine would be better off getting some utility item before octarine and it'd be more reliable than going straight octarine, e.g. force/euls/blink before octarine at least.


                                                                I find getting force staff on Necro as a core item is super useful. His short range heal becomes a much more aggressive skill (because you can FS in and pop it in the middle of a TF) and it also doubles as a good escape (push yourself out of riki smoke/etc). I've had pretty sweet success (58%) but I'm only 2-3k MMR. With the added escape, it makes his heartstop aura exponentially more valuable - and so I focus on survivability.

                                                                I usually try and get core as follows:
                                                                Force Staff > Heart > Radiance

                                                                Shiva, Sheep, Aghs

                                                                Octarine core has no valuable place on necro IMO.

                                                                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                  heart is generally pretty suboptimal on necro tbh - his heal is for a fixed amount so almost always getting more armor is going to be more beneficial.

                                                                  i'd also consider radiance a bit of a trolling build.

                                                                  and, without wanting to wee on everything you build - blink is more appropriate for him than force staff :)

                                                                  everything is situational of course though :)

                                                                  personally i think a lot of people misunderstand octarine and look to buy it to reduce cooldowns of >60sec ultimates. imo it only shines when used in conjunction with spammable spells such as on zeus, necro, bristle, lina etc.

                                                                  how often can't you delay a fight by 10secs to get scythe off cooldown? if you really want to use it twice in a fight a refresher has much more utility.

                                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                                    Good points rocket, and necro does have a spammable ability.

                                                                    Anyway mek is definitely still core, I was going brown boots, mek, finish treads, soul booster, octarine. Normally not going octarine I'd go same build but just point booster then either shivas, aghs or aghs, shivas. sometimes scythe.

                                                                    Force staff is quite good, blink is very good too, but I just hate spending that much gold without getting stats back on such a stat hungry hero.


                                                                      Rocket, I agree - the big appeal of the octarine is the spamability, I just don't feel like necros heal is enough to justify it personally.

                                                                      I disagree on the other stuff though. The heart on necro is about making his passive aura get more mileage in teamfights. The extra HP is kind of unmatched in my experience, and when used with force staff u can move in/out of battle and come back ready for more in a very short time (if you weren't lucky enough to get a killshot to top-up your HP). The radiance sort of 'stacks' with his aura, making him do some serious AoE in teamfight, with lots of burst and escape if he's focused.

                                                                      I know some will find irony in this based on my necro build, but I find blink is more greedy [than fs] i.e. just to come in and steal a kill shot b/c someone is low. If you blink in for anything else (i.e. just to engage tf) you just don't have enough burst late game, and have no kind of escape if things go south.

                                                                      It really does work well, I strongly recommend trying my build in the previous post! It's an unconventional build but it's never let me down (it genuinely has only failed if I did a bad job farming, or team fell apart, etc).

                                                                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                        Heart on necro? What the f, this is such a ultra late game item like a 7th item on him. I like my necro tanky but heart does next to nothing beside surviving 2 more nukes. I rather get aghs shiva bloodstone before in 98% of the case. After that id get control item like sheep or when im really stomping i go blink dagon eblade but thats bad if your team extends.


                                                                          its one of the weird necro's build, HoT usually goes with radiance. I dislike it, but many ppl (including rather good playaz) go for it. Its just a different necrophos.

                                                                          Dire Wolf

                                                                            Radiance necro isn't bad if you're waaay ahead. Like boots, mek, aghs, then you're 10-0 and might as well get a joke item, then build shiva's or something.


                                                                              Octarine =
                                                                              +18DPS from Death Pulse
                                                                              +9HP regen to you and your team (+ an extra 4.5HP per hero hit by death pulse + an extra 2HP or so for damage due to HSA)
                                                                              +25DMG from your physical attacks
                                                                              +450 health

                                                                              Radiance=+65DMG and 50DPS and of course 17% miss chance. +675 gold less.

                                                                              I know people get it and do well with it but I just can't see what non-trolling scenarios there are where the extra damage from radiance is better than the reduced cooldown on death pulse plus awesome sustain from octarine.


                                                                                The cast range on radiance is much bigger, the miss effect is now valuable for that survivability I mentioned, and it actually makes his right clicks meaningful in teamfight (particularily if you have some kinda tf aura buffer like venge or drow). It's not a right clicker, don't get me wrong ...

                                                                                I use it for those reasons and it just really goes well with how I play necro (move a lot like BB). I don't really see it as a troll item, but the reality is it can be hard to obtain some games. But of those games where farming is hard, I certainly couldn't see an octarine fitting in :S

                                                                                I think it's significantly underrated! But it genuinely is working for me .. so maybe I should hush up before people catch on :S

                                                                                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                                                Dire Wolf

                                                                                  Radiance is fine, it's just super hard to build and you need a hp/stat item first usually, like aghs or point booster at least. If radiance was like three broadswords instead of relic it would be 10x more legit.

                                                                                  Quick maffs

                                                                                    I dont see radiance working on necro ever, i mean you either go tanky or shotgun build right ? if you go for the tanky build the first items are cheap armor items or hp items ( mek, point booster ) even going octarine first is a bad idea cause it doesnt give you armor and not that much survability early, so going radiance makes you really fucking squishy.

                                                                                    Maybe radiance after mek and you are winning really hard.