General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to counter this 5 man shit?

How to counter this 5 man shit? in General Discussion

    Every game is the same
    you win your lane, enemy just go 5 men at 10 minutes with ravage death ward and shit and rape all

    i feel that the team that has better picks for early teamfight just roflstomps the other unless you snowball (and i can't because i'm fucking bad)
    you can't farm you can't splitpush
    what do you do in this situation?
    nvm last game was lost because jungle lifestealer
    help can't win doto anymore

    King of Low Prio

      so you want to win for being fucking bad? Go play LoL


        yes i can win 3k by being fucking bad and I used to win until this shit came

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