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General DiscussionAdvice for Norm Dota player

Advice for Norm Dota player in General Discussion

    Hello 1800 MMR here. So, I've not been playing Dota 2 for that long really, but I promise I'm no slack and I have potential. It's just that I have a hard time getting through my mmr rank. See I play a mean support and I know everyone says this but I can't seem to get a good carry on my team to help me win these battles.

    So I figured I switch to playing the carry and although I do still do good I rather much play a support and enhance my skills in that department. Now I know I still need a lot of work and knowledge about Dota but I would like to take my game to the next level, and I can't get to that point if I'm losing and winning 50/50. My best support characters would be Shadow Sharman and Skywrath, and I do really well even if we end up losing and when I switch over to a carry I still have that support mindset.

    What I'm trying to look for is that coach or possibly someone that can teach me the ways of playing dota in a manner that the mmr rankings in my level don't match. I hear that if you pick a carry and farm hard that your success of victory would enhance, but see that's so hard to do if your team feeds and or flames at you for not joining the team fights and when you do, you die along with them and totally ruins your farm. Now I could take my best character and play him every game but I feel that I can only get better through a all around understanding of each character although I play more than others.

    Please assist me or give me slight tips that would help me better my game, when it comes to last hitting, when I should use my abilities and whats the best way to tackle lane-phase either as a support or carry. Preferably support, but if I must be a carry to get to the mmr I desire then so be it. Thanks for reading and understanding and I hope to get some helpful replies.

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      Hello, first of all i see you doin pretty well on general winrate
      in 1800 mmr u cant find people that actualy be " good " they will all lack of experience and only know basics like you do.
      If u manage to Enchance ur gameplay and ur decision making u will be able to get the advantage of enemies and climb up faster.
      for sure u wont find a good support when u pick a carry or u wont have a good carry when u try to support.
      find a role that fits u in the current meta, watch some streams or other people replays on ur hero ur interested to learn better and u are more comfortable with. and well saying " if u go carry and farm u have more chance to win " its true but not all the time.
      you maybe better at ganking / roaming / supporting / offlaning and u havent realized it yet. u can help ur team with many ways with all picks. go play some normals and try outplay ur enemies putting ur brain to work so u will be 1 step ahead of them every time. u are making many mistakes without even realise it watch ur own replays and find out what u did wrong and what u could do better in a situation e.g. death.
      So after u practice and get actually better u can try ur luck climbing. thats all i have to say to you. im 5355 btw. look for other guys advice in arround that rating trench and put them all together!
      good luck


        First of all, playing support will be bring you several things in mind. You're going to accept being a ward bitch, You will buy and upgrade the courier, you will save your teammates especially your carries, and always have a TP to help if there are any clash that is happening that you can help.

        As for your Shadow Shaman, you need to know when to pick him, he can push every single lane and he can be annoying as fuck in teamfights, because of your 2 disables, Hex and Shackle. You picked Shadow Shaman, because you WILL push lanes and DISABLE important opponents in clash. You can play him objectively. Always buy wards and sentries if they have a Riki or any invisible heroes.

        Playing Carry ANOTHER whole ROLE, as a carry you will be making smart decisions when to JOIN and NOT TO JOIN clash if you think it will hinder your farming in the laning phase and mid game. Don't die as much as it will pull you more down into the ground and you can't earn Buggaties. Don't let the flame and blame get to you as it will change the mood and you'll no longer be able to concentrate.

        Playing all heroes will enhance your game mechanics and will tell you which heroes you CAN and CAN'T play. You can play every role and don't be a half-ass support who only wards during the laning phase. You'll be able to climb MMR soon if you play flawless then again you can't win every match but you have to TRY and you WILL win that game.

        2915 MMR which is in the same trench as you.

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          I feel you, I'm in probably exactly the same situation as you!

          Your top 10 heroes are all carries though so not sure why so focused on support.
          My advice though, is to try playing supports that have a higher effect on the game, such as shadow shaman or witch doctor. With those you can still give your carries a lot of vision + extra farm etc but also if your carry completely fails you can still have a large effect on the game.

          I also think what Luts said above is also really good advice, just learn from every game, see where you made mistakes etc. It is something I am currently trying to do.


            I'm a lower MMR than you (1300) but I'm now making progress by playing support heros who can semi carry if things go tits up for a carry on the team, insisting on doing all the warding so it's done properly and I have a rule I try to follow which is to try and aim for having on average 1 death for every 10 minutes of play. That rule might sound stupid but it made me be more cautious when learning the game rather than doing stupid things like warding once wards ran out and thinking it's ok to walk around on my own in dark areas of the map trying to get new wards up. I now die a lot less.

            Focusing on your own game and letting your actions speak for you also helps, rather than trying to explain to a rager why you're doing something. I had one guy going ballistic at me for doing a double pull in the jungle...he'd never seen it before and calmed right down and played much better once he realised he was getting more exp, and I was getting my ultimate and first item faster than he'd seen before.

            Encouraging the team and trying to stop silly arguments helps too, before it descends into people turning your data game into a flame/chat room.

            There's nothing more satisfying in dota as a ward bitch than putting up a ward and shortly after it revealing 4 enemy gathering to jump on someone.

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            Giant Bearded Face

              EDIT: I checked and your winrate has gone up several % in the last few months, carry on with what you are doing and you will climb no bother.
              If your goal is to climb MMR you should find which 'meta' heroes you are comfortable with and have a good winrate with, and use them. Or others that you can sustain a 60% winrate in ranked with. Less than 60% and the hero is not worth using if you want to climb in Normal Skill. You should have a stable of heroes you can use if your team needs a carry, a mid, an offlaner, or a support.

              So at the moment, try Undying, Ursa, Bloodseeker, etc. Also Necro, Zeus, WK are always strong regardless of the meta.

              Disclaimer: I am in normal skill but am 3k and used this method to climb from 2.5k, haven't played ranked in a while since I got to 3k.

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                I can coach you. 6$/hour if you are interested send me a friend request or add on skype we can bring your mmr together to 3k very fast. ( I m 5100 mmr )



                  laughing out loud




                      Thanks for all the replies and advice and I will take note of it all. So what I'm getting from you all is that I should keep doing what I'm doing just tweak my game a bit and look at some pro games, also look at my replays to see the mistakes I've made. Also, I must learn that losing is inevitable and that it takes time to actually master something I just need to keep trying and trying again.

                      LUTZEN - Thanks for the advice I will try other methods and how I should tackle the lane-phase with the characters that I play as and try to modify my growth and understand in whats needed and whats not needed in certain situations.

                      #b0ss - I'm not a half-ass support if I'm support I'm supporting the rest of the game, no slack in that department and I always save my carries hide before my own. Also when I play as carry I try to be cautious in some areas, I don't die as much and I try my best to get a good farm yet that only goes so far since this new update. You must have your team with you these days for you to win a game. That's hard since the support never support and feel that they need to carry the team by getting aghs etc.

                      Crudude - Yeah, my top players are carries cause I find myself having to carry a lot, also that's because in the early gaming of Dota for me I couldn't really get the supports down so playing carry was a bit easier and came natural. Yet when I figured the mechanics and basics of Dota and tried out support, turns out I play a lot better as a support than carry, yet win very few games.

                      Fever - Yeah, I try to do that more and try to not get so involved with the arguments and only listen to the people that actually want to win, I'll try your tactic when I carry and die so very few and after trying it, it does work and I get a great farm, I just need to hone and understand what I should do with that farm so I am able to carry the team to victory.

                      Giant - I will do my best, I found out I do pretty good farm with bloodseeker and I'm nice with zeus and others that you name and I guess it just takes time and practice thanks for viewing and the advice.

                      _B O G I_ - I don't necessarily own a nice computer to actually enhance my skill so I go to a computer cafe and pay 5 dollars for 2:30 minutes already so I appreciate the offer but I can't accept.

                      Dire Wolf

                        At your mmr you basically need to just plain get better, doesn't matter if you are carry or support.

                        If you are support learn to exploit the enemy laner and kill them solo. You said you like sky, sky is very good at killing people. Just wait til like level 3-4 and nuke them with concussion as well. Learn to zone out and deny creeps and you'll deny their xp and be a level ahead as well which can help a ton.

                        If you play carry I would suggest improving last hitting and working on farming in general.


                          Get good at Earth Spirit because you can carry and support with this hero

                          Those videos might help


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                          Dire Wolf

                            Also watch better people play and learn from them. When I first started I had no clue what I was doing and even when I realized ok this is to deny a creep, you still don't get the nuances of shit until you watch people play with a purpose. Half the time new players sit around not doing anything cus dota is a slower pace, but you should always be doing something.