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    nice kda for NP, but u need to play NP on the lane rather than jungle :D

    зачем я начал поиск

      Idk, why you and your guys wouldn't just build a second Pipe against such a draft.


        @Это. Просто. Нечто I went mid


          Skip me soz


            @Ryuuko nice win, nice K/D, and great XPM. one of the highest I've seen lok


              LC abandoned, which made the game a lot more difficult, though I'm against any vlad's pickup on void, especially when you're the only viable carry left on the team. S&Y also wasn't the best choice there; I personally would've gone for a silver edge and tried to get pickoffs. Obviously, I wasn't in the game, so I don't know the exact situation, but I'm taking it at face value.

              100% WINRATE MASTER

                Easy stomp for u


                  Carries feeding so hard. Sad meepo.


                    Enemy feeding so hard. Sad meepo.


                      Yeah that meepo farm the whole game and do nothing. Smurf account


                        Your team basically destroyed. Good amount of assists; I feel like you were more utility mirana than carry, since your vs decided to go god-tier core right click mode.


                          Your enemy team don't even have a single idea of what to do meanwhile their support are dealing out more damage than those idiot carry do.

                          High Level Trashtalker

                            Alchemist got rekt in the safe lane? Looks like their supports arent doing much

                            Gyatt Hunter

                              you did well with your invoker.


                                Good job ending before 90 minutes against a tinker


                                  love that 5cores meta we permanently live here in ns. Nice bloodcyka.

                                  I just come here wen i have a good game.

                                  meteor hammer

                                    lot of ways to kill you. if i were you i would go brown boots into ghost ASAP so i can cast my spells in fights without evaporating

                                    ofc they have a dagon hunter but ur not gonna stop him from killing you eventually with any itemization, force/glimmer are similarly useless

                                    i like lion against tb, it was a good pick imo. just a tough game

                                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                      You basically did the best in the game; really good bloodstone timing, decent counter to troll warlord, etc.

                                      Ebola Chaser

                                        I wouldn't say your timings were good but still pretty decent considering your averages and how far ahead the enemy in this game was. You seem like the only one who did something in this game. AM was a good pick imo. Can't say this about other picks on both teams. Line ups just feel weird. (Though anything should work in normal skill pubs). But I guess 5 cores > 4 cores, haha. :3


                                          Visage spammer win the game for his team even if his carry Drow abandon at lvl 5, and Techie left letting you 3vs5 (thanks Gaben for extra gold, it's not broken at all :D)

                                          Weaver did his job and Pudge maked some good lock, your build was perfect for this game and opponent Zeus seems to be an account buyer.

                                          Anyway, WP!

                                          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                            I'm not gonna review an all random deathmatch game, so I'll look at the game before it

                                            I don't know abt the Midas pickup, I think forcestaff is super good this game. Also in regards to aghs, I like the pickup cuz of how many spells u want to take in a team fight. Like against a Shaker or sk u just wanna have one spell (fissure/burrow strike) for most of the time.

                                            doc joferlyn simp

                                              Extremely well played Night Stalker match. Dotabuff listed you as being the Radiant Jungle so it seems you were so deep in their asses for most of the early game. 22m from Tinker thanks to you, allowed your Storm Spirit to pull ahead of Tinker in terms of farm and subsequently snowball from that. Glad to see Techies didn't blow you up with his mines that much.

                                              Kind of low ward count though, being a solo semi support in a 50 minute game. Seeing as you had Aghanim's by thirty minutes though, I think you could've worked your way through it. Maybe a Gem should have been bought immediately after you bought Aghanim's? The value of your skills and Agh's boosts unbelievably high with Gem. Maybe you did buy but died but picked it up later. Idk how item listings work in Dotabuff but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.

                                              Not really sure about your item pickups tho. Agree with everything until the Halberd. Enemies have no right click except BB, and even then he went tank build rather than carry. The active wouldn't have been used much. Maybe Blademail would have been a better item choice? Enemies have absolutely CANCEROUS high ground defence, Blademail could have helped with the Marches and Pulses. Your team was very mobile however, and had BKBs during the time of HG sieges, so thank god for your good draft.

                                              BoTs are kinda meehh. You only died 4 times so you didn't have to TP to creeps after you died or anything. Hood or perhaps even Pipe for the HG push could have been picked up. Even after a bad early game Tinker HG defense isn't something to laugh at.

                                              Diffusal is also kind of meehhh. You needed something to absolutely seal the coffin on Tinker. For a more aggressive approach Eul's would be decent. Whilst he is spamming marches you could fly HG and cyclone that dude, making Storm's work that much easier. For something more defensive Lotus Orb would help tremendously. Tinker didn't bother to get an Agh's so his Laser had to be manually targeted, something you could have taken advantage on.

                                              As a side note aura items such as Drums and Vlad's could have helped tremendously. Since the other 4 people in your team went full carry, that makes the aura item pick up that much more valuable. Damage increases are exponential, having a PA, Weaver, and a WR in your team.

                                              All in all though you and your team played it well, you had a great early game lead because of your roam and held that lead well into the dreaded HG push vs Techies. Enigma item build was weird though, and Tinker bought a fucking Bloodstone while he was on a losing team rofl. Nevertheless, you saw a jugular vein in the enemy team and went for it. Good job boi

                                              meteor hammer

                                                bfury MEME MACHINE. other than that your build is fine. satanic is normally a little strange i think but if you save manta for their bthorn you are 100% invincible even on 0 mana because you ahve evasion and 50% lifesteal on a hypercarry with all dps items

                                                you basically played against a team of all super good scaling heroes and raped them anyway. if sniper had diffusal+mkb and was 6 slotted he would probably completely fuck you, but he sucks

                                                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                  Fuck I forgot abt lotus
                                                  I know halberd was wrong but I was confused and they were mostly physical
                                                  I bought gem when we started going hg, I don't even think they had much vision, besides techies mines. I just felt like I needed other items.
                                                  Lotus was the fucking solution.
                                                  Ah fuck.
                                                  I went diffusal cuz i was basically able to solo kill everyone but ghost scepter on tink.

                                                  SKIP ME

                                                  meteor hammer

                                                    they never skip u lul


                                                      Hahaha, cute enemy team, supports seem very bad at deciding when to gank, pretty much a stomp because of your good kda and 29 minute game duration.
                                                      Comment about this MATCh

                                                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                        It seems like you did your job, what with the 23 assists and everything. Good blink timing; I think they just outdrafted you, even though no one got linken's for bm

                                                        Potato Marshal

                                                          Rough match, you were going to lose with the match stretched out that long against that many carries. Didn't look like there were really group pushes, and just that arc and wr ratted a little.


                                                            fucking lich spammer with infinite lich games wouldnt surprise me u get 7k with him
                                                            good items too bad i cant see item timing , pretty much ez


                                                              noob co.cksuc.ker


                                                                somehow won an 1:04 min game as ursa good job
                                                                idk if sky threw at the very end or not, but it seems like they cudnt go hg, and u cudnt go hg well either
                                                                i think u shud honestly have hex and/or diffusal, the sny is kinda unnecessary, especially cuz u cant rlly run anyone down in this match with it. if u have diffusal u can remove potential ghost scepters, like weavers eblade, and pop weavers linkens to abyssal or hex him.


                                                                  Despite their team being complete AIDs, it seems you successfully carried your team to victory, what with you having almost twice as much damage as the rest of them.


                                                                    4v5 and you still win? Seems good. They honestly have a better line up so I don't know how they fucked up that bad (maybe if Magnus itemized better)

                                                                    I honestly wouldn't advocate for an aghs (especially since QoP has the blink range to blink out of rupture and not take damage, although not many people at your games might know that), but at some point you were stomping so I guess it wouldn't matter. Good job for not having many deaths. I'm sure your positioning played a hand in helping you win this game.


                                                                      You pick support, unlike most people so that's good xD


                                                                        You are a support player and you are soo good at them.

                                                                        Its so sad when you have great KDA as an AP while teaming up with your friends, nice all around gane but still a lost. Nice game btw.


                                                                          I can't see item timings so it's quite hard to comment on your game, but I'll try.

                                                                          Based on the graph and the opponents deaths, my guess is your team committed way too hard on killing opponents and not pushing. You probably used your ward every fight, and even if you win the fights, your team was not able to convert these into objectives.

                                                                          I don't know if I'd have gone for other items before Aghs since it is such a game winning item. I'd have probably gone for the +1 Ward HP talent. What you could've done since your team seems perfectly capable of taking a fight without you, was drop your serpent wards in a pushed out lane (you have a tinker, so there should always be one) then tp back to help in the fight/cancel tps.

                                                                          Nice try though. I'm just going to go ahead and say that you probably need better positioning next time.


                                                                            Im on a 12 winning streak and that is mainly because I try a hard support role as in hard. Nobody wants to be a support in SEA. hahaha


                                                                              ^Can someone skip that guy, he doesn't even comment on the game


                                                                                Game has not been True Sight analysed so I can't see all the details that I'd like to, but I think you played a decent support. Spirit breaker was on the front line, started fights and steam rolled your team with an aggressive playstyle. Your kill participation is decent, around 70%, but with a spirit breaker on the team, you can't be everywhere like he can.
                                                                                Your mid Sniper obviously did very well, but your safe lane troll didn't. Can't say if you could have helped him accelerate his farm since I can't see the laning matchups either. However, considering you had scepter, you probably could have dealt more tower damage.


                                                                                  They had more cores and a late game voker is scary no matter how bad he is. I think you did a really good job creating space for you team and holy crap the wards you bought.


                                                                                    well u took the game to 58 min as sf
                                                                                    ideally on sf u wanna try to end early, but i can understand how hard it must be against viper
                                                                                    i think if shaker and sky rotated early and won u mid it cud be possible, but shaker got rekt, and u lacked a defensive support
                                                                                    also ur MoM deso purchase seems beyond questionable, idk what u were thinking, when linkens, bloodthorn, satanic, ac, even manta all seem better
                                                                                    magnus shud have the lotus before shivas
                                                                                    in general ur draft was too greedy, both sf and sven rice the map, shaker support needs a blink dagger, sky needs levels and farm as well to scale, and magnus also needs that early blink

                                                                                    casual gamer

                                                                                      your build is pretty much perfect imo, you have decent farm and performed well from what i can see

                                                                                      i like the tinker against pl matchup a lot, later on hex is super game winning as usual. bloodstone was probably good to not get oneshot by kunkka in weird spots


                                                                                        Wyvern meme build that no enemy saw it coming - Check.
                                                                                        Forced Gyro to buy Halberd as first item - Check.
                                                                                        Beat a living crap out of an usually obnoxious Meepo - Check.
                                                                                        Give Spirit Breaker a middle finger for taking you for a merely weak support - Check.

                                                                                        Single handedly win the game - Check.


                                                                                          Shit ton of kills, but they had a better lategame. They also pick the most irritating heroes possible, apparently.


                                                                                            Seems like you missed your push timing in the early mid game :(
                                                                                            just 500 bld on rhasta is kind of an indicator for that
                                                                                            They went pretty gready on their picks. You may have punished that too late.
                                                                                            At least you have good denies :D


                                                                                              Haven't seen a lot of Solo Off SK before, but it certainly worked if you had a blink by 11 minutes.
                                                                                              Not sure what to think about Tranquill Boots on SK, just seems like you need Mana boots all the quicker if you're solo, but it seems like it wasn't an issue, especially since your build seems very mobility based, but what do I know?
                                                                                              Not sure where you were going with a ghost sceptre, but since they didn't have any real damage and their Ogre was building core items (with what I can assume is stolen farm from Weaver), I guess it's suitable.

                                                                                              Basically, you freaking decimated them XD

                                                                                              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                                                Played solo support, bought wards. 11/10
                                                                                                GG WP


                                                                                                  Good job on kotl
                                                                                                  Good assists and healing, a classic kotl game
                                                                                                  However instead of ghost scepter I wudve gone euls or lotus (if u can afford it) in it's place
                                                                                                  Also the Pike upgrade seemed not so useful, u can't force the enemy after u Mana leak them for as much distance/Mana burned.

                                                                                                  Also great turn around at abt 30 min

                                                                                                  Forget me not

                                                                                                    Nice team lineup. But I don't know how can your brood feed that much against a PL and how could axe got a 12 min blink dagger against sniper and es +puge. A decent bloodstone timing I guess against tinker at mid.
                                                                                                    Nice item choice getting lotus against Sven and tinker. Could be end the game sooner though I think.


                                                                                                      ^have u tried going hg against a tinker and axe with no good building hitter cuz brood was shit?
                                                                                                      Skip me btw