General Discussion

General DiscussionTried blood seeker 3 games .

Tried blood seeker 3 games . in General Discussion

    Ok so I never tried blood seeker before but recently played him three times , based off those games how many more un ranked games should I play on him before goingn to ranked keep in mind my ranked is 3.169k , and I think my unranked Is between 2700-2800 mmr so I'll have to play a little better. Btw I looked at the three games n saw I built skadi every time Cuz I felt I wasn't Tanky enough in late game team fights is this a legit thing to do? I always thought he was a noob hero but his ability to dominate cs in midlane is what drew me to try him. Plus new meta encourages ganks.

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      3.169k or in other words 3169??????

        이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.

          the hero has always been good ;)
          i liked him more before they made him OP, now any noob can win with it :p.

          I dont think ive played him since the change a couple patches ago


            Last patch had a very good buff for him. Basically increased thirst bonuses by 33%.


              i actually gave this hero a try so many times, always a bad team (and i mean it)
              this is how account buyer storm spirit looks like


                In my opinion he is best at doing mid right now I am guessing that storm stole mid from u.


                  So am i the only one in here that still thinks the old Bloodseeker was more of hardcarry and less of a teamplayer than he is now? I really can't understand how some people win with him since his first spell make him die and get nuked so easily...

                  Welt aus Eis

                    IMO seeker is the next troll, people only need some time to realize it

                      이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.

                        Bs is strong right now because its a ganking meta and he basicaly has infinite regen in lane. If you do well in laning you can gank earlier and fuck up the enemy team. Last patch also buffed his thirst. Racecar is back.


                          Ya he seems very suited to this meta , I currently just tinkering with who to blood rage in late game team fights it seems like every fight is different so I think that might take most time to hone. Bs just creates ridiculous space early. Either your carry gets hella free farm or your team just death balls.


                            On a side note sometimes people seem to forget that you can cast bloodrage on roshan so he dies quickly and i rathee bloodrage my carry lategame so he 3 shots enemy team/baracks.


                              O so blood rage works vs buildings too? Sweet.


                                Well it increases the heros dmg by a % so my guess is yes it increases your against buildings too.

                                i love u butt

                                  yes overhype bloodseeker and keep the good heroes hidden from the noobs


                                  Dire Wolf

                                    His nuke being pure dmg and affected by his dmg amp just hits way too fucking hard. It's hard now to even tp away from him when he's landing 350 dmg nukes. That's like a level 2 qop ult.

                                    If he's get just blade mail you're pretty screwed. There's plenty of heroes who can man fight him, but they can't when he has blade mail, you are ruptured and he drops the silence nuke on you, it's just way too much. You're required to stand perfectly still and have a bkb basically, but blade mail is so cheap vs bkb which most heroes don't rush. Just really op right now.

                                      이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.
                                      i love u butt

                                        on the flipside, bkb = useless bloodcyka. Well, if you can time it anyway

                                        silence nuke has a long delay
                                        cant cancel tps
                                        blademail and spells don't dmg through bkb, unless u are running like a retard like i did when bloodcyka first came out


                                          they should make it so he runs faster at your direction (as is) but slower if he wants to back away (lets say he does that because we activate bkb)

                                            이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.

                                              Playing so little, I've yet to see a BS this patch.

                                              So, I have to ask if Bloodrage really needs to cost no mana.


                                                hes pretty OP but becomes garbage if u have heal strats deathball

                                                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                  hero perfectly fine, no late game

                                                    이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.

                                                      kitrak ?

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                                                          rofl baited

                                                            이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.

                                                              Me as a safe lane player would never be scared of mid or safe lane bloodseeker(especially safe, waste of a good lane). He can ball the whole game killing newbs but in the end, late game just gets too overwhelming for a bloodseeker.

                                                                이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.

                                                                  ^ went 7-0 with blood seeker today, his late game is weak but a lot of the games end before or you have a decent item advantage over other team so you have decent late game off raping them so much early so don't fall off too bad unless everyone gets 6 slotted but In This meta shouldn't see 6 slots very often especially when blood seeker rupturing butt holes left and right.

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                                                                    the abuse has begun


                                                                      kitrak here ?



                                                                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                          Stop crying Kappa


                                                                            He's seen a lot in trench. At least a third of the games.

                                                                            If he's sharing a lane in trench, then there's a good chance he won't get the farm/xp needed to be very relevant, since it's so often two carries on same team fighting each-other for farm. If he gets mid and we're too dense/uncommunicative to organize a gank, then he can get really stompy.

                                                                            I don't like him. His ult feels like a cheat. Yes, I'm a bit salty. :]

                                                                            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                              Gonna buy a set for him should I buy bone , raven or tribal set which is on sale half price.


                                                                                the only problem playing against blood seeker is that his passive makes his movement speed way over 500 (seen it hit 800ms before) so running away is impossible in less you have a tp and he has no basher.

                                                                                Pom Pom 🍕

                                                                                  ^Eul is very common on him too.

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