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General DiscussionNeed help dealing with gank heavy drafts

Need help dealing with gank heavy drafts in General Discussion


    So my teammates and I are having real trouble with gank heavy line-ups. This game being the prime example:

    The Tusk and Spirit Breaker would constantly dive our safe and mid lane from the FOW, making it either a 4 on 2 or 2 on 1. Even with wards and missing calls, it was a constant threat. Anyone on their own was taken out, leaving us with no lanes to farm for fear of being ganked. Needless to say, Tusk snowballed out of control.

    Our draft was not great (greedy with NP in the jungle) and 4 of their heroes could initiate from a distance. Regardless, what strategies are recommended against such line-ups? They seemed to have some trouble pushing high-ground, but broke it easily once our ES had used echo slam.

    Any thoughts?

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      all your picks suck!

      except centaur but he's a terrible hero so all 5 pick + lineups are terrible, one of the worst if not the worst i've seen.

      according to your skill level --cough cough NORMAL

      go with viper mid
      cyka woods
      dark seer off
      venge support
      lycan carry

      go undy + axe or smth offlane instead of woods

        이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.

          I agree the picks were not great, but any tips on a strategy we could've employed to at least stop or slow down their ganking style of play regardless of draft? Its hard to counter pick when everyone picks heroes in the last 5 seconds


            you're not even on the level to understand or play out counterpicks

            98% of the time THOSE 5 ARENT GONNA GET PICKED OR BANNED

            as its normal skill start with viper/cyka then venge

            Quick maffs

              The thing is, your only splitpusher was NP, and its pretty hard to play np against those heroes.

              Sadly i dont see how you could win this game even by playing better, unless ofc you played 2 k or 3 k mmr for above your enemy which isnt posible.

              Quick maffs

                Why did centaur go pipe ? it makes no sense at all, usually i dont like blademail but it could have worked way better than pipe in this game.

                Quick maffs

                  Anyway, for your future games just go undying axe offlane, from there you just cant ( or shoudnt ) lose


                    Funny you should say that Robbin, we picked Undying in the next game (with Slardar tho), but struggled still.

                    Unsure on the centaur pipe, he was the only one not in our stack. The CM ult perhaps, but that wasn't the main problem we faced.

                    Our plan ended up being to turlte and hope Sven could get big enough, but we lost a fight just outside the mid T3 and it was gg.

                    Dire Wolf

                      How did np feed 17 kills? My guess is he kept returning to jungle and dying over and over in the same spots. If that happens, deward. If still dying cus they're roaming stop fucking going into the jungle and support a lane. Also vs a bara you have to just expect ganks coming mid, hopefully you have enough vision to call it and then all the supports have to TP to turn it. I mean tusk + bara is a tough gank but if ES and cent tp and np teleports behind to root them you can turn that. Teams usually fall apart vs gank teams cus everyone wants to sit and farm their lane, but you have to be active vs them. That's why strong offlanes like axe + undying work so well cus no one fucking rotates to help out, they'll just concede the lane cus their offlane and mid want to farm rather than win.

                      And your sven has 1 cs/min. I don't care how far behind you are, that's fucking awful. There's no way you completely lost the lane in the first 10 minutes and he should easily have 40 cs by min 10, which isn't even very good, which is why I say easily.

                        이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.

                          Thanks for the informative post Timberwolf, some constructive criticism there. The TPs were def lacking, a couple of times we did but they got away with very little health left - the snowball not only saved tusk early a number of times but bought him enough time for his teammates to arrive and turn what we thought was a sure kill our way into a double kill theirs.


                            The best way to deal with heavy ganks is to respond to them and punish them. how do you do this?

                            1) get TPs early and always hold on to them, this is epically important for the supports early on. When the other team dives a lane if you/your team instantly TPs in you can save your ally or at least get a return kill.

                            2) NP and CW need to be more aware of what is going on globally, a CW ult can easily save some one getting dived, and NP could ult and TP in to earthier get a return kill or scare the other team off.

                            3) be aware of where the other team has sight, and avoid those spots when possible. while laneing ES could easily have avoided showing on the map, its a lot riskier for the other team to gank someone who is alone if a fisher might suddenly pop out of the fog of war and block them in under your tower (while NP TPs in to help). later on CW and you should also be doing this. if the other team tries to gank an apparently lone hero and 3 people jump out of the trees and turn the fight, then the other team will either stop ganking when people are missing from the map, or the other team will start feeding.

                            people are complaining a lot about items and bad team composition, and while there is some polishing to do all around the only thing that really seems god awful here is NP's item build, vlads and soul ring are never the right choices on him (making those is throwing away 3000 gold for no reason at all), have your friend look up some item builds for that hero before picking him again.

                            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                              Thanks 12, TPs seem to be the way to go! We tend to try and make sure we have them for escapes, but could definitely support each other more to turn ganks around. The idea of staying out of vision is something we need to work on as well.

                              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                Im on the Same Skill Level and what i always do when enemys gank and rotate a Lot: pick pusher teams and push always the lane thats Not ganked so u will get more tower Gold the enemys gain from the kills


                                  We tried that for a while London, the NP would push a little then get rekt by tusk/slardar/SB. It was too late by then, only option we felt was to turtle.

                                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                    So something quick I should probably share with you is that T1 towers do NOT have backdoor protection, and a few pushes from NP should have been able to take them down, and I know that as soon as you do the SB would charge him, but if he would of carried TPs to start a splitpush while Bara was in sight and then tp'd away then turtling may have gone better for you.

                                    Polkadot Piranha

                                      I think Nature's needed to farm a Mek, then you play 5-man push-dota. Win a teamfight? Nature's can TP to another lane and push another lane, but otherwise stay with you.