General Discussion

General Discussionam i going to very high skill ?

am i going to very high skill ? in General Discussion

    people going to very high skill after 2 game wtf...

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      i usually go very high skill after 3 games on my smurfs but looks like not this time

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        If you selected "I have played dota 2" I think you start out in 3.5k. You most likely will if you keep winnimg or up your hero damage.


          Finally vhs i was gonna give up on this smurf :D

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          CAN'T WIN

            I allways select i played dota 2 before and i allways begin on normal skill


              Alaho Akbar Is Real i hope u stop destroying dota community with that shit. Fucking smurfs hope u all die in the pits of flame


                dude its just a nick name and im not Moslem or something its just smurf and i wanted to pick a name that people talks about like my last name ( im a kitty boy )
                its troll name i specially picked that name becuz ppl like you.
                that makes u mad thats why i love it:D

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                ✔️ DemKy Nigerian Prince

                  when you make a new smurf, how many unranked games do you need to play before you can go ranked ?

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                    no one gives a fuck about muslims, he's talking about SMURFS RUINING

                    Mortimer Smith

                      about 170 games to play ranked


                        Normal Thursday