General Discussion

General DiscussionHow do I stop getting upset/salty in Dota?

How do I stop getting upset/salty in Dota? in General Discussion
Hex Sigma

    It only happens when i'm playing solo. In party it doesn't happen at all. I don't rage or anything just that I get upset when I see people do stupid shit. I know I am also bad, but for some reason I can't stop checking other players.

    It is detrimental to me because it usually stops me from having fun/improving/taking insight with the game. I also have this mmr anxiety or fear whatever, that makes me not want to play because I might drop in mmr(currently 3k), so I guess the saltiness when I see someone which can lead to a loss and thus to lower mmr, comes from this.
    Even though it's retarded I have considered playing with the camera locked and without any scoreboard just so I don't see what others are doing XD

    Any help is appreciated.

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      Hex Sigma

        Nah it's not due to the fact that I am playing too many matches. Even if I take let's say a 1 year break and come back it will still be the same. Actually it happened to me in other team based games when I was not playing with a stack.

        plz do

          mute chat. play ur game. accept that ur teammates are possibly worse or will make bad decisions. mb ping or tell them to b early enough and not spam ggwp after they made the mistake.


            Acknowledge the fact that you are all playing solo, and you are not familiar with each other. Yes, there are some generic guidelines heroes and roles follow, but the game can be played in so many styles inside those guidelines that sometimes you just cant help but wondering what on earth are other players doing. Its just your different perspectives on the game. I find it quite unlikely you could change the other players view of the game during that 30 min game, so what you can do is to adapt yourself when you see what your teammates are doing. Its not always how well you play your role from your perspective, but teamwork meas more of skill to adapt to your current team, and of course the opposing team also. So changing your view from getting all wired up or frustrated from new situations to being curious and studying the other players, you can likely also adjust your own mindset at the game. Its a skill, but one you can learn - not the kind of skill you are born with or without.

            I would not recommend on muting anyone because you lose a big aspect of the game, or pointing out mistakes. They may not even be mistakes, your own attitude might be the mistake there. Things may seem to you like a mistake only because you view the situation in a different perspective. That does not still make decisions mistakes, its only the fact that you might not see whats going on the same way.

            Being defensive, salty or frustrated is a common reaction on people when they meet something they do not fully understand. Its not even about dota, but human nature that makes you react like that. You need to recognize your own reactions and get over them.

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            Livin' Real Good

              Right now i'm dealing with rage fits too, it's gotten pretty bad this week, i was on a winning streak (mostly cause of me) and now i'm on a losing streak (mostly cause of them) i can't play a single game without the score being 1-9 the first 6 mins, Dota 2 is hard, but it's not THAT hard, seriously, how do you die so much? the MMR implies that those people are suppose to be in my skill range (3K MMR) but that's a joke, no way i'm on the same plane as these filthy casuals, i'm also not saying "hire me team secret! i'm pro!" so fuck off. >.>

              Giff me Wingman

                stop sucking usually helps.


                  You can get a little upset when players on your team do stupid shit but don't let it rush to your head, remind yourself that this is just a game (and we play games to enjoy ourselves).


                    i keep thinking that way, but sadly sometimes i think that some of my teammates have an iq of a 5 year old....


                      Relax itz only gam axaxxaxax


                        just treat having bad teammates as a handicap which makes good practice
                        i used to get worked up over it but now i just laugh and forget about it

                        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                          Don't put too much stock in winning or losing.
                          Just take what you can from the game and learn from it.
                          Raging only leads to tilting = no fun.

                          I need to take my own advice


                            You're in normal skill dude, you cant expect anything from your teamates really. If you're better then them, you will know how to win the game and if you did everything you could, then you have absolutely no reason to get salty. You cant win them all.


                              Get a 1v9 mindset and play your own game! Also learn to ping like a million times a second!


                                If you are tilting, if you are emotionally upset, you will not think clearly and will not play your best. You know this, but what do you do about it.

                                First, in the game where you notice the problem - refocus on personal goals that might help win the game, but stop trying to win the game. For instance, as a support just try to make sure the map is warded. Or as a carry just try to make sure you are getting a good farming rotation and missing as few lasthits as you can. Or as an initiator, pick out an important target and make sure they die first in the fights.

                                Stop worrying about whether your team wins or not, and just get your job done. This is damage control. Next you need to stabilize your emotional state. It is easy to do this by taking a break, not from dota - but from tryhard dota. Play an unranked game and random a hero for fun. Maybe even play something like ability draft. Get your mind off of tryhard. Then you can reset and go back into a new game afterwards with new people.

                                If you have a losing streak, realize that these things happen and sometimes you just get a team who picks the wrong heroes. Sometimes this happens several times in a row. You have to focus on what you can control, and that's just you. You know you are going to win and lose 50% of the time whether you win or lose this game your are just storing up future success or failures.

                                Did you win? Soon you will lose. Did you lose? Soon you will win. Nothing will change this. Even for the best players in the world lose 1/4 pub games.

                                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                  Just keep telling yourself that there is a greater than 50% chance of the retard being on the enemy team next match. unless it is you, then you are screwed :)

                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                    Be a normal human being and realize it's just a game?

                                    Quick maffs

                                      Ignore them, they are a function of nature, you cant change them, they will do stupid shit no matter how mad you get, so why get mad anyway ?

                                      Just focus on yourself, mute everyone if you lose your shit, be selfish and focus on yourself.


                                        I rarely get mad at teammates but the try hard enemys who 4 man gank me middle 5 times in 5 mins. What's my problem?


                                          I don't know about you but the simplest way is often the easiest way which is to not give a fuck and just play ur own game. If you feel like throwing at times just go ahead and throw.

                                          If your skill level is improving you will still see a general upward trend in your mmr.

                                          Look at me, Hector.

                                            wraithseeker = dota 2 mmr god player

                                            he 5k good playerxD


                                              i am 4k and god of dota and mmr


                                                Don't play support in normal skill


                                                  dude you're not even good yourself, why are you trying to blame others?

                                                  you lose because you're NOT good enough, if you were, whatever idiocy others on your team may do WOULDN'T MATTER

                                                  just ->> GIT GUD and stop whining -_> You're whats wrong with society stupid piece of shit garbage that can only see faults in others and shit thinking you're better and shit when you can't even realize how fucking trash you are yourself!


                                                    Lost a game? Your teammates fed? Wan't to break the computer? Well. take a look back and realise it's literally -25 imaginary points in an online videogame, and it has literally zero effect in real life. You lost imaginary points, and nothing else. With that said fuck pinoys u all can go drown in horse cum

                                                    Quick maffs

                                                      " You're whats wrong with society stupid piece of shit garbage that can only see faults in others and shit thinking you're better and shit when you can't even realize how fucking trash you are yourself!"

                                                      WAIT, is this coming from the same benao who throw games whenever someone flames him/feeds ?


                                                      " stupid piece of shit garbage that can only see faults in others and shit thinking you're better and shit when you can't even realize how fucking trash you are"

                                                      AYYYYYYYY LMAO


                                                        i dont complain

                                                        winning the game is sometimes not worth it and i reduce the time wasted on the game (and spent dealing with trash) by feeding --> logic

                                                        -mmr? who cares, i can get it back whenever

                                                        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                        Quick maffs

                                                          So you feed without flaming your team ? because flaming its like complaining.

                                                          I am pretty sure you think you are better than others too, but whatever.


                                                            ur what? 4k and have played the game for 10+ years? off urself

                                                            Dire Wolf

                                                              It's a game, have fun with it, or take a break and go get laid. Lots of other stuff more important than dota.


                                                                > HOW DO I STOP GETTING UPSET/SALTY IN DOTA?
                                                                you dont.