General Discussion

General DiscussionIt's OVER 9000 COMPENDIUM

It's OVER 9000 COMPENDIUM in General Discussion

    i saw similar pic for previous compendium, and the guys having high levels were also chinese. That's some sort of a tendency, not just a coincidence.

    EZ MID 9k mmr

      I once played with some Chinese dude who had 9000+ compendium.

      CAN'T WIN

        The explanation is very logical:
        On china there are a lot of chinnese people (some of that chinesse girls come to spain but they are all ugly… but thats another history), well if u dont have childrens on china, the government gave u a lot of compendium points.

        They secure your virginity for the rest of your life with all of that immortals.


          maybe they are popular chinese streamers and people donate compendium points.

          Giff me Wingman

            i have a guy on my list who has compendium level 1009, cuz he wanted it.