yo lemmy, good thing youre branching out :D hes good actually, but i think people just overthink when trying to play him. i think his item should be similar to PA and Void. Skip them ags.
He is really good hero.
@Bad Intentions
What do you mean by similar to PA and Void ? I mean those two heroes dont even build the same items so ...
brew was only played because he was op. He isn't anymore and there you have it! -->unskilled people can't win without an OP hero so they don't pick it
but he wasn't really changed so how is he not op anymore? He got a tiny nerf to thunderclap but buffs to other stuff. I think he just fell out of meta when people stopped playing melee mids and spam qop, lesh, sf, wr mid all day now. Cus he is not a good safe lane carry, he's not a great support (too greedy) and he's not a great offlane (no escapes or stuns).
Gonna be playing him soon cus he's in my hero challenge and I really don't know where to put him. Guess I'll try to mid.
the only down side of shiva over agahs, is that you have to farm a 2700 gold item, otherwise it's just wayyy better (and it's even easier to see it with sand king btw, 2 pulse of 110 damage each or shiva, wtf easy choice)
@bad intentions
I dont know man i build phase drums blink on brew and i never build those items on void or pa.
Yeah you build mkbs and bashers on brew? Then you're probably doing it wrong. Aghs is kind of overrated.
the hero is still very strong, but it's a hero which if not leveled/itemised properly, falls off quickly in the mid-late.
you really only need brown boots, bottle and blink to have an impact. from this point, the hero is very versatile and can make good use of virtually any item of the game (my mostly builts items are shivas, vlad's, travel's and bkb). it's also a very good gem carrier.
I thought blink -> Vlads -> Bkb -> AC -> basher -> abyssal was a fairly good build for late game brew wasn't it? Or is that outdated
Brew and Slark are my favorite heroes, i still think he's strong. From what i heard from 6K buddies , is that he's infamous for always being good in Dota, so not sure why people aren't picking him, even if he's not a top tier hero in the current meta, he's always solid in the each meta from what i'm hearing. I played a few very high skill games with him on a friends account (cause i don't smurf, and want to get this account to 4K) i had lots of success in the 4.5 - 4.8 area.
Here's the last bad thing i've heard:
MKB on late carrys counters Brew too hard, two of his abilities, not to mention black king bar being a cheaper option to counter the first two abilities, and even better if you have both MKB and BKB.
Here's what i think: Honestly, i think lots of people don't pick him cause they never know how to build him right, so they do bad with him, and think he sucks, especially at 1-3K MMR. Finally, i think there's this misconception that you have to have amazing micro skills just to "handle" primal split, which totally isn't true. Might take a bit of skill to effectively use Ags primal split and get the most out of it. But even then, all that takes is a nice trip to a private lobby in WTF mode, to practice using it with ags on dummy bots and creeps.
cuz micro heroes are in general rather unpopular, also brew really gets fucked up by silvers edge.
That's a good point about silver edge, that was an indirect nerf toward brew for sure, but i don't care, primal split, then watch them run away. O_O
^^ he isn't really a micro hero though, tabbing through your selections to stun, tornado or dispel while right clicking/body blocking, for 19 seconds is not the same as trying to farm 3 lanes at once with meepo for the entire game. its not even as bad as trying to fight with both creeps and your hero when you are playing enchant, chen or visage.
Brew is my most played hero by a fairly large margin. He got nerfed pretty hard a few patches ago with the increase in drunken brawler crit and evasion reset. Plus they nerfed his armor by 3 I think too. That was pretty huge. I dont play him nearly as much any more because of that. It really destroyed his early game when they did that. I still think he is viable since he has so much CC but late game he falls off pretty hard, especially against bkb core carrys. Also I still think that phase, blink, aghs should be gotten as quickly as possible in the majority of games. In good matches I normally had those 3 plus bottle and a bracer between 20-25 mins. However, I have seen a lot of success with going aghs refresher and also with vlads basher and AC. As far as the micro goes, it isnt as hard as most people think it is. You can tab through the spirits pretty easily. The hardest part about microing him is blocking with the fire spirit while controlling the others and it just takes a bit of practice.
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103rd most picked is pretty damn bad. I know BKB renders him practically useless, but 103rd most picked hero is pretty low.
Also, any advantages to get aghs as a first item after blink, I always go shiva's after blink , helps mana cost and gives me more dmg when i blink initiate and ult